
Chapter 331 Scary Joke

Chapter 331 Scary Joke
There was really someone else on the ship, and this person died in front of Jiang Shan and Zhang Zheng.

How could he survive after falling from such a height?

This was the first time that Zhang Zheng saw someone fall to death in front of him. The death caused by falling to death was one of the most tragic among all deaths. Anyone who saw it would have a psychological shadow.

Jiang Shan's expression didn't look good either, and the man's blood also splashed on her feet.

But she still cared about Zhang Zheng: "Zhang Zheng, are you okay?"

Zhang Zheng's entire face was sprayed with blood, and he seemed to be in a state of soul separation. "died……?"

Jiang Shan pushed him to prevent him from overindulging: "Let's get out of here."

Zhang Zheng seemed a little excited, looking at the spiraling stairs: "Don't we go up to see who did it?"

Jiang Shan was speechless. If you go up at this time, are you looking for death?
She directly grabbed Zhang Zheng, walked around the torn-up man, and quickly left the atrium. If something continued to fall from above, no matter what it was, it would be dangerous for both of them to just stand there. Civilized people prohibit falling objects from heights.

Zhao Ying woke up from a deep dizziness. This feeling was a bit like the feeling she had in school and every time she woke up from the car. It was as if every part of the human body had been dissociated and reorganized, which was extremely terrifying.

ah! Zhao Ying screamed in her heart and stepped back. She tried hard to wipe off the blood on her hands, but when the blood smeared on her clothes, she started to tremble slightly.

Zhao Ying even opened her mouth for a long time but was speechless, "Ashan..." The first thing she said was Ashan.

Therefore, none of them can adapt to the reaction in this body. Including nausea and vomiting.

She even seemed to have a body again now.

"Is there anyone there? Ashan? Dr. Wei?" Zhao Ying felt that she touched something very slippery, so she pulled back and saw that her hands were full of blood.

"What happened?" All expressions on Zhao Ying's face seemed to be frozen, and she could not even show her fear. Her whole face seemed to be waxed.

Suddenly a face appeared in the gap, with ferocious facial features and two big eyes staring at Zhao Ying in the elevator. "Is there anyone? Survivor?"

He stared at the gap in the elevator door and was afraid to go out.

She still remembers being tapped on the shoulder.

Zhao Ying: "...Who are you?"

All the fears and emotions that followed were frozen in that moment.

Zhao Ying found that she was actually in an elevator, but the elevator's dashboard was broken and exposed wires were hanging outside. A pale and frightened face reflected on the smooth door.

Zhao Ying's hands were trembling, and the elevator floor was still covered with carpet. She was sitting on the ground like a dying person who had just woken up.

Before Zhao Ying screamed, she heard this person speak.

Zhao Ying got up from the ground and opened the elevator door. There was a finger-width gap in the door. She used all her strength to open it about ten centimeters with both hands, and stretched out her hands and arms.

The face looked up and down Zhao Ying: "Are you a passenger?"

Zhao Ying didn't understand what it meant. Silently and silently.

The other party mistakenly thought that Zhao Ying was frightened, and when he saw the blood on Zhao Ying's hands but no traces of injury on her body, he subconsciously believed that the other party was a survivor who had passed the first level.

But to be on the safe side, he asked again: "Are you playing... to catch people?" Zhao Ying's face turned pale. She stared at the man, who was also staring at her without blinking.


The other party is relieved. Only those who pass the first level will play the game of ghost hunting. They are really survivors.

Zhao Ying shrank back when she saw that face, and then the elevator door was pushed open by this person. Then she saw that this person was a burly man with a tattoo on his arm. Zhao Ying couldn't open the elevator door. Just pulled it apart.

"Come out, don't worry, I checked, there's no one else here."

Seeing that this man seemed to be showing friendly intentions, Zhao Ying couldn't make up her mind for a moment, and she didn't know where the other person's friendliness came from.

But the elevator door had already opened, and Zhao Ying saw a retro old lobby outside.

She looked at the man with flowery arms and walked out slowly.

When the man with the flowery arm saw that Zhao Ying was unwilling to speak, he should have thought that the other party was still in shock. Who wouldn't be? It took the man with the flowery arm a long time to adjust his mentality.

Zhao Ying looked around calmly. The swaying hull and the faint sound of waves made her convinced that she was still on the boat. But where did Jiang Shan and the others go? Why did she lose a memory?
The man with flowery arms in front of him had unknown friends and foes, so Zhao Ying did not dare to expose him too much.

But it was not enough to remain silent, especially since the other party kept staring with strange eyes. Zhao Ying could only ask an ambiguous question: "How many people are on this ship?"

The man with the flowery arms was stunned for a moment, as if he was being asked: "It seems that there are more than a hundred in total... I heard that less than half of them passed the first level." This is already a terrifying elimination rate, and it's only the first level.

Moreover, the game of becoming a ghost has just begun, and people have already begun to sacrifice.

first round. half.

Zhao Ying listened to these words and thought of the high-altitude fish tank where she was locked. Is that what is called a level? Less than half of them passed? Zhao Ying thought that she and Zhang Zheng were both rescued by Jiang Shan and Wei Yuan.

If the more than one hundred people were less than half, then there were at least fifty people on the ship.

Fifty people, spread across more than a thousand cabins on such a large ship, would be impossible to find if everyone deliberately hid.

No wonder this cruise ship is so quiet.

"Those of us who have survived the first level should unite together." The flower-armed man said again.

Zhao Ying couldn't help but said: "What on earth...what level is this?"

The first level and the second level are like a game. A game played with human life?
The flower-armed man looked at Zhao Ying and said, "Actually, I don't know much. I am, well, let's not talk about this anymore."

The flower-armed man rolled his eyes and suddenly stopped talking. Until now, he was the one who was revealing the information, but Zhao Ying had provided nothing.

Zhao Ying also keenly felt a problem, and she could only remain silent at this time. Because she really doesn’t know anything, and she makes many mistakes when she talks. If she doesn’t speak, it will still make people think that she deliberately doesn’t want to say anything.

On the gambling table, if the trump card is revealed in advance, it means death.

Seeing that Zhao Ying's words hadn't come out, the flower-armed man kept silent. Generally speaking, people who could pass the first level were somewhat capable, which was why he was willing to help Zhao Ying just now. There is no goodwill without reason in this world. Everyone who is exiled on this ship is in a helpless state. At this time, if there is a powerful help, it is tantamount to a life-saving talisman.

In particular, I heard that among these fifty people, there are "alienated people" with extraordinary abilities.

Thanks to Ziwu Mouse, my name is Page, Diamond Rose, reader 1596063352795201536, book friend 20240113115004071, and book friend 20230723111113933 for their votes

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