
Chapter 327 How to break the situation

Chapter 327 How to break the situation
Jiang Shan had no way to explain to Gao Wenwu, "Don't be caught by ghosts, otherwise you will become ghosts."

Gao Wenwu was silent for a moment and said: "There are no ghosts in the world."

Jiang Shan pursed her lips. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it.

The radio was still singing, “Four blind mice, four blind mice.

Watch them run, watch them run. So funny, so funny.

They hide in dark corners, so pitiful, so pitiful.

Hahaha, hahaha. "

Laughing at your size, Jiang Shan tightened his fists again.

This time, Gao Wenwu could tell that the song on the radio was clearly reflecting and mocking them. However, their team was clearly made up of five people, why were they called four blind mice.

Gao Wenwu didn't say it out loud, but he already had more doubts and speculations in his heart.

It wasn't his shadow at all.

If one wants to catch a ghost, the best way is
If ghosts can see people, then ghosts can keep catching people, and the cycle continues.

Wei Yuan stood in front of the self-service vending machine, his figure vaguely reflected on the glass cabinet. He was about to leave and walk away when he suddenly froze.

There must be some way to see ghosts.

The game is indeed fair, so fair that it never ends.

Would rather sacrifice for this.

Gao Wenwu said: "Through a medium, such as a mirror." Mirrors are the most common medium.

Jiang Shan seemed to be clicked. She slowly looked in the direction of Gao Wenwu next door: "Isn't there a mirror in the toilet?"

Although the broadcast always said that the game was fair, if there was no way to see the ghost, the person would not have a chance to win.

Jiang Shan was stunned and quickly asked: "What can I do?"

Gao Wenwu said in a deep voice: "In ghost stories, there is usually a way to see ghosts."

Wei Yuan has been thinking about the way to break this game since just now. Any game should have a way to break the game before it can be called a game.

Wei Yuan was hiding on the side of the vending machine. He suddenly realized that if ghosts could see people, ghosts could actually see him wherever he was hiding. Because the ghost has been able to watch him since he was hiding.

This is a game that never ends.

He slowly turned around and saw his reflection in the glass cabinet.

A disguised deception, a word game.

However, Zhao Ying turned into an invisible ghost.

Wei Yuan thought so and took the initiative to walk out of the hiding place. He must find a way to break the situation.

The radio began to play some shrill, eerie and meaningless background music, obviously to deepen the atmosphere of the game.

"Is everyone here, Jiang Shan?" he asked.

Jiang Shan said after a while: "Well, everyone is here." Indeed, everyone is here.

Because he was standing next to the cabinet, almost touching the glass wall, his shadow was level with his figure.

The shadow he just saw in his peripheral vision was in the middle of the glass. A pale shadow with no clear facial features.

Wei Yuan took two steps back. The door panel made a heavy thud on the ground. In the reflection of the glass cabinet, he was closer to the pale shadow.

Because of the mirror principle, it is either far or near.

Wei Yuan felt his arms tremble slightly and could hardly hold the heavy door panel.

He turned around suddenly. In the glass, he and Bai Ying were looking at each other from a distance, but in reality, Wei Yuan saw nothing.

There was no one, no one else in the entire hall except him.

Then it can only be a ghost.

And the white shadow obviously saw him. The white shadow in the glass walked straight towards Wei Yuan. Wei Yuan could not retreat or hide at that moment, because Bai Ying had already seen him, and Bai Ying would see him no matter where he ran.

Wei Yuan was surprisingly calm.

He simply turned back and stared at the glass cabinet.

Bai Ying's speed was not very fast, and seemed to be about the same as a person walking. Wei Yuan could not see Bai Ying's facial features clearly except for a ball of white.

Is it Zhao Ying?
closer, closer...

He also wanted to take a gamble and wait for the white shadow to get closer, but found that no matter how close the image in the glass was, his facial features were always foggy.

It turns out that in this game, it is impossible to see ghosts.

When you become a ghost, you are no longer the same person you knew in life.

Wei Yuan wanted to smile bitterly. If he became a ghost, would he look like this? Or would he be a disabled ghost?

Wei Yuan subconsciously looked at his legs and couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

Jiang Shan and Gao Wenwu, two toilet roommates, spent a long time talking about mediums for seeing ghosts. "In addition to mirrors, there are also Ouija boards and pen fairy. These are the mediums we often know."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Wenwu paused and said: "Of course there are no ghosts in this world."

Jiang Shandao: "If you want to popularize science and get closer to science, forget it." There are no ghosts in this world, but there are too many life forms that they don't understand beyond their knowledge reserves, as well as blind spots in scientific explanation.

Why are they on this ship?

Can erosion be explained scientifically?

It is meaningless to argue whether there are ghosts or not. Ghosts are, at best, just a synonym for a mysterious force.

Jiang Shan suddenly remembered something, "Gao Wenwu, have you received a letter?"

Gao Wenwu was stunned for a moment, and then he said next: "You have one too?"

Okay, the code matches.

"I got it from the person I killed." But when he opened it, the handwriting inside was still miraculously dry.

He chased that person back and forth for at least half an hour, and finally he found a gap and killed the person.

As a result, the letter found on him turned out to be one that looked as if it had just been written.

Another mysterious phenomenon that cannot be explained.

"Does everyone have one? Do you all have one?" Gao Wenwu asked in surprise.

This sentence awakened Jiang Shan. No, not everyone has it. Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying don't seem to have it.

Why is that?
Jiang Shan's mind began to expand. Could it be... that the crisis between Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying was not resolved by themselves?

Jiang Shan was startled when this vague idea came up.

She and Wei Yuan arrived and rescued the two, so there was no envelope.

At this time, the broadcast suddenly sounded, a completely different sound from before: "Ding ding ding ding ding! Notice: One ticket has been consumed! One ticket has been consumed! The game is reset for the first time! Now the waiting time begins."

At this time, Jiang Shan and Gao Wenwu actually heard Wei Yuan's loud voice: "Jiang Shan, Zhang Zheng, you all come out."

Jiang Shan and Gao Wenwu were immediately startled. After a while, Jiang Shan pushed open the toilet cubicle first, and then Gao Wenwu also walked out.

Zhang Zheng's yelling voice could be heard outside: "What's going on, Old Wei? Why did it suddenly stop?"

I remember that I said before that I would only stay quiet if I was caught by a ghost. Why did it suddenly stop? And what is the ticket?
Jiang Shan and Gao Wenwu both rushed out.

The distance between the few people just now was not far, and now they almost met each other as soon as they went out.

The moment Wei Yuan saw Gao Wenwu, he was also stunned.

At Wei Yuan's feet, there was a burned envelope on the ground.

Thanks to Ziwu Shu and Broken Diamond Rose Baby for their votes.

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