
Chapter 303 Alien Life

Chapter 303 Alien Life (Reversal and Reverse)

"You are not qualified to comment on other people's heaven and hell, and you have no right to judge."

Wei Yuan stared at Bai Jin's face. If that face appeared in the base, it would definitely cause riots. But this man obviously didn't care at all.

"Mr. Bai, let me go up next to prevent them from playing tricks." The security guard showed his loyalty in time and looked at Bai Jin expectantly, as if looking at a god who controls his destiny.

Let him go up, let him go up, as long as he goes up, he will be free!
The security guard's expression, combined with the prison story Bai Jin just told, seemed like a realistic version of a satirical drama.

Wei Yuan suddenly noticed something strange.

"Aren't you going to drink the water?" Bai Jin asked the security guard seemingly in a pleasant tone. "How do you climb up with water?"

The security guard stiffened for a moment, lowered his head and wanted to apologize: "I, I'll drink as soon as I get up."

The security guard's hand was holding the water bottle tightly, and sweat seemed to be flowing from his nervous palm. We can't relax at the last moment, no. If he endures any longer, he will win.

Wei Yuan's expression changed suddenly. He looked at the still ignorant security guard and felt a chill all over his body.

Why, exactly why, why would he do this when everyone could get out safely? !
The security guard was still begging Bai Jin humbly. He thought he was only a hair away from freedom.

Like someone who is about to be released from prison.

"That's enough..." Wei Yuan couldn't bear it anymore. He stared at Bai Jin, "Why do you have to do this to him?"

The security guard looked at Wei Yuan with a confused look.

Bai Jin laughed wildly again. Every time he laughed, it was like a nervous performance, giving the impression that he had no emotions and only his limbs. "They are stupid themselves, they are stupid."

Why should someone who can get out of prison be a fool? This is never a fool's game.

The muscles on the security guard's face finally began to tremble uncontrollably. He seemed to finally realize that something was wrong, and looked down at the water bottle in his hand blankly.

He has never touched the water inside at all.

Wei Yuan noticed that Bai Jin's hands were wearing gloves.

It was true that Bai Jin drank the water from the bottle, so the security guard took off his guard.

"Who told you that water can only be in bottles?" Bai Jin stared gloomily at the poor man who was being toyed with, "Don't you think you're stupid?"

Because if you let your guard down and let your guard down, isn't it stupid?

The water in his hand fell to the ground, and the security guard looked at Bai Jin in fear, "You, what did you say?"

Bai Jin's expression was as ferocious as Yama: "I said you were stupid."

The security guard raised his hands, and he saw sluggishly that his palms and fingers were filled with liquid, but the liquid was not sweat from his hands, but something else, something more terrifying.


Zhang Zheng heard an extremely terrifying scream at the entrance of the cave. The scream did not even stop, but moaned and roared one after another, like a dying beast, "Ah!!!"


Zhang Zheng was scared to death and shivered all over. He couldn't even feel the temperature under the scorching sun.

The security guard rushed towards Bai Jin frantically, "Ah!!!" He couldn't even speak.

Bai Jin raised the loaded gun and pointed it at the security guard's head. However, the security guard couldn't see anything in front of him, and he roared and rushed forward.

The bullet pierced the opponent's eyebrow at a very close distance, and the security guard's appearance of spreading his limbs and jumping towards him seemed to freeze for a second.

Then he fell.

Bai Jin blew the non-existent throat of the gun, stared at the corpse on the ground that was in the way, and kicked it.

"Why?" Wei Yuan's voice seemed to come from another world, distant and confused.

Why are you joking about people's lives?

The security guard must have felt the same way in his mind. It was clear that everything was over and he just had to go out. Why, why.

He could not understand it until his death.

And Bai Jin changed from being crazy just now to extremely indifferent: "There is no reason to kill, just want to kill.

Do you need a reason to eat?

Zhang Zheng scolded so many perverts, but none of them actually expressed his true perversion.

There is no reason at all. It can be said that it's because he is a pervert at heart. He was imprisoned in Beacon Prison for killing people in the past. Until now, he has always been trying to satisfy the perverted desires in his bones.

