
Chapter 319 The Chosen One

Chapter 319 The Chosen One
"What should I do with this bottle of water?" Several people looked at each other, they did not dare to study such a thing.

Even if you want to do research, there are no closed laboratories and research conditions now.

But this bottle of water cannot be thrown away casually. It will be a disaster if anyone picks it up.

They didn't notice that there was a pair of greedy eyes outside the window, staring at the "water" on their table.

The trouble has been quietly buried...

The last few people decided to wait for Wei Yuan to come back and give it to him, but no one wants to touch the bottle now. Zhao Ying has post-traumatic syndrome, and she has been corroded by ghost water.

Gao Wenwu was curious and wanted to take a look, but Zhang Zheng sternly refused his approach.

Are you kidding me? If Lao Gao is infected, wouldn't he become the strongest zombie in Resident Evil? Kill them all.

So the water was left to dry on the table.

At this time, Wei Yuan was thrown into a small boat, and the boat drifted away with the wind. Zheng Suo's white hair was blown by the wind, and there was deep despair in his eyes: "I'm sorry, Wei Yuan, this is the only last thing we have left." One choice..."

The unconscious Wei Yuan fell unconscious in the cabin and floated to the center of the sea...

"The base is no longer safe." A massive collapse is only a matter of time.

"We just have to keep going."


The four people in the church thought they could finally have a good sleep. Gao Wenwu was out of danger and Jiang Shan was fine. No matter what happened outside, their team was now a small family, warm and stable.

In his sleep, Zhang Zheng's grin reached behind his ears.

There is gas emanating from the cracks in the door and windows, and the sleeping bomb can penetrate all the air silently, and the sleeping person is not aware of it.

Even Jiang Shan did not notice the danger when faced with this colorless and odorless gas. She had not been able to sleep well before, but now she fell into a deeper sleep like everyone else.

The church door was opened, and a familiar figure walked in, "Move carefully, don't wake them up."

The ghost water on the table was taken away directly.

"The ship is about to leave... we must arrive before midnight."

Several people were wrapped in sacks and thrown into the back of the truck.

Beijing and Hong Kong are a seaport city, surrounded by the sea on three sides.

It once developed rapidly relying on trade and the geographical advantages favored by God. Beijing and Hong Kong once had unlimited scenery.

Jiang Shan felt as if she was lying in a cradle, and the water was gently swaying, making her feel more comfortable. Although Jiang Shan never had any memory of the cradle, perhaps it was the long-lasting longing for the mother's body that was imprinted in his life.

Until she realized that this didn't seem like her own bed in the church, neither the touch beneath her body nor the experience around her, everything was different.

Jiang Shan opened her eyes suddenly, and because she stood up so violently, she even hit the surrounding hard walls.

"Where?!" She shouted subconsciously.

But in fact, nothing around her responded to her, because she soon discovered that she was in a very narrow space.

She really wasn't lying on her own bed, not even a bed.

There were hard boards underneath her body, even on all sides and above her head. She seemed to be lying in a box.

"Zhao Ying?! Zhang Zheng?!"

Jiang Shan took a deep breath and found that there was still dizziness in her head. She seemed to be sleeping deeply, but it shouldn't be so deep.

In shock and anger, Jiang Shan hit the wooden board beside him twice. In one of the corners, I actually saw a few nails.

She was crucified inside. Jiang Shan's blood ran slightly cold, she couldn't believe it, and the slight shaking she felt around her made her even more confused.

"who is it?!"

Who actually nailed her to a box? !
However, she found that the surroundings seemed extremely quiet, and she could only hear the faint sound of wind. It seems that there is also the sound of water and waves?
Jiang Shan also smelled a fishy smell in the air.

Jiang Shan had never been so confused. She heard herself breathing heavily unconsciously. What was going on?
what's going on?
She kicked the board hard several times, but it was all nailed to death. The only good news was that there were gaps between the boards, so Jiang Shancai did not suffocate to death.

Is it a nightmare? Is she having a nightmare?
Have such a ridiculous nightmare?

The place was so narrow that she couldn't even sit up completely. She was almost stuck in the box after hitting the board twice with her arms.

Jiang Shan understood that this was not a box, but a coffin.

It's still the worst kind of thin coffin.

When Jiang Shan got up, she felt something fall from her body, and it seemed to fall to the outside of her calf. It was still licking her slightly.

After taking a few breaths, she stretched forward with her right hand, bent her legs as much as possible, and finally touched it, then immediately took it up.

It turned out to be something like a letter.

If Jiang Shan's eyes hadn't been able to see in the dark, it would have been impossible to see these things.

The key thing is that there is an envelope wrapped around the thing, and the seal is actually covered with very delicate red fire paint.

This was simply shocking. Jiang Shan removed the paint and took out a card from inside.

Like an invitation.

There is only one line written on it: Congratulations, you are all the chosen ones.

Jiang Shan: "..."

The development of things to this point is already very strange. Jiang Shan holds the letter in his hand and even sees that the writing and ink on it are still wet.

How can this be? How long has it been since this letter was sealed in this box with her?

Jiang Shan held the strange envelope in his hand and resisted the urge to tear it into pieces.

The shaking around her became more intense, and Jiang Shan was even pushed against the wooden board involuntarily. Even she could not have the resurrection armor on her body anytime and anywhere. If she was hit like this, her shoulders and other parts of her body would definitely be covered in bruises.

Jiang Shan warned himself in his heart, calm down, calm down, anyone would be confused when they wake up and face such a situation.

There wasn't much room for her to use her strength now, and it seemed that she was deliberately restricted to this narrow space.

And probably due to the suppression of inhaled drugs, her hands are obviously still a little soft and heavy now.

After carefully observing the arrangement of the surrounding wooden boards, Jiang Shan tried his best to dig into the gaps in the wooden boards with his hands. He first tried to stabilize his body. At the same time, the strength of his legs was obviously stronger than that of his upper arms.

After making up her mind, she took a deep breath, and then breathed again. She slowly bent her legs to the maximum limit, until her knees touched the lid above.

Then Jiang Shan kicked out hard, hitting the board on the sole of her foot. Then she bent up again and kicked out hard again.

Just keep kicking, using the maximum strength of both legs, and sure enough, I heard a creaking sound after an unknown period of time, and the board became loose.

Jiang Shan was encouraged and kicked out one last time, and the board finally fell down.

Jiang Shan quickly moved his body, like an earthworm walking, with his feet out bit by bit, and then his whole body slid out.

Fortunately, Jiang Shan's feet landed directly on the ground, and there was obviously no height. When she looked around quickly, she was completely stunned.


Continue to advance the plot at the speed of light

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