
Chapter 332 The second gui appeared

Chapter 332 The second gui appeared
Jiang Shan sneezed, and the ship's announcement suddenly started: "Ding ding ding! Someone has been caught! Hee hee hee hee hee, let's start a new round of quiet time!"

Zhang Zheng and Jiang Shan both looked at each other, "Someone was caught...has Zhao Ying recovered?"

Jiang Shan kept counting the seconds in her mind. She didn't believe any clock on the ship. Starting from her mental calculation, it was less than half an hour now.

Did it just sit still again?
It seems that after becoming a "ghost", it's really not that simple. Ghosts catch people, and people can easily be caught and turned into ghosts.

"Then where is Zhao Ying now?" Zhang Zheng asked blankly.

Zhao Ying could be anywhere on this boat.

At this moment, Jiang Shan found a white shadow in the mirror. She immediately looked back, and sure enough, there was nothing behind her.

She looked in the mirror again and saw that the position of the white shadow had changed.

Without any time to explain, Jiang Shan pulled Zhang Zheng and started running: "Run!"

Zhang Zheng was unprepared and was pulled wildly. The ghost in the mirror chased after him. The speed was not very fast. Jiang Shan could definitely get rid of it.

Ghosts are incorporeal and can walk right through walls.

But it was only for a moment, because in the next second, Zhang Zheng disappeared as if being cut off.

The mirror in Jiang Shan's hand fell to the ground.

At the same time, the white shadow in the mirror disappeared.

The ghost's face in the mirror always seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, as if seeing flowers in the mist.

Then why does it have to come in through the door?

Jiang Shan turned around suddenly, but saw nothing. At this time, Zhang Zheng suddenly turned around and shouted: "Who? Who tapped me on the shoulder?"

But after the white shadow came in, it didn't start looking around. Instead, it suddenly stopped at the door. Looking in the mirror, it just stopped moving.

"I caught you." This voice sounded behind Jiang Shan's ear.

Jiang Shan kicked open a door casually and hid in with Zhang Zheng.

The uneasiness in Jiang Shan's heart was getting stronger and stronger, but she stared at the white shadow in the mirror, but she really didn't know what else could happen.

Jiang Shan's hand holding the mirror suddenly froze, and she subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

Jiang Shan didn't say anything. There were rows of tables and seats here, and it seemed to be a restaurant. There was even a row of empty plates from the buffet on top. A big spider crawled out of the tall soup bucket.

She stared.

Only then did Zhang Zheng have time to catch his breath. He looked at Jiang Shan with wide eyes: "A ghost, a ghost is chasing you?"

Jiang Shan turned the mirror in his hand at an angle and pointed it at the door of the restaurant. A white shadow came through the door.

Jiang Shan felt a little weird, and she was thinking nervously, because in the current situation, the game was unfair to ghosts. Could it be that after becoming a ghost, apart from being invisible to the human eye, would there be no other skills?
Since the game is fair and will not be unfair to humans, how can it be unfair to ghosts?
When you find it unfair, a trap may already be approaching.

Jiang Shanru fell into the ice cave, and the white shadow in the mirror seemed to be fading. She suddenly turned the mirror to Zhang Zheng, and at that moment she saw a white shadow clinging closely to Zhang Zheng.

"Zhang Zheng..."

The temperature seemed to be dropping in her ears. Zhang Zheng exhaled and vaguely sprayed out white mist.

Zhang Zheng was captured by a ghost before her eyes.

"Broadcast!" Jiang Shan stood up angrily, "Didn't you say there was only one ghost? Are you lying?"

In the past, the rules were hidden and not told, but now they are directly told false rules? Jiang Shan was furious and had the urge to destroy this place.

And this time, after a long silence, the broadcast slowly started to sound: "There is only one ghost, and the rules do not lie."

Jiang Shan was furious: "I saw it with my own eyes!" The ghost was still at the door, but another ghost appeared behind her and Zhang Zheng. Moreover, Zhang Zheng was captured instead of her.

The broadcast still said coldly: "There is only one ghost, and the rules do not lie."

"Let go..." Jiang Shan suddenly stopped talking.

There is only one ghost, the ghost can be invisible, and the ghost can walk through walls. Jiang Shan asked in a trembling voice: "What abilities do ghosts have?"

The broadcast said: "The question is a foul and will not be answered."

This is definitely a foul. People's fear of ghosts comes from the unknown. Why play games after telling you everything?

Jiang Shan slowly wiped his face. It was her fault. Zhang Zheng was caught because of her carelessness.

Zhang Zheng trusted her so much that he completely relaxed his vigilance.

"Ding ding ding! Someone has been caught again! Hee hee hee hee hee, let's start a new round of quiet time again!" The broadcast continued to pretend to be playful but actually sinister.

"Damn it, why does it feel like the time it takes for the ghost to catch someone is shortening every time." The man with the flowery arm cursed when he heard the radio.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested. Zhao Ying couldn't help but tremble. Every time, is it shortened?
The flower-armed man quickly looked around furtively, "I think it would be better for us to find a place to hide."

Zhao Ying looked at him and asked, "Where can you hide?"

The flower-armed man couldn't help but turn his eyes around. This was the sixth floor. He had been wandering around the ground and didn't have the courage to go up. He just wants to squat on the lower floor to collect information first. It is said that there are things scarier than ghosts on the top floor.

All games become more difficult as time goes by, and fewer and fewer people can survive to the end.

"Let's go quickly." The flower-armed man urged Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying never wanted to be with him. Although the man with the flowery arm seemed to have saved her, her sixth sense about this man was not good at all. She should stay away from this person.

Zhao Ying bit her lip and said, "I kind of want to go to the bathroom."

The flower-armed man glanced at her and said slowly: "Under these conditions, beauty, you can just make do with it here."

Zhao Ying: "..."

Zhao Ying's face was ugly, and she was even more worried when she saw the tattoos on this man's body. The man with the flowery arms was standing on the steps, looking at Zhao Ying leisurely.

Zhao Ying said: "I have companions, and I want to find them."

The flower-armed man raised his eyebrows. He was not surprised that Zhao Ying said this: "It's good to have companions. There are more people in this game, but the power is greater. But as long as your companions can successfully pass the first level, sooner or later you will meet each other in the subsequent levels." Arrived.”

This game is to eliminate the weak ones and keep the strong ones until the end.

Zhao Ying wants to say that all her friends have passed the first level.

The flower-armed man urged again: "Let's go quickly."

Zhao Ying had no choice but to follow. She didn't know what the man with the flowery arm wanted to do, but since he didn't know what kind of people were on the ship he mentioned, even if she didn't meet the man with the flowery arm, she would probably meet someone else. Zhao Ying thought about it, she had no force value, and no other means of self-protection. If she left alone, their hope of finding Jiang Shan was too slim.

Zhao Ying could only endure the humiliation and bear the burden, take one step at a time, and adapt to changes.

There are two chapters today. The previous chapter has been updated. Don’t miss it.

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