
Chapter 333 The Man with Flowery Arms

Chapter 333 The Man with Flowery Arms

Jiang Shan picked up the mirror fragments from the ground. After the rest time was over, he immediately looked around again.

Sure enough, Bai Ying (Zhang Zheng) was not seen.

This game was indeed tricky at every turn, so she was not surprised, so she simply packed up the mirror and walked out of the restaurant.

She now wants to know the instigator on this boat. If the ghost (Zhang Zheng) really comes to find her, she doesn't have to hide at all.

And that so-called boat ticket.

Jiang Shan's eyes turned cold.

Zhao Ying followed the flower-armed man into a cabin. The ship's cabin was similar to a hotel room. The flower-armed man couldn't wait to find the refrigerator in the room and opened it. As expected, there were some packaged foods displayed inside.

The man with the flowery arm took it directly, tore open the package and poured it into his mouth. Zhao Ying was horrified to see it. She didn't know the date of production of these packaged foods, so she ate them without any scruples?

The flower-armed man chewed hard for a while. Seeing that Zhao Ying was unmoved and ignored, he just gobbled it all up.

Zhao Ying looked at the man with the flowery arms and always felt that there was an unspeakable secret in his indifferent attitude.

What does he know.

The flower-armed man locked the cabin door and stared at Zhao Ying coldly. "It just so happens that you don't have a boat ticket, so you can stay here and be my human shield."

"Still want to run away?" The man with the flowery arm dragged Zhao Ying back to the cabin.

Zhao Ying subconsciously asked: "What is this?"

Zhao Ying's face became stiff, and she subconsciously wanted to say something to make up for it. But the flower-armed man had already stared at her face and saw through her expression. "You didn't pass the first level at all?"

Zhao Ying immediately knew that she had made a big mistake.

Zhao Ying subconsciously took a step back. After reacting, she immediately turned around and rushed out of the cabin.

Zhao Ying said: "The broadcast just now said that someone else was caught."

The face of the flower-armed man suddenly turned ferocious.

Zhao Ying struggled: "What do you want to do?! Let me go!"

So Zhao Yingcai didn't say anything along the way because she didn't know anything at all.

Zhao Ying's whole body felt suddenly cold and hot, and the man with the flowery arm chased out from behind, "Stop!"

Zhao Ying was pulled by a strong force on her arm and watched in horror as the man with the flowery arm glared at her.

As soon as she finished speaking, she found that the man with the flowery arm looked at her a little strangely. "There are people who have passed the first level, don't you?"

what exactly is it?
The man with the flowery arm took out an envelope from his pocket and held it in front of his eyes to examine it.

At least he felt certain that ghosts would not come to him at this stage.

What meat shield?
Zhao Ying was even more bizarre and puzzled.

The man with the flowery arms was tall and burly, and he had eaten so much food just now. Zhao Ying, who was weak when he ran, was no match for him.

He thought he had found a capable person, but he turned out to be a complete noob? !

The flower-armed man burped, as if he didn't care, "Anyway, this game is all about who is unlucky."

"What do you mean?"

The flower-armed man snorted coldly, "You really don't know anything."

Zhao Ying calmed down at this time. She had a strange feeling, as if the man with the flowery arms was also scared. "I can't run away anyway, don't you dare say it."

The man with the flowery arm was aroused and his face froze. After a moment, he looked at Zhao Ying with a sneer and admiration: "How did you survive?" He asked three questions and didn't know. He should have died in the first pass.

Zhao Ying couldn't help but think of Jiang Shan because her teammates were strong.

The flower-armed man said: "You don't even have a boat ticket. If a ghost comes looking for you, you will be the first to be caught."

The flower-armed man said as he fiddled with the envelope a little proudly.

Zhao Ying's eyes flickered a few times: "...What do you mean? Is the boat ticket you are talking about the envelope?"

The flower-armed man said nothing.

But Zhao Ying has already connected by association. She doesn’t have a boat ticket, so the ghost catches her first? Or is it that ghosts tend to get her?
The flower-armed man stared at Zhao Ying. He had a boat ticket and a human shield, which meant that even if the ghost came, he could survive at least two rounds. Thinking of this, the flower-armed man relaxed even more.

So when a person with a ticket and a person without a ticket are together, the ghost will automatically choose the one without a ticket with a high probability.

This seems to be a self-protection mechanism for ghosts. After all, it will be useless even if someone with a ticket is caught.

On this ship, knowing one more rule is equivalent to knowing one more way to save your life. This is so crucial.

Zhao Ying looked at the man with flowery arms, why did this man know this? If everyone was caught on this boat, why are each other's information so unequal?
Not equal, that's the key.

Unless Zhao Ying's hands were clenched in her sleeves, unless the man with the flowery arm had already participated in the game.

On this boat, the five members of their team were not the first ones to come aboard? Has a similar game started a long time ago on this ship?
I thought they were the only ones captured before, but now it turns out that not only are they not the only ones, they are not even the first ones.

The flower-armed man suddenly looked at Zhao Ying: "You said before that you had companions. Could it be that you were also lying?"

He deliberately said that he had companions in order to appear that he was not alone.

Zhao Ying raised her head directly this time and actually said: "You are right, I am a person." Zhao Ying did not want to involve Jiang Shan and others.

The man with the flowery arm showed a true expression. This woman is really smart, thinking she can protect herself in this way.

Zhao Ying said calmly: "What about you? Don't you have any companions?" But the flower-armed man also said before that those of them who passed the first level need to unite together.

Then why is he wandering here alone.

The flower-armed man looked at Zhao Ying again and smiled maliciously, "How could it not be? It was the sacrifice of those companions that gave me the valuable information."

The broadcast will not tell all the rules from the beginning. Basically, only every time someone sacrifices, a new rule will be known. The man with the flower arm is obviously lucky enough to still be alive after all his companions are dead.

Is this really lucky or was it premeditated?

Zhao Ying knew that she might have underestimated this man with flowery arms.

He knew far more than she had previously thought.

At this time, the broadcast actually rang again: "A new round of standstill! It seems that the participants this time didn't work hard, and they were caught so easily!"

Another human-to-ghost switch?

The man with the flowery arm also changed his expression and couldn't help but cursed: "Trash!"

Apparently no previous games were this fast.

But when Jiang Shan heard the broadcast, his eyes were filled with joy and relief. That's fine, as long as Zhang Gugege comes back. As long as her companions are still on this ship, she will definitely find them.

Jiang Shan silently counted the time in his mind, this time it was only twenty minutes. She still hasn't figured out the logic of two ghosts appearing at the same time. Do ghosts have a cloning technique? The ghost stopped immediately when he entered the restaurant. He almost didn't deliberately look for them, but seemed to know where they were hiding as a matter of course.

So ghosts have precognitive abilities?
Thank you Ziwushu for your monthly votes and recommendation votes

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