
Chapter 343: True Shadow Record

Chapter 343: True Shadow Record
A man from a hundred years ago, and a cleft mutant.

The things they encountered before, whether it was the skeleton man or the alienated creatures in the aquarium, were all caused by "erosive matter".

Jiang Shan was not surprised when he saw the crack, because he subconsciously thought that this was just a mutated person.

Until he said he was from the last century.

"This cruise ship also has special access for disabled people." Gao Wenwu looked at the smooth track next to the stairs, "Should we continue going up?"

"I want to figure out the structure of this ship." Wei Yuan raised his head and looked at it, "I just thought the layout was a bit strange."

And the further up you go, the more distorted the sense of space becomes. There is even a strange sense of patchwork.

Normally on such a large cruise ship, each area would be clearly divided, but just now there was a layout where the children's play area and the lounge were put together.

It's like if you opened a bar in a kindergarten, who is your target customer?

There were many similar weird things. He even saw a door number that said "Changing Room" and opened the door, but there was a cabin inside.

It's like when you open the door of a bathroom and find that there is actually a kitchen inside.

Two completely impossible things squeezed together.

Wei Yuan also saw a range hood hanging on the wall of the stairs. On the other wall next to it, there is a shower head hanging.

It would be too crazy to say it is some kind of performance art.

"This ship seems to have suffered some kind of horrific shipwreck." Gao Wenwu was more professional. When he was with the army abroad, he also went to sea and witnessed storms on the sea.

Gao Wenwu pointed at a break at the stair railing and many other corners, all filled with such scars. "Generally, if places so close to the interior suffer such serious damage, then the entire ship will basically be damaged." It’s also ruined.”

It is impossible to preserve it so completely. So grand.

Wei Yuan said: "It's not just a shipwreck, it's also a war."

He pointed to a row of bullet holes hidden in the corner of the wall. "There is a gun, and there are traces of being flattened by explosives."

If a war breaks out on a ship, and everything is destroyed when the explosives explode, but this ship is so tenacious and still sailing safely?

Gao Wenwu asked again: "And what kind of power does this boat rely on?"

The ship kept sailing, but they could not find the engine room. It's not that they haven't tried it. When they woke up, they were above the fourth floor, and the three floors below the hull were all sealed.

"I guess things aren't going well with Jiang Shan either."

But after all, Jiang Shan is very strong and should be able to handle everything. Moreover, Jiang Shan becomes stronger when he encounters the strong.

Wei Yuan said: "Go up."

They plan to go to the top floor. To gain insight into this ship and all its secrets, going to the top floor seems to be the only and best option.

Gao Wenwu looked at Wei Yuan and was about to talk about the boat tickets. What will happen if Wei Yuan goes to the top floor without a ticket now?

Suddenly there seemed to be some shadow sliding across the handrail of the stairs next to me.

Because they had been walking along, they didn't pay attention to it, and they just thought it was their own walking reflection.

And Wei Yuan still held a mirror in his hand. He was observing the situation around him.

By the time they realized something was wrong, the white shadow in the mirror had already arrived in front of them.

Wei Yuan and Gao Wenwu both saw that a pale hand stretched out from the side and touched Wei Yuan's shoulder before they had time to hide. And Wei Yuan seemed to hear a voice in his ears: "I caught you."

Wei Yuan's pupils opened extremely wide.

Gao Wenwu was also completely stunned. He saw a bone-like white shadow in the mirror.

At that moment, Wei Yuan's body seemed to become transparent and blurry.

The ghost's face also faced Wei Yuan.

There are no facial features, only a white mist can be seen.

Gao Wenwu saw Wei Yuan's body, like a frame in a TV screen, see through for a moment, but then solidify in the next second.

Then, it penetrated again and solidified again. Probably three or four times in a row.

Then, Wei Yuan was still sitting in the wheelchair blankly, and the ghost hand was also placed on Wei Yuan's shoulder, and the two sides seemed to be frozen.

The radio suddenly sounded at the moment when the ghost hand touched the shoulder: "Another round of silence..." As if it was misfired, it suddenly cut off and stopped abruptly.

The whole ship was very quiet, which was extremely strange.

"Dr. Wei!" Gao Wenwu finally possessed his spirit and shouted loudly.

Just as the words fell, the pale ghost hands and the ghost shadow in the mirror disappeared, and Wei Yuan was intact but sitting in a wheelchair with a bloodless face.

Gao Wenwu rushed directly to Wei Yuan, "What happened just now?"

Wei Yuan's eyes were staring straight at Gao Wenwu, but he didn't seem to be looking at Gao Wenwu, just blank in extreme shock.

"Dr. Wei?"


Jiang Shan, Zhao Ying, and Zhang Zheng raised their heads at the same time, with shocked expressions on their faces: "Did the broadcast just stop halfway through?"

It turned out that it was not an illusion, all three people heard it, and the broadcast seemed to be announcing a new round of game silence.

Every quiet time is a time for several people to take a breath.

So although it is a bit immoral, every time they sit still means that someone has been caught by a ghost and turned into a new round of ghosts, the three of them do look forward to every time they sit still. After all, who wants to be nervous all the time?
"What do you mean, does it stand still or not?" Zhang Zheng was confused.

Zhao Ying asked after a while: "Is it possible that the broadcast will also be out of order?" They thought that the broadcast should be a sophisticated existence similar to advanced AI, and it should not have bugs.

Jiang Shan also felt weird, but didn't take it too seriously. After all, the three of them were well hidden now. As long as they were hidden, they would be safe for the time being.

However, about five minutes later, the broadcast suddenly rang again. This time the voice was obviously not pretending to be playful, but took off the disguise of a sinister machine: "Attention! Attention! Due to an irreconcilable error in the game, Therefore, this broadcast has decided to suspend the game within the next hour. Both ghosts and humans are temporarily in a safe period. This broadcast will be broadcast again when the game restarts! I repeat it below, due to an irreconcilable error in the game... "

The three of them were extremely shocked, "I, did I hear correctly?"

An irreconcilable error occurred? What does it mean?
But after a few seconds of silence, Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng were both ecstatic, "One hour of safety period? That's great!"

How could such a good thing happen? If you hear the sound of nature and listen to the radio, it is still unknown whether the game can be restarted after an hour. You have to wait for the next broadcast to know.

Everyone on the fourteenth deck, including the masked man, the red-haired woman, and others were equally shocked, especially the red-haired woman who emerged directly from the bottom of the swimming pool and asked the masked man blankly: "What was said on the radio just now?"

What is an "irreconcilable" error? !
Do you still remember that Wei Yuan was not killed by the shadow last time? The shadow's attack directly penetrated his body. This foreshadowing is about to be revealed (this was originally the last copy, and I will see you again)

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