
Chapter 337 Leaving the game forever

Chapter 337 Leaving the game forever
"Both of us don't have a boat ticket, does it count as a negative or a positive?" Zhang Zheng said in a daze.

Zhao Ying: "..." When it comes to imagination, she really admires Zhang Zheng. But when he said it, I felt really good.

In fact, Zhang Zheng understood why the red-haired woman recruited him. Sure enough, he was used as cannon fodder. Fuck grandma.

The two of them each held a mirror. In order to have a large field of view, the larger the size of the mirror, the better. But it’s even more difficult to pick it up. "Do we have to devise a strategy?" Zhang Zheng asked.

Since both of them belong to high-risk groups, they must find a way to ensure that there are no problems or to minimize the risk.

Zhao Ying pondered for a while and suddenly said: "I have a good idea."

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng each took a large mirror, turned their backs to each other, and slowly leaned each other's backs together.

Back to back, the two of them turned the mirrors in their hands at an angle. In an instant, they could clearly see all the front and rear visions from the opposite mirror.

If there is a ghost on the road ahead, the two of them will immediately find it in the mirror. (You can practice this with friends in real life)
It's a foolproof tactic.

"Zhao Ying, you are still smart." Zhang Zheng was extremely impressed.

And the two of them can see the surrounding situation in each other's mirror without too much effort.

Feel free to give your back to the other person. The scenes that were performed in the movie were now learned and used by the two of them.

"Let's try walking for a while first." Zhao Ying said.

The two of them each held a mirror and moved slowly forward with their backs to each other. "Do you think we will die here?" Zhang Zheng said.

Zhao Ying said: "I have figured it out during these days, people are bound to die."

What's the use of being frightened every day. Being more calm will make life easier. But not being afraid of death does not mean waiting for death. If you know that ghosts may appear around you, you would be stupid if you don't respond.

Zhang Zheng was silent. He really wished he could be so free and easy. In other words, he would never reach this state.

"A woman mentioned the attic before. What do you think is on the attic?"

I specifically said I would take him to the top floor. It's like some kind of glory.

Zhao Ying didn't know even more. She turned into a ghost earlier than Zhang Zheng, so she knew even less information. But Zhao Ying analyzed that the people on this ship should also have different forces. For example, the man with flowery arms and the red-haired woman Zhang Zheng met were obviously not on the same side.

But the blame lies here.

In the ghost-changing game, logically humans are all in the same camp. Why can this also divide different camps?
"I think we need to know more rules to be able to protect ourselves."

After Zhao Ying experienced the man with the flowery arm, she knew that the blood hidden under the layers of rules must be due to some kind of benefit, but they didn't know what it was yet.

"I guess people with ferry tickets are naturally of a higher class than those without." Sure enough, wherever there are humans, there will be classes. Whether it’s civilized society or the end of the world. Class manifests itself in different ways.

Those who didn't get a ticket were used as "human shields."

But the red-haired woman and the man with flowery arms must have tickets, but they are not in a team. "These people must have something else in mind."

"Here, the information gap is the talisman." No one wants to tell others what they know.

The broadcast rang at this time: "Ding ding ding ding ding! Important notice: The second ticket has been consumed! Entering the idle time! The game will restart in five minutes!" Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, which meant They had time to breathe. The two quickly put down the mirror and shook their sore arms.

"Flight ticket..." Zhao Ying paused, remembering what the man with the flowery arm said.

The game went on for several rounds before the second ticket was consumed. Compared to the speed of the game, the ticket consumption is extremely slow.

Zhang Zheng looked at Zhao Ying: "Except for the two of us, Old Wei and the others have them." Wei Yuan's was the first to be consumed.

As they talked, the two walked through a long and narrow passage and came to a place that looked a bit like a small supermarket. Through the glass door, I saw a counter and a cash register inside, but they were all covered with cobwebs.

The soles of their feet kicked something. When he looked down, he saw a dead man with a broken neck lying in the doorway.

Apart from Zhao Ying's face turning pale, she actually didn't scream.

As she experiences more and more incidents, Zhao Ying's courage has been invisibly upgraded.

"Did he die because he failed in the ghost game?" Since he knew that the second time he turned into a ghost, he would die like this.

"No, this is not a death caused by a ghost game at all. This death is man-made at first glance."

There was a large gash on this man's neck that had been cut with a sharp weapon, and there were obvious signs of a fight on his body.

I'm afraid he died in a fight.

Zhao Ying saw that the man's clothes were turned over and his pockets were pulled out, "Are you robbing something? Ferry tickets?"

Zhang Zheng immediately remembered that strange scene, "No, the ticket cannot be robbed at all."

Zhao Ying was stunned. If the boat tickets couldn't be robbed, then it would be even more difficult to understand why these humans would fight with each other. The game of ghost hunting was incredible enough, so why did humans still fight with each other?
Zhang Zheng finally told what happened before: "I once saw a person being thrown from the top floor."

He was thrown to death in front of him and Jiang Shan.

This was also the reason why he didn't like the red-haired woman's suggestion of taking him to the top floor.

These people were killed by fellow humans.

At this time, the broadcast rang unexpectedly again. Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng thought it was five minutes away so quickly, so they hurriedly picked up the mirror and stood up back to back.

The next voice that came from the radio was not the one announcing the rules. Instead, it was a real human voice, even a little gentle: "Hello, everyone on the ship."

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng were all at a standstill. They even broke their formation and turned to look at each other.

"I know everyone must be confused now, but it doesn't matter, it will all be over soon. And everyone will get a reward that is far more generous than life. By then, it will all be worth it."

Zhang Zheng looked at Zhao Ying: "What kind of new type of brainwashing conference is this? What is a reward more generous than life? In this world, if there is no life, is there still a p?"

Zhao Ying also felt uncomfortable listening to the broadcast. Moreover, who is the person on this broadcast? Is he the person behind all this manipulation? Why can he use the ship's radio?

"I am a passenger just like everyone else." The broadcaster actually said at this time, "So I promise that in the future, passengers with tickets can go to the top floor. As long as the companions who successfully reach the top floor will be blessed. Escape from this world forever. game."

Thanks to Ziwu Shu, Broken Diamond Rose, Yingyu Xiaoling, and book friend 20230723111113933 for their votes.

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