
Chapter 302 The 2nd Shanshan

Chapter 302 The Second Kindness

Zhang Zheng noticed that Wei Yuan gave him a look, which seemed to remind him to pay attention to Bai Jin.

Everyone is exhausted now. If Bai Jin suddenly attacks again, they probably won't be able to withstand it.

"Remember to send Zhao Ying to the medical clinic after you get out. She is probably the first person to survive after being possessed by ghost water." Wei Yuan didn't seem to be addressing a specific target, but everything in his words was With a hint of overtone.

Now not only Jiang Shan, Zhao Ying is also an important research subject. What kind of changes happened to the body after being eroded by the ghost water? Was this change reversed or forcibly terminated?

Compared with ordinary people, Zhao Ying's current body is still considered a normal human being. They didn't know any of this, and it was all valuable research information.

Zhang Zheng was finally smart this time. After reacting, he immediately raised his voice and said, "Yes, maybe Zhao Ying can become the second Shanshan?"

Bai Jin, who was walking in front, had a touch of cruelty in his cold, electronic eyes. He had indeed been planning just now and wanted to get rid of all the people who were in the way. He just wanted to take Jiang Shan back to the ground alone, and everyone else was gone. Go to hell.

But I didn't expect that such an episode would happen.

Wei Yuan stared at Bai Jin's back. He knew that Bai Jin must be planning to trick them one by one, just like he tricked other mercenaries to death, so now he can only try to make Bai Jin fearful, Zhang Zheng is carrying Jiang Shan, he took Zhao Ying with him. No matter who Bai Jin wanted to harm, one of Zhao Ying and Jiang Shan would be implicated.

Bai Jin opened a bottle of water, "Do you want to drink it?" He smiled.

Zhang Zheng's soul was almost thirsty, but he didn't dare to drink the water handed over by this garbage even if he died of thirst. He shook his head with a cold neck.

Wei Yuan also declined.

Bai Jin laughed out loud, raised the water bottle in his hand and drank most of it, even spitting out a mouthful on purpose.

At a time when water was more expensive than gold, Zhang Zheng wanted to turn into a zombie and bite him to death.

Bai Jin handed the water bottle to the security guard like a charity.

There was hesitation in the security guard's eyes, but he still took it: "Thank you, thank you Mr. Bai..."

This was the last bottle of water they brought.

But the security guard stared at the bottle of water and still didn't dare to drink it. Anyway, I can go out soon. No matter how thirsty I am, I can endure it.

he thought congratulating himself.

After experiencing this journey, he already knew that he could not have any luck with Bai Jin, because this man was too terrifying and too perverted.

You can't even understand how someone can be so perverted.

Of course, after seeing that half of his electronic brain, we might be able to understand it a little better.

The security guard was holding a half bottle of water and walking beside him very cautiously. It could be seen that he had tried hard to reduce his presence and not let Bai Jin notice him.

Zhang Zheng felt a little pity for him. It was not good to follow anyone, but he followed such a big pervert.

Even if nothing dangerous happened, I was still scared to death.

Bai Jin obviously enjoyed playing with other people's lives. He just stared at the poor man who was afraid of death: "What's wrong, don't you dare to drink?"

The security guard's face was earthy. He looked at Bai Jin and held back a sentence for a long time: "I, I'm not thirsty, Mr. Bai."

Bai Jin made that ugly weird laugh again. He looked at Zhang Zheng and Wei Yuan, "You don't dare to drink?"

Zhang Zheng reminded himself that he was carrying Jiang Shan on his back now, so he must not be angered by this scumbag.

The smile on Bai Jin's face turned cold, and he said, "We're here."

Suddenly, it was as if a village had become bright again, and a bright light suddenly shone through the dark ground. Just when they turned a corner, several people looked up and saw the big hole in front of them. What spreads down is like a waterfall of light and shadow.

Although several people almost lost their minds while underground, they were still stunned by the beauty of nature at this moment.

Nature is so cruel and yet so magnificent. Only Bai Jin didn't feel moved at all. He even looked at the hope on other people's faces, and on the contrary showed the ridicule of bystanders.

Although this cave entrance is not the one they came down from before, it is innocuous. The most important thing is that there is a hanging ladder hanging on the rock wall of this cave entrance.

It looks like it was left over from the previous construction, and the opening is much smaller than the previous one, at most the width of a well.

"Who goes up first?"

If someone else asked this question, it would be a gentleman's demeanor, but if it were Bai Jin, it would be very scary.

"Why don't you go up first?" Zhang Zheng said passionately.

Unexpectedly, Bai Jin said, "Okay." Then he really walked towards the hanging ladder.

At this time, there was a look of fear on the security guard's face.

Zhang Zheng also realized, that's not right, if this scum goes up first, the hole is so narrow, and when they go up, he kicks it down, wouldn't it be over?

"Wait a minute! You can't go up first."

Bai Jin turned around coldly and stared at several people: "You'd better think about it."

Zhang Zheng was not good at using his brain, so he looked at Wei Yuan for help.

I didn’t expect that it would be so difficult to decide who should go up first before the exit.

The security guard rolled his eyes: "How about I go up first? After I go up, I can pull you down."

Everyone was silent, and the security guard laughed a few times in embarrassment.

He really wanted to get out right away, and once he got out, he would run away immediately. He doesn't care about any living base or prison. He wants to run far away by himself and never come back.

He really had had enough, had enough.

"How about letting Zhang Zheng go up first?" Wei Yuan said, "He can carry Jiang Shan on his back first, and then... we can send Zhao Ying out again."

Wei Yuan looked at Bai Jin as if asking. But in fact, Bai Jin would not refuse this order at all.

Sure enough, Bai Jin smiled: "Okay, I'll listen to Dr. Wei."

Zhang Zheng was stunned. He looked at Wei Yuan and wanted to say something. Wei Yuan gave him a signal that could not be refuted.

This sequence at least ensures the absolute safety of Zhang Zheng and Jiang Shan, especially when Zhang Zheng goes up, he will occupy the most powerful side.

Zhang Zheng gritted his teeth, knowing that now was not the time to act impulsively. He carried Jiang Shan on his back and started walking up the hanging ladder.

"Can I use the rope?" Wei Yuan asked the security guard. The security guard has a safety rope wrapped around his waist.

Under Bai Jin's gaze, the security guard reluctantly untied the rope and handed it to Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng understood and tied himself and Jiang Shan firmly with ropes to ensure that they would not fall when climbing the ladder. Then Zhang Zheng took one last look at Wei Yuan and climbed up the hanging ladder using his hands and feet.

The hanging ladder was quite strong. Zhang Zheng held back his strength and climbed up as fast as possible. When he reached the top of the cave, he almost shed tears in the sunshine.

Zhang Zheng quickly put Jiang Shan down, untied the rope and threw it down at the same time, "Old Wei, come up quickly, it's safe up there!"

Wei Yuan breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and his and Bai Jin's eyes met again.

Wei Yuan could feel a very ominous feeling. Bai Jin smiled grimly and said, "Dr. Wei, did you know that there used to be a kind of killer who sneaked into prisons to kill people? They chose the days when criminals were about to be released from prison. At that time, all criminals would behave... Extremely excited and stupid, even the most cautious and timid prisoners will suddenly have their IQs drop to negative numbers. "

They feel free, and there is a light ahead. They are hopelessly stupid. When has this society ever accepted people who walked out of prison? What awaits them is another level of hell.

It's better to free them before this hell comes.

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