
Chapter 334 The truth of the game

Chapter 334 The truth of the game

"Before I passed out, the director just told me in the office that we were abandoned." Wei Yuan said to Gao Wenwu.

The two of them looked at the dilapidated cruise ship in front of them, but in many places, there were things that did not belong to this era of cruise ships, such as the self-service vending machine that was just exposed.

Gao Wenwu was silent. He was a soldier and obeyed all orders from his superiors. He was not allowed to ask why for everything. But this time, he didn't even know what the order was.

"Now the director has given up on us."

Being betrayed by one of your own, especially someone you have always trusted, is the most heartbreaking thing. Even a cold-hearted person like Wei Yuan might not be able to stand it.

Wei Yuan's current appearance is indeed not good. He looked at the mirror in his hand silently: "I have been thinking that if Zheng Suo did this, he did not want to harm us."

What could be the reason that caused Zheng Suo to do this?

Gao Wenwu couldn't help but frowned, isn't it harmful? "You can't help us." Send them here and face the test of life and death at the beginning. This kind of help has never been heard of.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yuan suddenly stared at Gao Wenwu.

If...if we take a step back and think about it, Zheng Suo's purpose is really not to harm them and exile them on this ship. Faced with this terrifying situation, is there any other deeper reason that they don't know?

Then he raised his head with a sallow face, "Look at this, you lost the game?"

Zhang Zheng moved his butt back crazily, "Miracle Shanshan? Miracle Shanshan, where are you?!" Wasn't he with Jiang Shan just now?

"I want to scold my mother."

"There are passengers in this broken ship?" Zhang Zheng was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

I actually saw a person, a woman.

The red-haired woman looked at Zhang Zheng: "I am a passenger."

"What did you mean by game failure just now?"

He turned his head and looked to both sides, and the next second his pupils trembled. A badly fallen corpse was not far away, and the twisted head of the corpse was still facing him. "I¥#¥#%......%!!!" There are countless omissions here.

The red-haired woman narrowed her eyes: "You have become a ghost, don't you know?"


A charming voice sounded from the side, and Zhang Zheng turned around again in surprise and saw a tall red-haired woman leaning on the staircase railing, seemingly chewing gum in her mouth.

What is the purpose of this game?
Wei Yuan couldn't help but think about this problem.

His face looked funny because of the exaggerated makeup.

"Why are you here without passengers?"

Gao Wenwu still has the same stern face as before. He has experienced enough since the erosion. For Gao Wenwu, if he still has thoughts now, the only thing he can think of is: "I just hope you are all safe."

Zhang Zheng couldn't digest it and could only stand motionless, a passenger, playing games.


Zhang Zheng jumped up and ran, until he was dizzy, bent over, and coughing violently before he stopped.

Zhang Zheng covered his head and sat up. He now felt as if he had been drunk and was thrown out of the air.

"Who are you?" Zhang Zheng was very wary.

Zhang Zheng seemed to have been slapped in the face, and there was fear in his eyes. He recalled some fragments. Someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Are you okay?" The red-haired woman smiled. But her big red lips look like a clown.

Zhang Zheng swallowed his throat: "Changing into a ghost...can you really become a ghost?"

"Of course, and you will change back only after you catch the person." The red-haired woman's words extinguished Zhang Zheng's hope.

"I arrested someone..." Who did he arrest? Who did he catch? The red-haired woman looked at the frightened Xiaobai. She had seen this expression too many times, and the smile at the corner of her mouth was even more sarcastic.

This kind of people are cannon fodder, and they are sent in a steady stream.

"Would you like to join us?" the red-haired woman suddenly said.

Zhang Zheng was stunned again: "Join you?"

The red-haired woman nodded, "If you join us, I can take you directly to the top floor."

Zhang Zheng looked at the red-haired woman in surprise. This woman gave him a feeling that it was difficult to get along with him. He stammered: "Why go to the top floor for what?"

This time it was the red-haired woman who looked at Zhang Zheng, a novice, with wide eyes, "You have experienced a round of the game, but why don't you know anything?"

Zhang Zheng was choked.

The red-haired girl clicked her tongue, "You won't survive the ghost game. The second time you turn into a ghost, you will be a ghost forever."

Zhang Zheng also completely remembered what he said on the radio. He watched Zhao Ying disappear with his own eyes, and then it was his turn.

It turns out that he really turned into a ghost and didn't even remember anything. People turn into ghosts, ghosts turn into people.

"Does becoming a ghost forever mean that you continue this game forever?"

The red-haired woman seemed to be choked, and then she laughed crazily, pointing at Zhang Zheng as if she thought he was very funny.

Zhang Zheng originally didn't like this red-haired woman, but when he saw her crazy behavior, he couldn't help but take a step back. Did he say something funny? Someone is dead now, how can this be funny?
The red-haired woman seemed to see Zhang Zheng's stern face and barely suppressed her smile. She raised her hand to wipe her tears: "I'm sorry, this is the first time I've seen someone board this ship without knowing anything." The boat was out of control."

Zhang Zheng stared at her, knowing nothing, and this really hurt their team's hearts.

The red-haired woman calmed down and said, "You should have heard the radio saying that everyone has one chance to transform from a ghost into a human." Yes, there is only one chance.

"And the radio said that there will only be one ghost on this ship from beginning to end. Have you never thought about the conflict between these two rules?"

Zhang Zheng was slightly shocked.

The red-haired woman raised her eyebrows opposite him, and the corners of her mouth were also curved very deliberately.

Think about these rules carefully. What an obvious implication -

If you are photographed by a ghost, you will turn into a ghost, and then within an hour, you can turn back into a human if you catch the next person.

And everyone only has one chance from beginning to end to change back into a human being.

That is to say, once you are caught by a ghost next time, you will never have the chance to become a human again.

I would like to ask, how to continue this game?

Zhang Zheng's body shook violently, and he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He finally understood how ridiculous what he just asked was.

"Haha, the second time I was caught by a ghost, I immediately turned into a 'ghost'... and died completely." The red-haired woman said with some sympathy. The two ghost characters do not mean the same thing. One represents real death.

That's why the game keeps looping.

Broadcasting is committed to pursuing fairness in the game. From the very beginning, there is only one ghost, but there are many, many people.

When there are many people, the probability of everyone being caught by a ghost is automatically reduced.

As the game progresses, the number of people will gradually decrease, but at the same time, humans will also explore more rules about ghosts (for example, mirrors can catch ghosts), so the fairness of the game is always subtle and balanced.

"How's it going? Do you understand now?" The red-haired woman's tone began to be seductive.

You no longer have a death-free gold medal, and you will die next time.

Thanks to Ziwu Shu, Missing Ji, and Broken Diamond Rose for their votes~

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