
Chapter 315 A murder caused by a box of cans

Chapter 315 A murder caused by a box of cans

Twenty minutes after Zhang Zheng drove away, a black armored vehicle drove over from another road. The entire body of the vehicle was covered with a black cloth. Except for the glass in front of the cab, it was also replaced with dark-colored armored vehicles. Colored single glass, the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Several people got out of the car one after another. When they entered the rolling shutter door, there was silence in the air for several seconds.

"What's going on?!" Everyone was shocked.

The ground was full of water stains, bone fragments were everywhere, pots were kicked over, and the scene was miserable.

The leader was wearing a metal mask on his face. He was very tall and thin. The people next to him were also wearing various masks and goggles. They looked a bit like they had just come out of the laboratory.

One of them ripped off his mask, revealing his fierce facial features, "Who has been here?"

Their stronghold has never been exposed, and there are three monsters guarding it. It is impossible for anyone to dare to come in and escape unscathed.

He stepped on something hard and picked it up, only to find that it was the skull of a skeleton man.

The skull was completely torn off, and the crushed features could still be seen on the ground.

"How can this be……"

Several people present took off their masks and hats, and among them there was a pretty woman with dyed red hair. If you look closely, there is even exquisite makeup on her face, and her red lips are very eye-catching. In this post-apocalyptic world where food is a problem, there are still people who can show off with makeup on their faces, which is simply incredible.

But no one had the intention to take another look at the woman, which made the woman seem very dissatisfied and disappointed.

Only the masked man didn't move. "Who did this? Where's Shadow?"

The pot was overturned, and although there were water stains on the ground, there was only a trace left, and most of the water flow had dried up.

The skeleton has also been crushed.

There seemed to be a strange light in the masked man's eyes, which was obviously different from other people's eyes. He stared at the ground, and he could see the broken figure of the shadow in his eyes, "It's dead."

Everyone else was even more stunned when they heard this, it was impossible, who could do this?
At this time, a man suddenly rushed in from outside. He was the only driver who had not got out of the car before. He parked the car behind the building and immediately discovered that the truck that was there was missing. "Our car was stolen too!"

The sound was gritted teeth and full of anger. Others saw overturned shelves and what appeared to be portions of food missing.

This was obviously someone who had robbed the house. Not only had they stolen it, but they had also smashed it to pieces.

"Fuck..." A man suddenly began to curse and turned to look at the masked man, "Boss?"

The masked man didn't say anything. He was the only one who hadn't spoken a word since he walked in. He walked towards one of the rows of shelves. The others didn't dare to speak and just followed. He pushed the things on the shelves away. , staring at somewhere.

"Come out."

Others can't see anything, but the masked man is obviously "talking" to something.

"There are four people?" The masked man narrowed his eyes.

After a long time, the masked man's voice also became playful: "You mean, a girl killed you all...?"

Others are in shock, what? One person killed them all?
"It's not a good boy to lie." The masked man's voice was a little colder.

Suddenly, the shelves shook and several things fell down.

Immediately afterwards, the masked man stared at the same place for a long time, as if someone on the other side was eager to explain.

After a long, long time, the masked man seemed to speak calmly: "Uncle believes you, don't be afraid, be good.

The trembling shelves slowly became quiet.

Only then did the others see the masked man coming out and said calmly: "There were four people, but only one girl took action."

The other three just watched from beginning to end.

"Impossible!" The person who initially questioned suddenly became excited, "Little Shadow must be lying."

The masked man simply said: "She shouldn't dare to lie." Besides, her father is already dead. Such a tragic death. Little Shadow obviously witnessed the process with his own eyes.

After several others were shocked for a moment, the red-haired woman said softly: "But boss, it's impossible. There is such a strong person, how could we not know about it?"

And he was so strong that he could kill three of them. Is that possible? What kind of terrifying level must this existence be?

The remaining few people all showed absurd expressions... Such a fantasy?
The masked man's voice was cold: "I don't want to believe it either, but what if it's true?"

Everyone else remained silent. If this was true, it meant that they had a powerful enemy. This person could kill three of their alienated monsters alone.


The driver finished counting the messy supplies on the ground, frowned and came back to report: "I've finished counting the supplies, and I just threw away a box of cans." Other water, compressed grain, etc. were all there.

"A box of cans?"

Several people seemed to have been beaten up again. They were all unbelievable. Did they kill three of them for a box of cans? !
"Are you sure you counted correctly?"

The driver said expressionlessly: "No."

Several people were indirectly petrified, and the masked man did not say a word. I don’t know if I was too shocked or just speechless.

What’s more ironic than the supplies being cleared out is that there is only one box of cans missing! The other party only took away a box of cans, which was more like a provocation and a slap in the face.

"Damn...fuck you." Someone couldn't help but cursed.

Why. It would be less offensive if they emptied the supplies. What's the point of taking a box of cans?

"Boss, I can't swallow this..." Is this one box of cans he needs? !
It's humiliating, absolutely humiliating.

"Can that little shadow draw? Let her draw people!"

The masked man said coldly: "Even if you can draw it, where are you going to find it?"

Even in the past when communications were developed, if you looked for someone with high-definition photos, you might not be able to find them. Now you want to find someone based on a painting?

What to do? The man swallowed these words for life, "Then do we suffer the disadvantage of being dumb?"

A box of cans!
The red-haired woman standing next to the masked man said coldly: "Hu Jianjun, you are too presumptuous. The boss knows what to do."

He has been acting nonsense all this time. Who would dare to speak so loudly in front of the masked man?

Hu Jianjun endured it. He could see that the others were not happy with the red-haired woman, but they didn't say anything.

"A young girl who can kill three monsters, hahaha." The masked man was laughing, but everyone else knew that it was not a smile at all. The mask of the masked man covered all his expressions, and all the sounds and emotions coming from under the mask were not real.

The masked man's voice sounded gentle and polite, but no one dared to take it seriously. Seriously, that's stupid.

The little shadow that can talk to him will even be scared to death.

Hu Jianjun lowered his head and admitted his mistake in a trembling voice: "I was too talkative. I'm sorry, boss, I was wrong!

The masked man didn't seem to hear. He took the water handed over by the driver and took a slow sip, leaving Hu Jianjun and everyone else in confusion.

"Little Shadow mentioned that there was a person in a wheelchair."

The atmosphere became solemn, and Hu Jianjun suddenly raised his head.

Someone in a wheelchair?

For a moment, everyone's expressions finally became rich. Although he didn't dare to speak much, there were waves in his eyes.

The red-haired woman's expression also visibly flashed.

I want to give it a try again. Everyone should vote if they have the votes to give this book another breath.

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