
Chapter 326 Terror Rocks the Boat

Chapter 326 Terror Rocks the Boat

The three people were running in different directions. Naturally, Wei Yuan could only run with difficulty holding on to the two door panels. Jiang Shan and Zhang Zheng were running in different directions, both in a mess like headless flies.

"Wow, it's finally starting to get lively! Come on and hide! Hehehehehehehehe."

Jiang Shan wanted to crush the arrogant broadcaster with one fist, but unfortunately he couldn't.

There is another test for the three people. They are not familiar with the ship. No idea where to hide.

So when I saw Zhang Zheng sprinting towards the nearest bar, he ducked under the bar.

Jiang Shan: "..."

There is absolutely no technical content. But it was already the best choice for Zhang Zheng who was in a hurry.

As for Wei Yuan, he couldn't walk very far. There were two heavy and thick door panels under his arms. He could only look around and found a self-service vending machine in the corner. He walked over and leaned to the side. , even if he is hiding.

Jiang Shan was speechless for this kind of ostentatious behavior.

Jiang Shan has played the hide-and-seek game before, but she was always the "ghost". In the closet or under the bed, these places are too inferior. For an experienced ghost, it is easy to find these places.

So Jiang Shan wanted to find a place that was hard to think of. At least it is something that is difficult to think of immediately in directional thinking.

Jiang Shan's steps stopped for a moment.

She saw a sign with two little figures on it. She recognized the signs for the restrooms.

No matter what era you are in, toilets are always the same.

Jiang Shan knew what was going on, and after seeing the directions of the two signs, he confidently opened the door of the men's room.

Jiang Shan hid in a toilet cubicle, and at this time the ship's broadcast rang: "The five minutes are over, the ghost has started to act! Where is everyone hiding?"

Why wasn't there a reminder just now? The rules of the game are fair, but this broadcast is obviously unfair.

Jiang Shan felt that the temperature of the ship had dropped a few points.

The entire ship is like a large-scale 5D somatosensory game. It is cold when it should be cold and urgent when it is urgent. There will be music and atmosphere to match it at any time. Where is this medieval ship?

"The ghost is on the move, getting closer, getting closer..." A sharp voice came from the radio.

Jiang Shan was thinking wildly in his mind. He wondered if Zhao Ying would be differentiated by gender after she became a ghost. Will you avoid the men's room?

At this time, she heard a moan coming from the toilet stall.

She immediately became nervous. No, what are you afraid of?
Not so accurate, right?

Jiang Shan held his breath and remained silent, as quiet as a toilet fitting.

Until she vaguely heard two more snorts, a bit like the rough and dazed sound of a person just waking up.

She suddenly thought, "ghosts" shouldn't make sounds, right? After turning into a ghost, I became invisible and silent. What happened?

Just when Jiang Shan was tensed to the extreme, she heard a low grunt: "What the hell is this place?" A rich male voice.

Jiang Shan was stunned.

Until the male voice gasped a few more times, and then the door in the next room seemed to be pushed open from the inside. A pair of footsteps came out from inside.

Jiang Shan subconsciously shouted: "Don't, don't come out, don't open the door!"

What if a ghost comes here at this time?
It was too late to explain, and the person next door was obviously stunned for a second, and then he quickly came over and knocked open Jiang Shan's door.

The two stared at each other, Gao Wenwu's expression could be described as being struck by lightning: "Jiang, Jiang Shan? Why are you here?"

In the men's room?

From the voice just now, I knew it was Gao Wenwu, and he looked helpless at this time.

Unexpectedly, their missing friend appeared.

Gao Wenwu looked at Jiang Shan's strange posture: "What are you doing?"

Jiang Shan still had two lines of gloomy black tears on her face at this time. She looked a bit like Bloody Mary, and she replied dryly: "Hide and seek."

Judging from Gao Wenwu's appearance, he didn't know the game on the ship at all, as if he had just woken up. "...hide and seek?"

Jiang Shan looked at his expression and asked proactively: "Why are you here?"

She wanted to know if Gao Wenwu had any previous memories. Gao Wenwu's face was stunned for two seconds, and then he remembered and his face darkened: "I was avoiding pursuit before."

Chase? This answer was far beyond Jiang Shan's expectation. "Is someone hunting you?"

Gao Wenwu's expression became complicated: "Yes, I woke up in a place like a kitchen, someone shot at me, and I killed him."

Jiang Shan: "..." He is worthy of Gao Wenwu.

Everyone wakes up to face a different danger, and it seems that Gao Wenwu fits his style of shooting games.

"Then why are you here?" the two people asked at the same time.

Gao Wenwu's face was stunned, why are you here? "...I seem to have a memory gap."

He came out of the kitchen and found a large ship sailing on the sea. I remember being shocked, someone seemed to tap him on the shoulder.

Then Gao Wenwu remembered nothing?

Jiang Shan noticed another important point mentioned in Gao Wenwu's words: "Is the person who attacked you really a human being?"

Apart from the five of them, is there really anyone else on this ship?
Gao Wenwu thought this question was a bit weird and glanced at Jiang Shan: "Yes. Otherwise, how could I kill him."

When he said kill, he literally killed the opponent.

"Have you met anyone else?" Jiang Shan opened his eyes wide and wanted to know.

Gao Wenwu looked at Jiang Shan and shook his head: "No."

Jiang Shan was not good at using her brain, so she could only come to the conclusion that there were indeed other humans on the ship. She looked at Gao Wenwu and said, "Anyway, you hide first."

Gao Wenwu lost his memory, so he might have really become a ghost.

It was difficult to explain to him.

Gao Wenwu stared at Jiang Shan: "Aren't you going to say something? Where are Lao Wei and the others, were they with you before?"

Jiang Shan was silent for a moment: "Sit back next door and we'll talk."

Gao Wenwu: "..."

He silently returned to the toilet cubicle and closed the door. A voice came from next door, "Can you talk now?"

Jiang Shan said: "Wei Yuan and Zhang Zheng are outside, everyone is fine." At least for now, except Zhao Ying.

Gao Wenwu was obviously relieved, "What does peek-a-boo mean? Is there someone catching you too?"

Jiang Shan said silently: "It's 'us'." You are included.

Gao Wenwu frowned, he wanted to ask more.

But Jiang Shan seemed to be deliberately vague in his words. He felt it.

A childish and eerie singing voice came from the radio, it was that scary nursery rhyme:
"Who killed the mockingbird? It was I, said the sparrow. With my bow and arrows, I killed the mockingbird.

Who saw him die? It was me, said the fly, and with my little eyes I saw him die.

Who took his blood? It's me, said the fish. With my little saucer, I take his blood.

Who makes his shroud? It is I, said the Beetle, and with my needle and thread, I will make the shroud.

Who will dig his grave? It is I, said the Owl, with my chisel and shovel, I will dig the grave.

Who will carry the coffin? It's me, said Yuan. If you don't walk at night, I will carry the coffin.

Who will hold the coffin? It's us, said the Wren, together as husband and wife, we will bear the coffin.

Who will sing the hymns? It is I, said the Thrush, standing on the bush, and I will sing the hymn.

Who will sound the death knell? It's me, Niu said, because I can pull the yak, I'll sound the death knell. So, farewell, robin. All the birds in the air sighed and wept, when they heard the knell ringing for the poor robin. …”

The broadcast ended with a sharp cry: "The ghost is coming, the ghost is coming! The ghost is coming, the ghost is coming!"

Gao Wenwu's eyes widened, and some of his memories seemed to be awakened. He said stiffly, "Who? Who, who is the "ghost"?"

Two chapters have been updated today, don’t miss it.

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