
Chapter 323 'Ghost' Catch Game

Chapter 323 'Ghost' Catch Game

"The person who tied us here wanted to play some kind of game..." Wei Yuan said slowly.

Even the first level is set up so deliberately that no one is in a dead end and everyone can find a way to escape, but they must make sacrifices.

Even a slightly malicious sacrifice.

"Four people, including Lao Gao."

Wei Yuan was now 100% sure that all five members of his team should be on this boat, and no one would be spared.

The mention of Gao Wenwu seemed to make Zhang Zheng's lifeless face change a little: "Old Gao?!"

Zhang Zheng still had no idea what happened to Jiang Shan and Wei Yuan. He was still immersed in the imagination that he was the only one who encountered them.

Wei Yuan didn't say much at this time: "Find Lao Gao first."

But Wei Yuan's eyebrows were not so urgent. After he saw through the purpose of designing the game, he understood that the first level was just to tease them. Just like a guinea pig.

He and Jiang Shan could get out of trouble alone, and even he, who was physically disabled, could grit his teeth and get out.

Therefore, with his high civil and military abilities, it should not be difficult for him to get out of trouble alone. The danger on Gao Wenwu's side should not be high.

But analysis is analysis, and we still have to see Gao Wenwu as soon as possible to be sure.

"Look, that faucet... has stopped." Zhao Ying raised her head and saw the faucet that had been pouring water on her head like a nightmare since she woke up. It was as if someone had turned it off and not a drop of water was leaking.

Is there anything weirder than this?

Doesn't it mean there is really a pair of eyes watching them in the dark?
After Wei Yuan came in, he looked around the room and said solemnly: "But there are no cameras installed here."

There wasn’t even a pinhole camera or anything like that. With four large white walls and a fish tank embedded in a high place, you can have an unobstructed view from anywhere.

Wei Yuan was trapped in that small cabin before, so he didn't feel like he was being watched.

But really not, unless there is a more advanced technology unknown to them.

Wei Yuan thought of another more realistic possibility: "It is most likely a human body induction. It starts automatically when Zhao Ying is in the fish tank. Once she leaves the fish tank, the water flow will automatically stop."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Yuan felt a flash of lightning in his mind. So that's it.

The game-breaker.

There's nothing high-end, it's all a rip-off. There is a key behind the door and there is no locked door at all.

Once again it was confirmed... all this was just to fool them, to fool them.

The four of them left this uncomfortable room. On the way, Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying also learned about what happened to Jiang Shan and Wei Yuan, and they were all shocked and speechless. Zhang Zhengcai looked at Wei Yuan's hands in shock, "Old Wei, your hands..."

Wei Yuan actually didn't say anything. He was just helping him fiddle with the handcuffs, and Zhang Zheng didn't even notice that his finger was broken.

Zhang Zheng was even more ashamed for a moment.

Wei Yuan shook his head and said: "One finger is nothing." Everyone can survive and are still together, which is already too much victory.

Zhao Ying also saw Zhang Zheng's depression at this time. She hesitated to speak, and felt that Zhang Zheng might think more if she said comforting words at this time. She didn't blame Zhang Zheng at all, but the person who put them in this situation.

"If you really cut off your arm with an axe, before the arm is cut off, the person will faint due to severe pain and excessive blood loss."

Wei Yuan said calmly, "So your method of breaking the situation in this level is not an ax at all. The ax is used to increase your psychological pressure."

Both Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying were stunned, and Zhao Ying immediately responded: "Yes, fortunately Zhang Zheng was not fooled, otherwise we would not be able to wait for you to come."

Zhang Zheng didn't know that this was being told to him on purpose. His eyes turned red and he turned his head away.

Even if what Wei Yuan said is true, it doesn't mean that he is not a coward. Given the chance to save the two of them, he chose to give up. "Zhizhizhizhi... Welcome everyone to the Sea, Sea, Sea Ocean Heart Cruise. This voyage will take you to the dream paradise!" A huge announcement sounded above everyone's heads without warning.

From the hoarse sound at the beginning, it becomes smoother and smoother later on.

After the broadcast ended, a burst of extremely fast-paced music sounded all around, and the four people stared around in stunned silence.

"What did it just say? Heart of the Ocean Cruise?" Wei Yuan suddenly raised his head.

Zhao Ying frowned: "Have I heard of this name?"

Not only had she heard it, but Wei Yuan's expression clearly knew it. Zhang Zheng patted his head and was a little stunned.

Heart of the Ocean?

"Is it that... cruise ship that has been missing for forty years?"


None of the people present have lived for more than forty years. They are all legends that they have seen in news bulletins and in the anecdotes section on the Internet.

Zhao Ying knew that the Heart of the Ocean was a necklace. The auction house said the necklace's origin was that it belonged to a lady who disappeared on the ship and was salvaged by a fisherman twenty years later. Full of mystery and legend.

Regarding the Heart of the Ocean, a random search will reveal a lot of second-generation stories. "Ghost ship?"

Wei Yuan frowned again: "No, this ship is much older than the Heart of the Ocean."

The others were stunned for a moment, as if they had finally been freed from the ghost story. Zhao Ying looked around: "Yeah, right?"

Even if it was forty years ago, the Heart of the Ocean was built with cutting-edge technology, but the various furnishings on this ship were at least a hundred years old.

"The broadcast is a lie?"

They have no way of knowing whether they are cheating or not, they can only take it one step at a time.

"I want to know more about who threw us on this ship. Don't you remember?"

Everyone finally returned to the church and wanted to have a good sleep.

God won't even give you this reward.

"But the mechanism of that fish tank," Zhao Ying paused and said, "is modern technology."

Gravity sensing and body heat sensing are both modern inventions that did not exist at least a hundred years ago.

It's getting more and more confusing.

Zhang Zheng scratched his head: "Forget it, we have even seen shadows turn into spirits and water grow into eyes, so there is nothing normal about it."

What is not normal now is normal, get used to it.

"But it must be someone who threw us on this ship." Jiang Shan said expressionlessly.

What monsters and shadows are, they are all changed and done by humans.

No one could refute this statement. As humans, they cannot excuse themselves.

"The Heart of the Ocean has prepared a variety of entertainment activities for you to help you get through the long sea journey. Now we will prepare the first wonderful game for you. The participants are all human beings. Now I announce the name of this game. ——'Ghost' arrests people!"

As the cheerful and even childish words fell, the faces of the four people who had just calmed down all turned dark.

For the sake of my recent hard work, please give me votes, tips, comments, and anything that can make the data in this book look good! !

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