
Chapter 280 The Disappeared Corpse

Both Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng heard Wei Yuan's walkie-talkie ring.

Soon Bai Jin's voice came: "Dr. Wei, since we are separated, I will tell you something."

Wei Yuan's voice seemed to pause for a moment: "What are you going to say?"

There was a rustling noise on the intercom: "How did I tell you about this mission? I told you that the workers digging the water channel were missing, right?"

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng closed their eyes and felt their hearts tremble. What did Bai Jin want to say?
Wei Yuan seemed to pause for a long time before asking: "So what?"

The walkie-talkie made a little more noise. It seemed that Bai Jin was walking farther and farther away from them. The sound was torn and deformed, which was a bit eerie: "Actually, I know a little bit about this matter. There was actually some extra information before the worker disappeared. Something happened... The commander who was on the shore at that time heard the workers' noise coming from the communication device. It seemed that there was internal strife, and then..."

There was a continuous buzzing noise from the intercom.

Zhang Zheng wanted to open his eyes several times, but Wei Yuan remained silent and he still didn't dare. Was this Bai Mao still angry with them before he left? Isn't it too insidious?

"There was a worker who went crazy and killed all his fellow workers."

"When the people on the shore went down to look for them, there were no bodies on the ground. They had all disappeared."

When Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng heard such gloomy words, especially Zhao Ying, they immediately felt their bodies go cold.

What the hell? One man goes crazy and kills everyone?

I just felt that the air around me was suddenly a little colder.

Wei Yuan's voice sounded obviously serious: "Bai Jin, why did you hide such a thing in the first place?"

Taking them on a mission without revealing all the inside information?
Crazy? Why are you going crazy? Did you mention it in one word? And how could one person kill everyone? Just thinking about it feels ridiculous. Even if one person holds a submachine gun, can he kill hundreds of workers in one go? Don’t others resist? Even if hundreds of people rush forward, that person can be subdued, right?

Bai Jin seemed to be smiling: "This inside story has nothing to do with this mission. I'm telling you this out of kindness and ask Dr. Wei to take care of himself."

Hiss, hiss, the sound on the other end of the intercom was completely silent.

Zhang Zheng cursed: "Old Wei..."

"Don't, don't open your eyes." Wei Yuan seemed to know what he wanted to do, and said with a trembling voice, "Don't open your eyes yet."

Zhang Zheng's heart was a little trembling, why did Wei's voice sound like he was greatly stimulated? No, that Baimao might have deliberately made up a story to scare them. Besides, even if it was true, it wouldn't be able to scare Wei Yuan.

In short, Bai Jin's words about doing things for yourself are obviously full of bad intentions.

Zhao Ying holds Jiang Shan's hand. She is not protecting Jiang Shan now, but Jiang Shan can give her a sense of security.

Wei Yuan stared at the pinhole camera in his hand. The miniature screen showed what he had just photographed. When taking the photo, Wei Yuan was cautious and only pointed the camera in that direction. He did not turn his head to look at it with his eyes. Therefore, he took several photos in a row to ensure that everything in that direction could be recorded.

Pinhole cameras were previously used for criminal investigation and evidence collection, as well as miniature experiments. They have built-in infrared devices, so the dark cave walls that are invisible to the naked eye can be clearly photographed under the camera lens.

I saw that there were many small sunken grooves on the cave wall, a bit like a honeycomb, very densely packed. Wei Yuan enlarged one of the grooves little by little. He saw something inside the groove, which seemed to be inlaid with particles. He continued to enlarge, and for a moment he felt dizzy and vomiting.

His hand holding the camera began to tremble, and he closed his eyes tightly, as if he had been stabbed deep in his brain.

"Old Wei? What happened?" Zhang Zheng was still asking.

No way, maybe Wei Yuan was also tricked, right? But don’t!
Wei Yuan continued to look at several photos he had taken in succession. He looked at the grooves one by one. Every groove was the same, with the same inlaid inside. After reading it, Wei Yuan's whole body felt weak and he was soaked with sweat. His whole body even turned black, and he almost fell out of the wheelchair.

Zhao Ying noticed that Wei Yuan's breathing was not right, and her heart became raised, "...Dr. Wei? Why can't we open our eyes?"

Wei Yuan's throat was dry and he couldn't speak. Even if it was just a photo, it seemed to have affected his brain. He couldn't remember what he had done for a few seconds.

"We have to leave here right away..." Wei Yuan held the pinhole camera tightly with his fingers deformed, "I may know where those hundreds of workers are."

"Old Wei, we are also people who have seen strong winds and waves. If you just tell us what you saw, you won't even frown."

Zhang Zheng was making bold statements there, but Zhao Ying vaguely thought out some logic, "We didn't remember to look back before. Is it true that after closing our eyes, we can't be affected by something in the dark?"

For example, things that interfere with their nerves and memory.

Wei Yuan did not answer Zhao Ying. The current situation could not be explained in words, but Zhao Ying did touch the edge. "There is no road ahead now. Let's try to retreat as far as we can from the original route."

Zhang Zheng was anxious: "It's not Old Wei, we still have our eyes closed, how can we retreat?"

Wei Yuan pressed his head. The impact was too strong for him. He was now in a trance. "We have to leave here right away... I may know where those hundreds of workers are."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng were both shocked. It was over. Sure enough, Wei Yuan was also affected. Zhang Zheng was next to Wei Yuan. When he heard the tone of Wei Yuan's voice, his tone changed, "I know those hundreds of workers." Where are you."

"I know where those hundreds of workers are..." There was desolation and horror in the voice.

"Old Wei!" Zhang Zheng was right next to Wei Yuan. He couldn't care so much now. He suddenly opened his eyes and turned around to see Wei Yuan's dull and blank face.

Zhang Zheng began to shake him: "Old Wei, wake up!"

Wei Yuan's eyes were as wide as bells when he saw them, but he didn't even blink. I can't seem to see him either.

Zhang Zheng thought of something, suddenly raised his hand and covered Wei Yuan's eyes tightly.

"Don't look, don't look, no matter what the hell it is, let's not look at it yet."

Zhang Zheng could feel Wei Yuan's two eyeballs in his palm. It seemed like a minute had passed before he felt Wei Yuan's eyeballs suddenly move and seemed to have regained his reaction.

Zhang Zheng then moved his hand away tremblingly and saw Wei Yuan's bloodshot eyes. "Zhang Zheng?"

"Old Wei, you scared me to death."

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