
Chapter 279 Cutting off the way out

Zhang Zheng was still about to curse, but suddenly he felt someone holding his wrist, which was cold but with a soft touch.

He glanced at Jiang Shan in surprise.

Jiang Shan's expression was still blank, his eyes staring at Zhou Hu who was almost on the other side. The two pupils in his eyes seemed darker than usual.

Zhang Zheng's mouth suddenly closed.

After reaching the other side, Bai Jin ordered his men to cut the rope directly and fall into the deep black hole. This really leaves no room for retreat.

"Don't forget, you will have no way out if you do this." Wei Yuan finally reminded him.

It's a pity that Bai Jin turned around directly with the person. For him, giving up a worthless person is like a piece of shit.

But when Bai Jin and his gang were completely invisible, Zhang Zheng dared to turn his face in shock. The first thing he saw was that Jiang Shan was actually smiling!

Jiang Shan grinned, his smile a little weird and sinister.

Although it is a bit inappropriate to use this to describe Jiang Shan, Jiang Shan's expression at this moment is indeed frightening to see in this dark underground.

"Qi...Miao Shanshan, what are you doing?"

Jiang Shan's eyes were dark and empty, but she held Zhang Zheng's hand. This will already be loosened.

"You can't really give us a hint, can you?" Zhang Zheng was lying if he said he wasn't excited.

Wei Yuan used the flashlight to shine on Jiang Shan's pupils again, but unfortunately Jiang Shan still had no reaction to the light and could not even turn. But the smile at the corner of his mouth has slowly faded away. The whole face returned to normal.

Zhao Ying suddenly said: "I feel relieved."

Now there are four people in their team again. They were together with Bai Jin before. Although there are many people, Zhao Ying feels that most of the mental pressure comes from that group of people.

"Why are the Beijing and Hong Kong Guards willing to give that grandson so many people? Aren't you afraid of burying all the elite guards here?" Zhang Zheng didn't like Bai Jin, but he couldn't help but feel that it was not worth it for the Beijing and Hong Kong Guards.

Wei Yuan said: "None of these people are from the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard."

Zhang Zheng was shocked: "Old Wei, what did you say?"

All of those people are absolutely professionals, and each of them is as good as 2,580,000 yuan. How could they not be from the Beijing and Hong Kong Guards?

Zhao Ying was also surprised: "Then who are they?" Bai Jin said it himself, those were all mercenaries.

"Mercenary," Wei Yuan raised his eyes and looked at the two of them, "Will this be a profession in peacetime? There is a tattoo on the wrist of someone who is exposed. He is not one of our people." The troops they selected have strict requirements. There are restrictions on the body skin during the physical examination. Those people may indeed be mercenaries, but they should be top-notch spies from the border. Such people have long been caught and thrown into prison.

Then think about where Bai Jin was released from.

"Those people are probably the criminals who were imprisoned in Beacon Prison with him." Even the doctor who was afraid of Bai Jin had a reason to be afraid of Bai Jin. No one in this team is a regular staff member.

Zhang Zheng was really unheard of: "Are they all criminals?"

I'm a dear, is this a team of desperadoes?

Wei Yuan had made a guess before, but he was convinced after seeing a tattoo on one of them's hands: "The superiors will not send real elite guards to him. The reason should be the same as what you just said." The manpower of the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard is so precious, their A life is worth much more than a criminal.

Zhang Zheng rubbed his face vigorously: "I have only seen this kind of thing in previous movies, and suddenly I feel a little sympathy for that guy."

Isn't this just cannon fodder? There isn't even an important person in this group of people.

"It should be something like a military order. If you don't succeed, you will die."

In other words, these people should have been punished by death. Zhao Ying asked: "Then what should we do next?"

Now there is an abyss in front of them, and there is something behind... and they don't know where they are, and all their equipment and tools have been taken away by Bai Jin and others. Isn't this the beginning of hell? !

Now, all they had left was a walkie-talkie and a flashlight.

Damn it, Zhang Zheng wanted to scold him again, but he actually felt a little sympathy just now? Have sympathy for himself!

"Well, can we turn back?" This question has become a haunting shadow.

But when Zhang Zheng thought about what Bai Jin and his gang had done just now, it could be considered a "turn back" in a sense, right? Why do they seem to be fine?

Wei Yuan also said at this time: "Looking back, maybe my understanding is a bit one-sided."

In fact, it’s not just about looking back.

It was too late to say that, but soon, Zhao Ying suddenly touched her forehead, looking a little crazy, "I feel relieved that those people are gone."


Wei Yuan and Zhang Zheng looked at Zhao Ying suddenly.

Zhao Ying turned around blankly: "Then what should we do next?"

Here I go, the familiar repeater.

Wei Yuan and Zhang Zheng took a breath.

"She, she didn't look back at all just now, did she?" What on earth is going on?

Zhao Ying was a little confused: "What are you talking about? What should we do next? Can we turn back?"

Wei Yuan noticed that Zhao Ying seemed to be looking in a certain direction just now.

At that glance, her expression suddenly turned blank.

"I have a guess." Wei Yuan suddenly looked down, staring at his knees, "You all close your eyes. Turn on the record button on the intercom."

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng didn't know what happened, but they all followed the instructions immediately. After operating the intercom, the two closed their eyes.

"I put something on Ashan's body. It's in the left pocket. Zhao Ying, take it out."

What? When did Wei Yuan put something on Jiang Shan? !
Zhao Ying's heart skipped a beat, but she stretched out her hand tremblingly, and soon touched Jiang Shan who was standing next to her. She slowly reached into her left pocket, and actually touched something. It's so small, no wonder they didn't notice that Jiang Shan had something on him before.

Zhao Ying took it out immediately, but because her eyes were closed, she could only feel that the thing was round, and she didn't know what it was.

Soon she felt Wei Yuan take the thing away from her hand.

Something like a pocket watch, but this is a "pinhole camera". Wei Yuan did not bring anything with him, but he always had a backup just in case.

Wei Yuan went to great lengths to preserve the object and slow its erosion.

He pointed the lens of the infrared camera in the direction that Zhao Ying had just looked at and pressed the shutter.

The sound of the instrument's axis rotating sounded three or four times in a row. He didn't know how long this thing would last, so Wei Yuan certainly wanted to maximize his profits. Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying, who had their eyes closed, both heard the strange noise.

"Old Wei, can we open our eyes? Hello? Why don't you speak, Old Wei?"

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