
Chapter 336 Escape from the Man with Flowery Arms

Chapter 336 Escape from the Man with Flowery Arms

"Zhang Zheng!" Zhao Ying was surprised and happy.

Meeting a companion feels like being reborn.

Zhang Zheng did not live up to this gaze. He glared at the man with the flowery arms: "Who are you?"

The man with the flowery arm had been frightened by the blow just now, and now he had forgotten it. He looked up and down at Zhang Zheng, who was he trying to scare with a mirror? He had thin arms and thin legs. "Is it my turn to ask you this?"

Zhang Zheng took a step towards the door and looked at the man with flowery arms cautiously. He was tall and tall, but so what, he was not intimidated.

The flower-armed man saw the clues and glanced at Zhao Ying: "Are you two companions?"

Zhang Zheng replied: "It's good that you know." Companions, there is strength in numbers.

The flower-armed man asked Zhao Ying: "You just said you were a human being, and you lied again?" Zhao Ying had a few truths in her mouth now, and it turned out that a woman's mouth is a liar.

Zhao Ying glared at the man with the flowery arm. She only spoke human words when she saw him, and she naturally spoke nonsense when she saw ghosts. So what if I lie to you.

Zhang Zheng leaned towards Zhao Ying and said, "Zhao Ying, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Normally Zhao Ying would not know whether to laugh or cry, but at this moment she glanced at Zhang Zheng movedly.

"Don't blame me for not warning you." Zhang Zheng threatened, "Our other companions are on their way. If you are wise, you'd better leave quickly."

The flower-armed man burst into tears as he laughed. He had already seen through Zhang Zhengwai's strong-willedness. "I originally thought he was a young man, but now he has sent another one. It's really God's help." He sent a fool.

Zhang Zheng was very unhappy when he saw this man laughing. He looked at Zhao Ying and asked, "What does he mean?"

Zhao Ying's expression changed, and she looked at Zhang Zheng, wondering whether she should let Zhang Zheng run away.

"What are you holding a mirror for?" she asked.

Zhang Zheng's eyes immediately flickered. He glanced at the man with the flowery arm. There were no ghosts in this place now. "The ghost is behind you."

The flower-armed man's face froze, and he slowly looked at Zhang Zheng: "What did you say?"

Zhang Zheng looked gloomy and hugged the mirror: "I said the ghost is behind you."

The face of the flower-armed man changed slightly.

Zhang Zheng suddenly laughed exaggeratedly: "What's wrong? Don't you know this time? Don't you can see ghosts with a mirror?"

The man with the flowery arm seemed to have really changed his color now. "Say it again? What kind of mirror can see ghosts?"

Zhang Zheng brought his acting skills to the extreme, "So you really don't know? Tsk, haven't you ever played the Mirror Ghost game? Another world can be reflected in the mirror..."

Zhang Zheng deliberately turned the mirror sideways, causing the reflection in the mirror to shake the man with the flowery arms.

The flower-armed man was a little unsteady for a moment.

"Look!" Zhang Zheng immediately pointed behind the man with the flowered arms in horror, "There is a white shadow standing behind you... It's about to be photographed, it's about to be photographed!"

As Zhang Zheng yelled at the top of his lungs, the flower-armed man fell to the ground as if he had been bitten by a poisonous snake, and then rolled several times in a row, as if to avoid something dirty.

Zhang Zheng slammed the mirror in his hand at the man with the flowery arm, grabbed Zhao Ying and said, "Quickly leave!"

The two people rushed out of the door, not daring to stay at all. Fortunately, Zhao Ying knew Zhang Zheng very well. She knew that he was talking nonsense from the moment he exaggerated and yelled, and she always cooperated with Zhang Zheng's performance.

After all, they are real old teammates, and they have a perfect understanding of each other, and there is no chance of escaping.

Fortunately, this cruise ship really has nine twists and turns, and all the floors were covered with thick carpets. The two of them deliberately didn't make too much noise. After turning two turns, they immediately found a corner and started chatting. .

You can hear the flower-armed man roaring. He knew that he had been deceived, and he was so angry that he couldn't do anything. But when he threw away the mirror, got up from the ground, and rushed out the door to chase after him, Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng had long since lost sight of his shadow. It was not easy to hide in this huge cruise ship. The man with the flowery arm could only stare at the empty corridor resentfully.

Let's see, if he encounters them again, he will never let these two people go. Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying hid in the corner and looked at each other. Just in case, neither of them spoke or made a sound. They hid like this for what seemed like a long time until no sound was heard outside, including Following the footsteps of the flower-armed man, they slowly saw the joy of surviving the catastrophe in each other's eyes.

"Zhang Zheng, why are you here?"

Zhang Zheng scratched his head in embarrassment: "This... it's a long story." He turned into a ghost and then into a human.

"Let's not talk about it for now," he said in surprise, "We have to quickly... find a mirror."

Zhao Ying saw that he had been holding up the mirror since just now, "Are you saying that you can really see ghosts in the mirror?"

She thought she was just trying to scare the man with the flowery arm. But the way Zhang Zheng appeared just now holding a mirror was really surprising.

Zhang Zheng nodded and added: "Any mirror object will do."

Mirrored object? Zhao Ying's eyes moved.

With no time to explain too much, Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying stood up from their hiding places and started looking for a mirror.

There will be mirrors in the bathrooms and cabins.

But now they dare not go back to the cabin, in case they encounter some pervert hiding inside again.

"Ghosts can walk through walls." Zhang Zheng thought of the nightmare. He was obviously with Jiang Shan, but the ghost still caught him.

So in fact, the method of hiding is not reliable at all.

But it seems that other people, such as the man with flowery arms, don't know at all.

Zhao Ying looked at Zhang Zheng: "You also...became a ghost?"

This struck a chord in the minds of both of them, and both of them looked bad. Who would want to become a ghost? Even if he changes back, he still feels uncomfortable.

"We have to find Shanshan or Lao Wei quickly." Zhang Zheng said, otherwise with his and Zhao Ying's ability to protect themselves, they would stop working when they encounter ghosts in a minute.

Finally, the two of them found a bathroom, and Zhang Zheng raised his foot and kicked it.

The mirror remained motionless.

There was a bit of embarrassment in the air.

Zhang Zheng coughed twice, "I, let me gather my strength."

Then he stepped up with his feet again, and the mirror finally cracked as expected. Zhang Zheng quickly picked it up, "Let's each take a piece. Don't scratch your hands."

Zhao Ying followed suit and picked up a piece, "What should we do next?"

Zhang Zheng said: "I'll take the picture from the front, and you take the picture from the back." In this way, no matter what kind of cloning skills the ghost has, they will at least be able to detect it immediately.

After learning a lesson, Zhao Ying was silent for a moment and said, "We may not only have to be wary of ghosts, but also people."

Not only Zhao Ying met the man with flowery arms, but Zhang Zheng also met the red-haired woman.

"I heard from them that there seems to be some other organization." Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying looked at each other, "There is a woman who wants to take me to the top floor."

Zhao Ying didn't have much information, and the flower-armed man refused to reveal more. "Do you know about the ferry tickets?"

Zhang Zheng immediately said: "You know?" It just so happened that he also wanted to popularize science with Zhao Ying.

"I know one thing. If a person with a ticket and a person without a ticket are together, the ghost will find the one without a ticket first."

Thanks to wy1972, Nan Xiang Jiu Meng, Gu Qianli, and Ziwu Shubaozi for their votes!

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