
Chapter 344 The Law of Immortality

Chapter 344 The Law of Immortality
The masked man also raised his head in a rare move, standing at the highest point of the deck and looking down condescendingly, without making a sound for a long time.

In addition to the red-haired woman, several others gathered around the masked man: "Boss, has this happened before?"

The masked man said for a long time: "No."

Moreover, the vague words in the broadcast are really strange, and it always feels like something is out of control.

"Is there something wrong with the process of ghosts turning into humans or humans turning into ghosts?"

There can only be a bug in one of the two. "But the system on the ship... isn't it said that it has been running for hundreds of years without any problems?"

This is what the masked man told them.

The masked man didn't speak, and the others didn't know what was going on.

"These two links are mutually restrictive. As long as any link cannot be completed, the other link will not be able to be completed."

People cannot change into ghosts, and ghosts cannot change into people.

The masked man said: "It seems I have to go down."

The red-haired woman was immediately surprised and said: "Let me go with you."

The masked man didn't want anyone, so he walked towards the passage ahead alone.

The others were obviously not that cool anymore. The red-haired woman still couldn't bear to think about it. A fat man said coldly: "The boss just said that we should all stay here and don't move, especially you. You went down once before and your goal was too big." Well, don’t cause any more trouble to the boss.”

Who told the red-haired girl to dress up so voluptuously and conspicuously? Whoever took one look at her would remember her hair even if she didn't remember her face.

The red-haired woman obviously hated the fat man and glared at him fiercely.

Gao Wenwu held Wei Yuan's shoulders tightly. The scene just now was so shocking that Gao Wenwu's materialism was greatly shaken. "Dr. Wei, do you remember what happened to your body just now?" Gao Wenwu I saw Wei Yuan become transparent, and then change back again.

Wei Yuan's current appearance seemed to be at a loss, but also as if he was suddenly enlightened, switching between the two states, "I don't know..."

Gao Wenwu felt that under his hands, Wei Yuan's body seemed as stiff as a wax statue. He even deliberately held Wei Yuan's body tightly, trying to make sure that the person in front of him was real.

And Wei Yuan himself had begun to doubt.

"Is there anything in your body that feels strange?" Gao Wenwu could only ask from the side.

There was a glimmer in Wei Yuan's eyes. For a few moments just now, he seemed to have been blocked from all his senses. He didn't know if that was what it felt like to become a ghost.

The two were relatively speechless.

After a long time, Gao Wenwu finally managed to say, "Anyway... I just want you to be safe." There is nothing more important than people's safety.

But Wei Yuan looked at him and said, "I don't have a ticket anymore. The ghost just caught me. Logically speaking, I should be dead?" But nothing happened.

No matter what happens, nothing should happen.

Whether it's becoming a ghost or dying directly, one of the two situations will always happen.

Gao Wenwu was also silent. Even Wei Yuan, who acted as the brain and think tank, was confused. He couldn't figure out what the mystery was.

"What if we take an hour and go to the top floor?"


At the same time, the eyes of Jiang Shan and the other three people also shone. Zhao Ying couldn't help but suggest. : "Should we take this opportunity to go to the top floor?"

Zhang Zheng was also eager to try. This was a perfect opportunity given by God. He didn't have to worry about turning into a ghost. He could just go directly to the top floor and get shelter.

However, if such an accident occurs, does that promise still count? Jiang Shan shook his head: "I'm afraid there are not a few people who think like us."

Jiang Shan's ears could already hear some noises just now. Presumably those humans or non-humans hiding in the dark are also waiting for an opportunity. It would be the most dangerous to go out at this time.

Because ghosts can only capture one person at a time, most people have a greater chance of continuing to survive. But once people meet, the fight on the surface will be much crueler.

"But just hiding here for an hour is too uncomfortable." What if the game hasn't started after an hour?

It’s rare to have an hour of absolute safety, it’s not like a holiday.

"I'm a little hungry."

Jiang Shan looked at the two people helplessly. She didn't want them to take risks, but they couldn't stand their temper.

"Then let's go out and take a look."

In fact, now that there is no elusive ghost threat, no matter whether they are ordinary people or mutants, they are unlikely to be Jiang Shan's opponents, so they are relatively safe.

So Jiang Shan decided to take Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng out to look for food.

As soon as he walked to a bright and bright place, Zhang Zheng was as happy as a fish in water. "I have seen the introduction of international cruise ships before. There are at least six or seven restaurants alone. I don't know if this ship is like this." Yes, food will definitely be found.

Jiang Shan remembered what the bald man told her. Every time the game starts, all food and everything on the ship will be reset.

"I have seen road map on each floor," Zhao Ying said, "but the real layout is completely different from the one on the map."

And it’s strange to be able to do all the different things.

Even such a critical place as an escape route does not exist at all.

So wherever they go, it all depends on luck.

But based on experience, Zhao Ying believes that the road map on each floor is actually correct. That seems to be the original structure of this ship.

Because anyone who has studied architecture knows that distribution and arrangement are very particular. Judging from the instructions for each floor that Zhao Ying saw, it is very logical. A regular ship should be like that.

"The ship seemed to have been completely cut apart and reassembled." Therefore, every place is not where it should be.

It's as if someone has rearranged all your internal organs. The heart should be where it should be, but now it's the stomach. The person should not be alive, and the ship should not be around.

But the strange thing is that everything is still running normally.

"This is spookier than a real ghost ship."

It's like they shouldn't be alive in the first place. Otherwise, how could it appear on such a ship that should not exist at all.

Jiang Shan said: "Stop thinking nonsense."

What does it mean to be alive? To have thoughts and independent consciousness is to live. Rather than breathing and having temperature, it is called alive.

Therefore, mutants like the bald man may not be called alive, but Jiang Shan believes that they are all living seriously.

Jiang Shan suddenly looked in one direction: "Go here...I smell food."

Jiang Shan's nose was so sharp, Zhang Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up, "Great!"

"Wait a minute." Jiang Shan sniffed carefully again. She carefully separated the smell. There was a smell of minced meat and blood. But when she smelled it carefully again, it seemed that it was not the smell of human blood.

Thanks to Dai Wang, Broken Diamond Rose, and book friend 20230723111113933 for their votes

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