"No one is clamoring to go up now." Bai Jin said. It was really noisy.

The rope dropped by Zhang Zheng was thrown on the ground. Bai Jin picked it up and walked towards Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan knew that this ending was bound to come.

Now there are only him, Zhao Ying, and Bai Jin.

"Dr. Wei, you are very smart, but no matter how smart you are, you are just an ordinary person. There is no need for people like you to live in this world."

Wei Yuan looked at him without speaking.

Bai Jin reached out and pulled Zhao Ying off the wheelchair. Zhao Ying seemed to tremble, but her eyes did not open.

Bai Jin tied the rope around himself and Zhao Ying, just like Zhang Zheng took Jiang Shan out. His lips curled up, and the face of machine and human skin was revealed.

"In this world, those who are different can survive."

Wei Yuan didn't move or speak, seeming to have given up all struggle. Nothing is useful in front of this madman.

Zhao Ying was tied up by Bai Jin, who retreated towards the hanging ladder: "Farewell, Dr. Wei."

Wei Yuan watched Bai Jin carrying Zhao Ying up the hanging ladder, while Zhang Zheng at the entrance of the cave had already sensed something was wrong and lay on the edge staring down.

Ten meters deep, it was difficult for him to fully understand what was happening underneath, but the howling was so brutal just now that he realized the problem.

When he could faintly see the two figures gradually coming up on the hanging ladder, he immediately changed his expression: "Why are you carrying Zhao Ying on your back? Where is Old Wei, do you want to leave him behind?!"

"I'm warning you, pull Old Wei up immediately! Otherwise, believe it or not, I will push a stone from the entrance of the cave and smash you into a dog?!"

Zhang Zheng desperately threatened Bai Jin.

But his brain was not on the same level as Bai Jin's. Bai Jin held the gun with one hand and pointed the gun at him: "I advise you to be honest. If you really want to smash it, I must touch my back before I fall. Let you This dear teammate, use me as a cushion."

Zhao Ying was still on his back.

As expected, Zhang Zheng began to be afraid, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Zhang Zheng thought that if he and Jiang Shan came up first, they would definitely have the upper hand, and they would be able to cure this bastard no matter what, so that he would not dare to do anything outrageous.

However, he didn't expect that he would still be countered.

Bai Jin sneered sinisterly, waiting for him to go up and send this idiot to the west. No one with such a low IQ deserves to live.

Zhang Zheng was so anxious that he walked back and forth at the entrance of the cave like an ant on a hot pot, but he couldn't think of a good way. He also shook Jiang Shan, hoping that Jiang Shan would wake up by another miracle.

But the result disappointed him.

Bai Jin lay down and only needed three squares to reach the entrance of the cave. At this time, Zhang Zheng beside the cave finally gave up. "Old Wei..."

Zhang Zheng wanted to hold his head and cry.

Bai Jin climbed up a level and even reached out and could touch Zhang Zheng.

"I advise you to stop here and don't take another step forward." A soft but cold voice sounded in Bai Jin's ear, and at the same time something cold touched the artery in his neck.

Bai Jin was stunned, and Zhang Zheng was also stunned... and then there was a burst of ecstasy in his eyes. Oh my gosh! It was Zhao Ying who woke up? !

Zhao Ying held the sharp nail clipper in her hand, and Bai Jin trapped her so close to him, giving her a perfect opportunity.

It is almost impossible to get close to this devil.

Bai Jin said slowly: "When did you wake up?"

Zhao Ying was eroded by the ghost water and was brought back from the brink of death by Jiang Shan. It was almost impossible for Bai Jin to expect that she would wake up so soon.

Zhao Ying's voice was dry and hoarse. She was actually suffering from severe dehydration and blood loss. "The closer we get to freedom, the stupider people become, right?"

It seems that Mr. Bai, who thinks highly of himself, has not escaped this law.

Bai Jin obviously understood, his face twisted and ferocious. "...I'm looking down on you ants."

Zhao Ying said coldly: "Give the gun to Zhang Zheng."

I really like writing this kind of reversal plot, hehe

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