
Chapter 32 The Era of Great Change

Chapter 32 The Era of Great Change

Even if Wei Yuan has long been famous in the life science field, he is not qualified to dictate to other fields.In particular, his "scaremongering" remarks about erosion have displeased many experts who study physics and chemistry.

At the beginning, when Wei Yuan said he wanted to build a "paging station", everyone thought he was whimsical, and no one supported him, and vicious remarks attacking him behind his back that his disability had spread to his brain were rampant.

This sound didn't gradually stop until Wei Yuan went deep into the cave area and brought back a "survivor".

In today's era, mobile phones are almost out of the stage of history. Before the erosion incident started, artificial intelligence companies have already begun to vigorously promote the implantation of chips under the skin to achieve global zero-distance networking. It only needs to implant a needle-sized needle under the skin. You don't even need to dial a number, you can instantly contact another person thousands of miles away with your mind.

The era of great change for mankind is coming.

Unexpectedly, overnight, the most famous technology and intelligence company in Beijing and Hong Kong urgently reported that all equipment failed for no reason. When I opened the computer room, the core host server turned into a pool of black ash.


Technology angered the gods, and the young CEO stood in front of the pile of black ash, his face pale and speechless.


After Huo Qiyong finished sending out "sos" under Geng Jianghui's command, he still couldn't believe it. Is this the end?How can you be sure that the Beijing-Hong Kong Guards have received the news?
In fact, Geng Jianghui didn't know what to do, but what should be done now has been done, and the rest is up to fate.

"Director Huo, go to the third floor and save Jiang Shan!"

Now Huo Qiyong is going to perform the second mission, go up to the third floor and bring Jiang Shan down.

Huo Qiyong, who was screaming like a ghost, "Where is Auntie?" Huo Qiyong had heard the cold in his vest just now, but there was no way, he had to bite the bullet and go ahead even if there was a scourge waiting in front of him.

"Bring the BB (pager) with you." Geng Jianghui reminded, "In case... it can be used."

If Wei Yuan really received the message and understood the meaning, then he should reply.

Huo Qiyong is usually a nerd. He concentrates on research and is not good at dealing with people. He really doesn't understand why this kind of thing happened to him?Not every man wants to be a hero, at least he definitely doesn't want to!

"Director Huo, hurry up, that child has already gone to Jiang Shan's side!" Zhang Wanqiu urged.

Huo Qiyong really hoped that now that the communicator is broken, he can't hear anything.How could this hateful communicator not be "eroded"?

Director Huo leaned against the safety door of the stairs and did a long time of mental construction, your uncle.Fight.

He took a deep breath, opened the safety door and rushed up the stairs.Since you can't avoid it anyway, it's better to hurry up.

Entering the corridor is a blind spot, Zhang Wanqiu was silent in front of the monitor, and suddenly said slowly: "Did you forget to tell him which corridor to take?"...

The corridor safety door lock on the left was broken by the child, while the right side was locked.

"Auntie! If you don't come out again, I will be angry!"

The child pried to the last ward, which looked in disrepair, and the iron hospital bed was covered with rust spots.

The child showed confusion on his face, and after standing blankly for a long time, he suddenly began to play tantrums.

He scratched his navel again and began howling.The milk carton in his hand fell to the ground. He stepped on it and started to return to the corridor, walking along the ward that he had opened.

Jiang Shan huddled under the bed, Zhang Wanqiu's voice did not come from the radio again, please, don't talk at this time.

At this time, Jiang Shan accidentally touched the leg of the bed next to her. The whole leg of the bed was also painted white, so you could clearly see that there was a little black substance protruding from the bottom where the foot of the bed was in contact with the ground.

Jiang Shan held his breath for a moment.

Black, black again.

Waking up from her tent, this shadowy black substance seems to be everywhere in the world now.

For a moment, Jiang Shan had an impulse, she wanted to touch what that thing was.

This black substance is like a maggot attached to the bone, making people avoid it, panic and disgust.

But in the end, Jiang Shan restrained her urge to be stupid. That time at the gas station, she was wearing protective clothing.Through protective gloves, she touched this black thing, as thin as air, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

She seemed to know all at once that the hospital pursued the ultimate white just to be able to spot the "black" that permeates every hole at a glance.

In the corridor, the little boy went back to check the wards he had already found, "Auntie, why don't you keep your words, how can adults keep your words!?"

I really didn't expect this child to be so persistent, Jiang Shan wanted to hit the wall when he heard the approaching footsteps.

Sorry, my lord is a species that often speaks without words.Innocence is something only for children.

Jiang Shan couldn't bear to hear the crying voice in her heart. If she hadn't seen the child's belly with her own eyes, she would really feel sorry for her.

But now she can't protect herself. Although she doesn't know what will happen after being found by this child, she is instinctively afraid of the unknown. No matter what is on the child's stomach, it is far beyond what Jiang Shan can accept.

The child checked more carefully this time. He turned over all the sheets and bedding, and even carefully searched under the bed.

Mom and Dad said they would come back before, but it turned out to be a lie.

Your Excellency is a deceitful villain.

The little boy's face became clouded.He even kicked the pillow he threw on the ground with his feet until the pillow was torn and the feathers inside flew around, as if someone could hide in such a small pillow.

"Liars will grow their noses, liars will grow their noses."

The little boy has gone to the middle ward again, and there are two more, and he is in Jiang Shanzang's ward again.

Jiang Shan glanced at the window again, the same method could not be used twice, and Jiang Shan's hands were soft now that he had scraped the wall just now.Ask her to do it again, she really can't do it.

There was not much time for Jiang Shan to think, relying on others is worse than relying on himself, Jiang Shan climbed out from under the bed decisively, tiptoed to the door, and first looked at the corridor through the glass on the door.

She now has a choice, that is, the safety door in the corridor has been destroyed by a child, if she can sneak to the safety door while the child is not paying attention, she can lead to other floors.

However, the problem is, how can she take advantage of the child not paying attention.

In the observation room, Geng Jianghui had already wiped his forehead three times: "Think of a solution." The nervous hairs in this scene were about to stand on end.

(End of this chapter)

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