
Chapter 318 Abandoned

Chapter 318 Abandoned
"You mean... we were abandoned?"

Wei Yuan stared at Zheng Suo with wide eyes. This was the first time he had lost control like this.

There are so many people in the base now. What will be the consequences if it is abandoned?
"Wei Yuan, this matter can't be kept secret for long, and this place... can't last long either." So no one will hold Wei Yuan's team accountable for their dereliction of duty, and no one will hold accountable those who died. There will be no one for anything. Investigated.

This feeling is even so terrifying and desolate.

No wonder Zheng Suo said that it was enough to see them come back safely.

Wei Yuan's face turned pale: "This shouldn't be the end..."

Zheng Suo's sad eyes gradually became empty. I don't want it to end, no, but in the face of the powerful power (God's will) in the dark, human power is really limited.

"source code."

"The only hope now is the source code."

Wei Yuan, all hope lies with you.

Zhao Ying was in Jiang Shan's house, and the two of them checked each other's bodies. Except for the patch of skin on Zhao Ying's back, everything else was no different from ordinary people.

As for Jiang Shan, the skin elasticity has returned to normal, and there is only a little red mark from the previous injury. It seems that the super recovery ability is still at work.

"Does your back feel uncomfortable?" Jiang Shan asked. She was still worried that Zhao Ying would have sequelae.

Zhao Ying shook her head: "No, it seems that I don't feel anything when I touch it now."

The skin seemed dead. When I scraped it with my fingernails, there was no pain or itch. It was like scraping on an unrelated place.

Jiang Shan didn't know whether this was good or bad, but it must have something to do with her excessive intake of ghost water: "I'm sorry, I should have controlled myself at that time." Jiang Shan was very ashamed of her loss of control.

Zhao Ying looked at her blankly: "Ashan, you saved my life." Compared to this, what are the others?
Zhang Zheng's whirring voice came from outside: "Lao Gao, why is there so much chaos outside the base?

"We've only been away for a day, right?" Although there was chaos before they left, they were not so violent. There seemed to be a serious conflict breaking out outside.

Gao Wenwu's voice said: "I heard that the supplies cannot be distributed."


"The truck delivering supplies didn't come, not since yesterday."

"How could this be?"

"We don't know what happened, but it must be related to the water source."

Jiang Shan and Zhao Ying opened the door and walked out. Gao Wenwu was still a little unnatural when he saw Jiang Shan.

"Zhao Ying, I heard that you gave me a blood transfusion, thank you." Gao Wenwu said.

Zhao Ying smiled and said, "It's great to see you're okay." Donating some blood doesn't matter, she used to donate blood often.

"Looking at your conversation, it seems like we have more than one family. We are all on the same team, one family. Don't say anything to others." Zhang Zheng vigorously patted Gao Wenwu on the shoulder and said.

Not to mention, every time there is Zhang Zheng as the gag, it can really alleviate a lot of embarrassing atmosphere.

But just as their atmosphere eased, the commotion outside became louder.

"Please, give my child something to eat. Just a little is enough."

It was a woman who kept pleading.

"He's only nine years old, please..." There was also a little girl crying in the middle, "Mom, I'm hungry."

A very vicious voice said: "How many times have I told you? No! Don't blame me for being rude if you mess around here again!" This was obviously a dispute between the public and the security guards.

"I just saw a car coming in!"

"That's not a vehicle transporting supplies!"

The security guard himself didn't get any food, so how could he have the thought to maintain law and order?

"You promised well at the beginning that you would ensure the supply of food and water and let us leave our homes and follow you to this place. Why don't you do anything now?!"

With these sharp words, the situation outside was obviously gradually getting out of control. Zhang Zheng felt uncomfortable hearing this and looked at everyone: "Don't we still have half a box of cans left? Should we take it out and share it with them?"

Unexpectedly, Gao Wenwu said coldly: "The half box of cans cannot help them, but may put us in danger."

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade. Gao Wenwu had seen what terrible things hungry humans would do, and this was not the time to show kindness.

Zhang Zheng also lost his smile. After a while, he seemed to be talking to himself: "We are obviously working hard, why did it end up like this step by step..."

Because many things really don’t get better without hard work.

The argument outside continued, and some people even screamed: "We want to go home, go home!"

"Don't stay in this damn place anymore. There is no water or food. We would rather die at home...!"

But home? Wherever there is a home, their home must have been turned into ruins.

There are children crying heartily. "Ah ah ah go home!"

So what if your home turns to ashes? Since death is the end of the road, many people will not choose to die in a foreign land.

For some reason, what the hateful Bai Jin said to them underground suddenly appeared in Zhao Ying's mind, "Do you really want to go up? Going up is just another hell."

Zhao Ying suddenly felt chills in her heart. She clutched her chest.

Jiang Shan looked at her immediately, thinking she was uncomfortable.

Zhao Ying could still recall the days when the base was first built. Although everyone was disgraced, they all gathered together to comfort each other.

Now, people are fighting for some supplies, and there are even bloodshed. The security guards who maintain law and order have become mere decorations. They once thought the base was like another human home, but now, it has become like this.

There is sadness and disappointment, but more of a fear of the future.

"Where's Old Wei? Why has he been gone for so long?" Zhang Zheng said blankly.

Every time Wei Yuan leaves for a long time, it means something worse is going to happen.

Zhang Zheng put his hand into his pocket unconsciously, and suddenly his expression changed. He took out a bottle in disbelief.

It's like a laboratory bottle, with a transparent body and liquid flowing slowly inside.

Zhang Zheng was dumbfounded at that moment and quickly threw the bottle on the table like a hot potato.

When the others saw it, they reacted for a second and then changed their colors.

Only Gao Wenwu remained calm. He stared at it and asked, "What is this?"

"Stay away, stay away..."

Gao Wenwu looked at everyone's expressions, remembered the book Zhang Zheng had just told him, and said slowly: "Underground ghost water?
Zhao Ying pointed at Zhang Zheng's face: "Zhang Zheng, when did you... secretly hide a bottle of ghost water?"

Zhang Zheng knew that this was going to cause misunderstanding, and he immediately remembered: "It wasn't me, it was that white-haired guy who stuffed it into me."

I still remember that Bai Jin held Zhang Zheng hostage in the end, and then jumped into the deep well himself. He jumped and stuffed something in his pocket.

At that time, Zhang Zheng had no intention of paying attention to what it was, and even forgot about it in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Ying's expression slowly softened, and she wondered how Zhang Zheng would have the courage. Dare to carry a bottle of ghost water with you.

"What did he want to do when he filled this bottle of water?"

Zhang Zheng knew that he had brought this thing all the way, and he was now in a cold sweat. "Obviously he wanted to bring it with him before. It's hard to say who he would give it to."

More like wanting to bring research. Combined with that Bai Mao's crazy behavior in the underground. He wanted to study this ghost water.

Zhao Ying complained: "Why didn't you tell this earlier?"

Zhang Zheng glared: "I have forgotten all the bad things we encountered along the way!" He was so frightened to death that his brain severely overreacted. He didn't remember this thing until he came back.

Rapidly advance the plot

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