
Chapter 281 Don’t look

Chapter 281 Don’t look

Wei Yuan stared at Zhang Zheng. He had almost never looked like this before. As if his body had been taken away, "Don't look around."

Zhang Zheng's heart was beating wildly and he said, "I'm just looking at you. I'm not looking anywhere."

The surroundings are indeed a bit eerie, but it won't make Wei Yuan lose his composure like this, right? Wei Yuanke never showed any emotions.

Zhang Zheng saw the round pinhole camera in Wei Yuan's hand, pointed at it and said, "Old Wei, what is this?"

Wei Yuan grabbed the camera and said, "From now on, look at your feet and don't look anywhere around you." As he spoke, Wei Yuan himself stared at his knees, looking extremely cautious.

Zhao Ying felt Jiang Shan's hand moving wildly in her palm, as if he wanted to break away from her: "Headache."

Zhao Ying dared to let go of her and quickly opened her eyes. Then she remembered Wei Yuan's words and quickly stared at the ground again. Now she and Zhang Zheng are full of doubts, but this doubt also contains a terrifying unknown.

"Now we only turn on a flashlight to save electricity, because we don't know when we can go out." Wei Yuan continued.

Now the three of them are staring at the ground. The light of the flashlight can only shine to about half a meter. How can they walk just staring at this range?

"But Old Wei, can't we find the right path if this continues?" When Zhang Zheng opened his eyes just now, he thought something terrible would happen. He was ready for everything. He even felt that even if something happened in front of him, Any scary monster would be better than nothing at all unknown now.

The fear of the unknown is too excruciating.

Because human imagination is unlimited.

"Old Wei, you just kept repeating that you know where those hundreds of workers are..." Zhang Zheng swallowed. He wanted to ask, so where are they? But seeing Wei Yuan's expression, he felt unable to ask.

Wei Yuan's face was extremely stiff.

He remained silent for a long time, and the pinhole camera in his hand was getting frighteningly hot. If he said it, he would definitely scare them to death.


Under the infrared lens, the grooves were clearly photographed, and they were densely packed with eyes as dense as stars.

The white ball of the pupil, the human eye.

The number is huge, probably several hundred, at least several hundred pairs.

"Get out of here first." Wei Yuan's movement to pull the handbrake was a little twitchy. "There should be footprints on the ground from when we came. Follow the traces."

Even at this time, Wei Yuan's thinking was still very clear.

The underground soil is soft and will definitely leave footprints, so even if you can only look down at the ground, there is still a way to find the way.

Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying both lowered their heads and stared at their toes. Although they didn't know what was going on, they would still strictly implement Wei Yuan's words.

Only Jiang Shan always looked straight into the darkness. The depths of her pupils were covered with a halo, as if something shadowy was reflected in the halo.

The pinhole camera was tightly held in Wei Yuan's hand, and the miniature screen was completely covered.

However, between lowering their heads, Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying still exchanged silent glances with each other. Both of them were now suspicious.

Wei Yuan and Bai Jin were different. They would not deliberately conceal important clues from them. In any case, Wei Yuan's current reaction was so weird, it seemed that there was something extremely terrifying around them.

But why, if the surroundings are really so dangerous, how can they still walk safely? Bai Jin told the truth before. They have not encountered any real danger since they went down here.

When it comes to horror, it is also at the environmental and psychological level.

Except for the timid doctor who left, even Zhou Hu, who thought he was lost, is back.

However, there does seem to be something strange between these seemingly ordinary things. Zhao Ying felt that her heartbeat was very abnormal, but she couldn't explain her intuition.

Zhao Ying whispered: "There was really a worker... who killed everyone?" This story had a huge impact on Zhao Ying.

"This is just a story. You would be a fool if you believed it." Zhang Zheng gritted his teeth and said, "Even if I have never dug waterways or worked as a worker, I know that it is impossible for hundreds of workers to stay in one place to dig. , this waterway is winding and winding, with so many branches, the workers must be working separately, how can they be concentrated in one place and wait for that person to kill?"

Is that worker a Terminator? He's so awesome.

The loopholes are so obvious that the editor didn't care, which makes people sneer.

Zhao Ying paused and couldn't help but said: "It's true what you said."

Zhang Zheng beamed with pride: "I have also read hundreds of detective novels." This kind of clumsy lie can be broken at a glance. That Bai Mao was deliberately trying to scare them, and was extremely shameless.

None of them saw Wei Yuan, who was in the wheelchair with his head lowered, and his face was ashen.

The four members of the team retreated for about five or six minutes. They could only hear the sound of footsteps and the wheels of the wheelchair. The surroundings were extremely quiet.

Wei Yuan let go of the camera in his hand, pointed the lens slightly upward, and pressed the shutter when neither Zhang Zheng nor Zhao Ying was paying attention.

Both of them heard a slight clicking sound, but it was just overlapped by the squeaking sound of the wheelchair. After finishing the filming, Wei Yuan turned the screen upside down and put it in his palm again, and happened to hear Zhao Ying say: "Is there some kind of magnetic field in the ground that interferes with our brains?"

If we could find a scientific principle to explain it, maybe many things wouldn't be so scary.

But if it is a magnetic field, it cannot explain the "turning back" thing.

In the final analysis, the magnetic field will affect everyone who is within the energy field, but now it seems that only when looking at a certain place, people will appear strange.

"Ah!" Zhao Ying found that Jiang Shan suddenly began to struggle violently, trying to escape from her hand. "Ashan!"

Jiang Shan was so strong that Zhao Ying couldn't hold on when he really wanted to break free. After a few seconds, Zhao Ying's hand was violently thrown away!

Jiang Shan stared straight ahead, raised his feet and strode in one direction.

The sudden change also stunned the three of them. Now they could no longer lower their heads and walk away slowly. Zhang Zheng raised his flashlight and chased after him: "Jiang Shan!"

Zhao Ying had no choice. She pushed up Wei Yuan's wheelchair and followed quickly: "Ashan!"

Zhang Zheng caught up with Jiang Shan within two steps and found that Jiang Shan was just walking very fast, but she didn't really leave them behind. She turned directly to the left at a fork in the road, as if she was heading straight towards a certain place. goal passed.

"Where are you going?" Zhang Zheng followed her quickly and kept asking, "Jiang Shan? Miracle Shanshan?"

Jiang Shan's eyes were staring straight at the dark tunnel. Suddenly, her steps stopped, just as suddenly as when she broke away. Zhao Ying and Wei Yuan rushed over from behind, and were overjoyed to see Jiang Shan finally stop.


Zhang Zheng slowly moved the flashlight's light towards where Jiang Shan was staring, and saw a man squatting there with his back to them.

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