
Chapter 320 Escape from the lonely sea

Chapter 320 Escape from the lonely sea
Wherever she could see, there were piles of similar boxes all around, as densely packed as cargo. Jiang Shan raised her head and saw that the piles were at least ten meters high.

This kind of horror was no small matter, and at the same time she found that the ground beneath her feet was shaking, the same kind she had felt before, like a cradle shaking on the water.

"Zhao Ying? Zhang Zheng? Gao Wenwu?!" Jiang Shan almost half shouted.

What exactly is inside so many boxes? Are Zhao Ying and the others inside?
Jiang Shan started to dig out the boxes. Suddenly, a rotting mouse crawled out of a box, squeaking and screaming. The box also had a big hole in it, and there were spiders and cockroaches crawling out of it.

Jiang Shan: "..."

It's so disgusting. These rotting creatures can still crawl. Their bodies are wrapped in layers of corrosion, exposing their tattered internal organs.

Jiang Shan searched dozens of boxes in succession. The good news was that Zhao Ying and others were not in them. The bad news was that she was the only one locked up in this unknown place.

Jiang Shan raised his head and saw a hole in the high ceiling, with a faint light shining from inside.


Wei Yuan woke up. The dim environment even worsened his dizziness. It took him a while to get used to it.

He saw a dim lamp plugged into the bedside. It was obviously in some room, but the room was very small, with only a bed and a row of dusty wardrobes, and no windows around it.

Wei Yuan's mind was in chaos and he couldn't remember anything.

He heard his own heavy breathing in his ears. The room seemed to be lacking oxygen, causing him to inhale quickly, but he felt like he couldn't get much air.

At the same time, his hands felt cold and hard. When he looked up, he saw a pair of handcuffs on his wrists.

Wei Yuan's eyes were full of shock and disbelief. "Director?"

The scene of talking to Zheng Suo flashed through his mind. What happened now, where is he?

Cold handcuffs, dim lights, and an oxygen-deprived space.

Wei Yuan was stunned. He heard a sound like a fan.

Not only that, every time he took a breath, he could feel that the air seemed to become thinner.

Wei Yuan's pores felt cold, and he vaguely understood that the oxygen in the room was probably being drained.

Who put him here and why?

There is an old wall clock on the wall, but the hands move backwards.

Wei Yuan's brain was overloaded by all this weird stuff. He didn't even have time to think carefully. He tried hard to break the handcuffs, but except for the pain in the joints, it was impossible to break free of the handcuffs.

After a while, Wei Yuan already felt difficulty breathing.

Apparently oxygen is lost quickly.

Wei Yuan even heard his own heartbeat beating like a drum because the surroundings were too quiet.

Wei Yuan forced his eyes to raise his eyes and glanced around again. He saw that the door to the room was not far away, and there was even a key inserted in the keyhole of the door.

Everything seemed carefully prepared.

Was it Zheng’s doing? Wei Yuan didn't want to doubt his own abilities.

"Wei Yuan, all our hopes are on you."

A wry smile appeared in Wei Yuan's eyes, and the cold handcuffs seemed to be mocking him.

The door was just a stone's throw away, but not only was his legs unable to walk, his hands were also cuffed.

How is it possible to break free from handcuffs in real life? It’s really like filming a movie.

Wei Yuan's body was trembling slightly, and oxygen continued to be lost. With the lack of oxygen, Wei Yuan felt that his vision began to blur.

Wei Yuan knew that if he didn't give up something, he would not be able to walk out of this door today.

So he closed his eyes and took a deep breath at the end. He slowly held his left thumb with his right hand and broke it hard. He only heard the crisp sound of bone breaking. The severe pain made Wei Yuan conscious again. He held the handcuffs with his right hand and stepped back from the broken bone bit by bit.

As soon as his left hand was free, he endured the severe pain and used the same method to break off the thumb of his right hand.

Wei Yuan's forehead was covered with sweat. After freeing his hands, he turned sideways under the bed and fell to the ground.

Wei Yuan tremblingly propped up his upper body with two elbows and crawled towards the door. At the same time, the sound of the fan seemed to be louder, as if there was a third eye watching his struggle, and he couldn't help but accelerate the drain. oxygen.

In front of Wei Yuan's eyes were misplaced reflections and sweaty pupils. He tried his best to reach the door. He tried his best to lift his body and raise his hand, trying to hold the key.

But his thumb was broken. He tried to hold the key between his index and middle fingers. However, after twisting it hard, he found that the key seemed to be welded and could not be turned at all.

Wei Yuan froze on the ground, his hands trembling.

Are you kidding him when you are all here? But everything around him really seemed like a well-designed Truman Show.

He twisted the key almost convulsively, but it didn't move at all, as if the entire keyhole and door were just models.

Even Wei Yuan will start to lose his mind at the end of his life. He repeats the meaningless action of turning the key, and because it is too big, he directly hits the door handle above the key.

The door handle was pushed upwards.

With a creak, the door actually opened.

The key was indeed a decoration, because the door was never locked from beginning to end.

A complete mockery.

Air surged in through the cracks in the door, and Wei Yuan's jittery nerves sobered up the moment he took in oxygen.

He slowly raised his head, looked at the absurd scene in front of him, and completely opened the door with his hand.

Countless air and salty sea breeze blew over.

Wei Yuan felt his lungs being filled with oxygen, and the sweat on his head became cold.

The blurred vision gradually began to become clearer - when he saw where he was, his pupils were shaken again.

He was lying on the deck, with the endless blue sea outside.


The endless expanse and the vastness connecting the sea and the sky are like the center of the deep universe, which highlights the insignificance of the human body.

He was on a huge, huge ship.

Wei Yuan noticed that there seemed to be a piece of paper under the crack of the door he opened just now. He reached out and scraped it out, and it turned out to be a sealed envelope.

Red fire paint on top.

Wei Yuan felt something was wrong when he saw this. This envelope didn't look like something that would appear in this era.

He tore it open with trembling hands and took out a card.

The ink is still wet on the card.

"Congratulations, you are all the chosen ones."

Wei Yuan looked at the card and felt so incredible. You guys, it means he's not the only one.

And the ink is still wet?

Wei Yuan felt something shaking underneath the deck, boom, boom! It looked like someone was hammering below decks.

This ship seems to be very old. The decks are all made of traditional wood. Unlike modern ships, many of which have alloy decks, the thumping under the deck is getting closer and closer.

(End of this chapter)

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