
Chapter 33 1 Stomach Idea

Chapter 33
The little boy walked forward to another ward, which was only separated from Jiang Shan by a wall. Suddenly he heard hurried footsteps from the next door, as if Jiang Shan rushed out the door quickly.

In the next few seconds, he heard the sound of the security door in the corridor being pushed open and shaking.

The little boy opened his eyes wide: "Auntie?"

The little boy immediately left the ward he was searching, and saw that the next ward was wide open, and there were still Jiang Shan's dirty footprints on the ground.

Jiang Shan's spotless white socks were stained by turning over the window before, so now the plaster is particularly eye-catching in the white space.

The little boy saw the footprints all the way to the safety door of the corridor, and the door leaf was still shaking slightly, he curled his lips, as if he was aggrieved.

"It's so bad, not only do you mean nothing, but you also leave me..." The little boy seemed to think of his parents, and tears fell to the ground again.

The child started walking towards the wobbling security gate.He poked his head through the crack of the door first, and then slowly entered the corridor.

Jiang Shan hid in the cubicle of the toilet, carefully listening to the movement from the corridor, hearing the voice of the child going downstairs, gradually walking away.

The pair of dirty socks that she took off had been thrown into the toilet trash can.

Only then did Jiang Shan push open the door of the cubicle, and saw a mop in the corner of the toilet.

Jiang Shan immediately went up to pick up the mop, returned to the corridor, and inserted the pole of the mop horizontally into the handles of the two doors.

You know how to pick a lock, right? Let's see how you pick it.

Jiang Shan took a deep breath, and his hands trembled a little from fear.

"She's so smart..." Geng Jianghui and the others were dumbfounded. Just now they watched Jiang Shan rushing towards the corridor, and then suddenly appeared again two seconds later, turning directly into the toilet at the end.

On average, Jiang Shan goes to the toilet several times a day.

As a result, the children were really fooled, and they didn't even think about going to the toilet to check again.Now that Jiang Shan has locked himself in the third ward again, he is temporarily safe.

"Worthy of being the only survivor of the entire tour group." Who survived if she survived.

Zhang Wanqiu seemed to feel that something was wrong, she slowly looked at Geng Jianghui, who was also looking over.

The voice of the assistant doctor next to him was trembling: "The child is going downstairs now, Director Huo, he, is he unable to come up?"

Standing in front of the security door, Jiang Shan clapped her hands easily. The doors on both sides of the aisle were blocked by her directly and physically. Unless the child had the power of the wild, she would never want to break in again.

Looking at his proud work, Jiang Shan decided to stay on the third floor until rescue arrived.

Huo Qiyong came to the security door on the third floor through the passage on the right, took out the key and opened the lock normally, stretched out his hand and pushed it but found that it didn't move at all.He looked suspiciously. The doors of the two corridors can only be locked from the outside or the inside, because the key of each medical staff must be guaranteed to open one of the doors. Lock the door on the inside of the corridor, and when she leaves, she will unlock it from the passage on the right, and at the same time, after entering the corridor, lock the security door on the right.

All medical staff must strictly implement such rules, so as to ensure that only medical staff with keys can pass in the corridor, and ensure that the wards on each floor remain absolutely closed.

At this time, since Huo Qiyong opened the lock on the inside of the corridor, it is impossible to have another lock on the opposite side of the door, why can't the door be opened?

Unbelievably, he pushed twice more, and the door made a rattling sound, but he still couldn't push it open.Little did he know that a wooden stick had been stuck firmly outside, how could he push it away.

The more anxious Huo Qiyong became, the more he couldn't figure it out. He didn't dare to shout out. He heard that the patient in the sixth ward was wandering around on this floor. What if he was alarmed?The naive director Huo still thought that he could find Jiang Shan quietly and take her away.

At this time, Zhang Wanqiu's trembling voice came from the communicator: "Huo, Director Huo, run..."

run!The child is here!
Huo Qiyong was surprised, how did he run just now, "I said why can't the passage door be opened? Is it broken?"

"Don't bother with the door! Find a place to hide!" Zhang Wanqiu's guts are turning green now.

Compared with Jiang Shan, who came up with one evil idea after another, she should really be more worried about her simple and honest colleague.

Huo Qiyong has been completely confused, he hasn't realized the crisis is coming, "Hide? Where?" Why hide?
Geng Jianghui took the microphone: "The kid is going to the second floor now...don't, don't let him see you!"

If Huo Qiyong is discovered by a child, I don't know what will happen.

Huo Qiyong heard it clearly this time, and after he understood it, his face turned pale with shock, what the hell?What is the second floor? !

Huo Qiyong's head was numb, didn't he just think of a way to come to the third floor to save people, what's the situation now?
"Here we come! I saw him!" The child's figure appeared on the monitor on the side of the passage on the second floor.

The scream in the communicator almost made Huo Qiyong faint, he subconsciously turned around and wanted to go downstairs, but now the child is on the second floor, wouldn't he be exposed as soon as he appeared?
Dean Geng remained calm in the face of danger: "Go to the fourth floor, your key can open the security door on the fourth floor."

One sentence brought Huo Qiyong back to reality, and he started to run up the stairs in a panic, "Don't panic, don't worry, the footsteps should be quieter!"

Poor Director Huo abruptly stopped his speed, and walked upstairs slowly while sweating.

He always felt that a gloomy patient would appear from behind in the next second, approaching him with black ash falling from his body...

Zhang Wanqiu felt that she should say a few words of comfort: "You are wearing protective clothing now, you are fine, even if you run into it, it doesn't matter."

I can thank you!
Huo Qiyong kept cursing in his heart, and finally moved to the fourth floor cautiously.

He took out the key, his hands were too trembling several times and he couldn't align with the keyhole. His usual safe area was below the second floor, and it was the first time he went up so high.

He remembered that the so-called ward division, the higher the level, the more dangerous it was.

And that child escaped directly from the sixth ward—so the medical staff ran away without struggling.

Zhang Wanqiu looked at Geng Jianghui with a complicated expression: "Director Huo doesn't know about the patients in the fourth ward, does he?"

Geng Jianghui wiped his sweat and turned off the communicator: "Don't tell him, he's already scared."

Director Huo, who knew nothing, opened the safety door tremblingly, and then pushed it open smoothly. He walked into the corridor of the fourth ward with weak legs, and locked the door strictly in accordance with the rules.

He sat on the ground and gasped for breath. A few months ago, he was still living a peaceful and happy life on the beautiful university campus, but now his sweat and tears almost fell together.

Jiang Shan, who had already returned to her ward on the third floor, also heard the sound of being pushed from the security door, but of course she ignored it, and she didn't even want to look at it.

Now she's perfectly safe here, regardless of the flood or the destruction of the world outside.

Jiang Shan and his "savior" just missed it perfectly.

(End of this chapter)

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