
Chapter 316: Alien Legion

Chapter 316: Alien Legion
The reputation of survivor Jiang Shan did not have the chance to spread far, but everyone will think of a strange man in a wheelchair.

No human being with normal limbs and limbs can survive in this world, let alone one with physical defects. At this time, a person in a wheelchair appeared, which was very strange.

"I remember there was a Ph.D. who often appeared in newspapers." The Institute of Life Sciences.

The image of him sitting in a wheelchair is famous far and wide. is it him?

The woman with fiery red hair and colorful makeup said charmingly. "Is he that scientific research genius who is said to be once in a century?" I have seen him many times in reports, and his appearance suits her very well.

"When the erosion first started to spread, it seemed that he often appeared on TV to popularize the science of 'ancient times'."

This time it suddenly connected.

"But why do people like this appear here?" One person was still holding a hat and a mask that he had taken off, his face tense, "Have we been discovered?"

The red-haired woman sneered: "So what if you find out? There is no 'law' now."

The expressions of the others softened significantly. In that era, they were all spurned "dark researchers."

The mask of the masked man seemed to be custom-made to fit his face, which made people feel that he was not old. Only his strange-colored eyes seemed to pierce through everyone. "The girl who did it must be a human being who was eroded and alienated."

Being able to kill their three monsters is simply not something ordinary people can do.

The Institute of Life Sciences, the alienated young girl, connect all this.

"So it was the people from the Academy of Life Sciences who discovered our stronghold and sent people to take away our nest?" Hu Jianjun murmured, "How did they discover us?"

The most important thing is, do they already have such strength? Can you cultivate an alien as powerful as that girl?

One person was obviously unwilling to admit it: "Aren't they very resistant to alienated people being eroded?"

Lock people up, send them to laboratories, and study them while fearing them.

How could he take the initiative to conduct such an experiment?

Even one step ahead of them? !

The red-haired woman chuckled lightly at this time: "They robbed the car and took away the cans. It doesn't seem like they came here with a premeditated plan."

It was more like passing by accidentally and then robbed someone.

If there was really a premeditated plan, the army should come directly and throw in a few explosives to blow it up. Now, although the shelves are in a mess, it doesn't look like they were organized and disciplined at all.

"Our place is very close to the underground ghost water. The humans at the institute probably discovered the existence of the ghost water, so they found it here by accident."

They also chose this highway base for the convenience of obtaining ghost water, which makes sense if you think so.

The masked man said calmly: "I have already asked Little Shadow, and the girl's appearance is almost the same as that of a normal person."

Even if Jiang Shan didn't take action and just stood there, everyone would just think that she was the most ordinary girl.

Even when the girl came in, she was still being carried on someone's back and was sleeping.

The more I hear this description, the more I feel like an ordinary person.

"An 'alienated person' who looks just like ordinary people?" This was more than surprising.

Whether it's a skeleton man, a ghost water, or a shadow man. All humans who have been alienated by erosion have their life forms changed, and few can maintain their basic human form, except for...

The others secretly glanced at the masked man, their boss was an alien.

Those eyes can see shadows and communicate with shadows.

But none of them have seen the true appearance of the masked man.

Just imagine if the appearance of the eroded person is indistinguishable from ordinary people. Wouldn't this be a devastating disaster for ordinary people?
But it is good news for those who are alienated by erosion. It means that they can live quietly among ordinary people.

Several people's faces showed excitement, "If there is such a girl, then she must be an excellent research material."

In an instant, Wei Yuan's existence became reasonable. They previously thought that the girl was "created" by the research institute, but now it seems that it is most likely that the girl is a research subject.

"Ten kilometers away from here, there is a living base they built. Those people should be there." The red-haired woman said.

Hu Jianjun rolled his eyes: "Boss, let's go grab that girl."

As soon as the words fell, many people showed excitement and enthusiasm in their eyes.

Even the red-haired woman narrowed her eyes. In the past, they were suppressed by the so-called "orthodox" researchers who denied them research funding and experimental resources, and were squeezed into the darkest corners. If it weren't for "erosion", they met the Masked Man and asked them to build an army.

"We tried so hard to get those two shadows out of the library, thinking it would be a help, but who knew they would die so easily." One person said with disdain.

All that's left is a useless little shadow.

The shelves seemed to tremble again, and it took a long time to calm down.

The shadows were strengthened with ghost water so that they were not afraid of the sun. Just one more step was needed to let them go outside and become an army. This is what the Masked Man wants them to do.

"Boss, we can get some more ghost water..."

They also have countless alienated people who can be experimented with. In this world now, the more humans are eroded, the more materials they have.

It's just a matter of time to create the "legion" that the masked man wants.

Now, if only I could get that girl again.

The red-haired woman said coldly: "If she can deal with the skeletons and shadows alone, how can you snatch them away?"

The words made the air fall into dead silence. Hu Jianjun felt that he had been slapped in the face again.

A girl who is not afraid of shadow attacks or ghost water.

Then she might be the most powerful alien in history.

Such people are the "legion" that the masked people want.

"We are all brought together by the boss. Without the boss, our survival would be difficult, let alone the experiment."

For the red-haired woman, she spent the first half of her life as a geek and clown in the research laboratory.

Once upon a time, I finally graduated with a Ph.D., thinking I could finally enter the laboratory of my dreams. Instead, I was assigned to a remote and backward rural research institute. I was marginalized and excluded, and the experimental results I worked so hard were directly used by others. Go away, hate, disgust, those sanctimonious researchers.

Despite this, she still did not give up. She sacrificed her life and everything she could sacrifice. She even only wore a lab coat every day and soaked in the laboratory without dressing up or makeup. She endured herself until she was old, but only In exchange for the cold shoulder and ridicule.

In the end, she was even accused of academic misconduct and expelled because she was caught conducting experiments secretly!
The red-haired woman's eyes were full of poison and hatred.

So no wonder she is dressing up in such a special way now, everything is an act of revenge and compensation.


"Don't worry about the Institute of Science and that girl. We have more important things to do." The masked man finally spoke slowly. His heterochromatic pupils seemed to be much brighter.

Since you didn't mean to mess with them at all, you don't need to take it to heart at all. This stronghold is about to be abandoned anyway.

"We have found the 'artifact'."

Lately there have been double updates

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