
Chapter 322 The Game of Humanity

Chapter 322 The Game of Humanity
Jiang Shan had already rushed over. The fish tank was built in a very high place, several meters high.

There is nothing under the fish tank, not even a ladder. It looks like a fish tank hanging high on the wall.

"Zhao Ying!" I have never seen such a weird decoration before, and I don't know under what circumstances Zhao Ying was placed in such a high place.

Jiang Shan saw a small hole under the fish tank, and water was flowing from the hole...

If you look closely, there is one on each of the surrounding cylinder walls, but the holes are not big, only as thick as a finger at most. Some water flows out of those holes, but the strange thing is that the speed of drainage from these small holes cannot keep up with the faucet. The speed of water release.

Zhao Ying's head was rising and falling in the fish tank, which made people feel frightened.

"I was in this damn place as soon as I woke up! What happened? Old Wei! Help me!"

Zhang Zheng choked on his saliva just now, thinking that he was in an illusion on the edge of death, but he didn't expect to actually see Jiang Shan and Wei Yuan.

I really thought I was dead.

Wei Yuan saw that the handcuffs on Zhang Zheng's hands were almost exactly the same as his own. He shook them twice. He couldn't open them without a key.

Jiang Shan wanted to climb up and rescue Zhao Ying, but the walls around him were extremely smooth, as if they had been specially polished. The surface is flatter than the mirror surface.

Even if Jiang Shan opened the hook, he would not be able to climb up the wall. For a moment she broke into a cold sweat.

"Over there, there's an ax over there..." Zhang Zheng looked to one side hesitantly.

Wei Yuan was stunned when he saw it, how could there be an ax? He already had a faint feeling that something was wrong.

"Where is the ax?" Jiang Shan turned back directly.

Zhang Zheng looked uncomfortable. The ax was right next to him, but it had been swept away by the current.

Jiang Shan immediately rushed over and picked up the axe. It was a very sharp axe, and the blade seemed to have been freshly sharpened.

She couldn't help but look at the fish tank, thinking that she could just throw the ax out, smash the fish tank and Zhao Ying would come out.

However, the ax is too sharp, and if she doesn't control her strength well, she will hurt Zhao Ying.

But Jiang Shan didn't hesitate for long and immediately thought of a way. She swung the ax and struck the smooth wall, splitting a mark instantly. Jiang Shan stepped on the ax on the wall and jumped up into the fish tank.

"Zhao Ying!" Jiang Shan directly picked up Zhao Ying and jumped down from the fish tank.

Immediately after landing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation was started on Zhao Ying.

Fortunately, the soaking time was not long. After Jiang Shan pressed hard a few times, Zhao Ying spit out a large amount of water and woke up.

Zhao Ying opened her eyes blankly, and when she saw Jiang Shan, she had the same thought as Zhang Zheng, whether it was a hallucination before death.

Jiang Shan immediately patted her face: "Zhao Ying, how are you?"

Zhao Ying seemed to believe that it was really Jiang Shan in front of her, and she once again survived the disaster. But her hands tied behind her back aroused her nightmare.

Jiang Shan immediately went to help her untie her. He was so focused on saving her that he had no chance. Zhao Ying was tied up with a hemp rope with a deadlock on the back, but compared to Zhang Zheng's handcuffs, it was very merciful.

Wei Yuan was still thinking of ways to help Zhang Zheng get rid of the handcuffs, but he looked at the ax. The ax body was huge and sharp, and there was no way to help Zhang Zheng cut off the handcuffs without hurting him.

Maybe let Jiang Shan try it?
Just as Wei Yuang came up with this idea, Zhao Ying raised her tightly clenched fist and said, "I, I have the key."

Her hands were tied together just now, but she did not let go of her tightly held hands until they were submerged in the water.

"Key..." She opened her palm, and there was a small key lying inside. It really looks like handcuffs. Jiang Shan was stunned for a moment, but without thinking much, he immediately picked up the key and walked to Zhang Zheng's side.

The key was successfully inserted into the keyhole of the handcuffs and opened with a click.

After Zhang Zheng regained his freedom instantly, he remained sitting on the ground motionless as if he had been beaten.

Then the expression on his face seemed like he was about to cry in embarrassment.

"Great, everyone is fine..." Zhao Ying felt lucky to survive the disaster.

Wei Yuan calmly observed the furnishings, axes, and keys here.

This seems to be a very classic prisoner's dilemma.

"Zhao Ying, can you still remember what happened?" Jiang Shan actually didn't have any hope when he asked this question.

Sure enough, Zhao Ying shook her head: "When I woke up..." and then shuddered. When I woke up, I saw myself lying in a huge glass fish tank, very high from the ground, and there was a tap next to it that was constantly discharging water.

A nightmare within a nightmare.

When she first woke up, there was not much water, and Zhao Ying could still move her body a few times. She turned her head and looked over, and saw Zhang Zheng being handcuffed on the other side.

At that time, Zhang Zheng was holding the ax in his hand and was in despair.

Zhang Zheng! Zhao Ying remembered calling him. Zhang Zheng was also very excited after seeing Zhao Ying wake up. He held up the ax and seemed to want to throw it out several times.

But at such a long distance, he also knew that it was impossible to throw it, and it would not even touch the fish tank.

Zhao Ying found a key in the water. Although she didn't know what the key was, she still subconsciously held it in her hand.

Wei Yuan had basically guessed the whole process at this time. He looked at Zhang Zheng sitting on the ground and said, "...get up." With his disabled body, he couldn't help him.

Zhang Zheng was obviously severely hit. He lowered his head and his eyes were red.

He had seen the movie and knew what the game was. When he saw that he was only cuffed with one hand, and then within reach of his other hand, there was such a sharp axe.

And his companion was unconscious in the fish tank filled with water.

"I'm a coward..." He knew he was a coward, but he had never been so sure that he was one as he was at this moment.

Humanity is only truly revealed in desperate situations. In normal times, Zhang Zheng may always admit in his heart that he is actually a good person.

But at this moment, the image of a good person in his heart was completely shaken.

When his companion was really about to die, he didn't even have the courage to swing the axe. It turned out that he was really a beast.

"Zhang Zheng?" Jiang Shan helped Zhao Ying stand up, and both of them found a strange Zhang Zheng in the corner.

Judging from Zhao Ying's appearance, it was clear that she had not thought that much at all. In the situation just now, she and Zhang Zheng were both trapped, and she would not even think of the bloody possibility of an axe.

When Zhang Zheng heard Zhao Ying's voice, he lowered his head lower. He didn't dare to look into Zhao Ying's eyes, for fear of seeing the ridicule and contempt in his partner's eyes.

As a man, he would rather almost drown to death than cut off his own hand.

It only takes one hand to exchange two lives, but he is not willing to exchange it.

He even knew that if it were Gao Wenwu who was handcuffed here today, the outcome would have been different. Gao Wenwu would not even hesitate and would immediately chop off his own hand with an ax and rescue himself and Zhao Ying together. here.

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