
Chapter 35

Chapter 35
In the observation room, everyone's opinions were also divided. Zhao Qisheng said: "Whether the news just now has been sent out or not. We don't know yet."

I always feel that it is too negative for Geng Jianghui to show his attitude of seeing death as home now, so he should be more optimistic about everything.

The reason why human civilization has lasted for thousands of years is that human beings have never flinched from difficulties.

But it is right to evacuate medical staff in time. When the situation is uncertain, keeping the fire is keeping hope.

Geng Jianghui looked complicated, and pointed to the small door in the corner of the observation room: "There are still two sets of protective clothing inside. Anyway, Xiao Zhang, you and Xiao Liu will wear them in a while."

Xiao Liu is an assistant physician surnamed Liu.

Zhang Wanqiu's expression was complicated: "How can that be, the clothes belong to you and Director Zhao."

The observation room has been equipped with two protective suits for Geng Jianghui and Zhao Qisheng. After all, the two of them stay underground for a long time, so there must be a plan in case something unexpected happens.

Zhao Qisheng also waved his hand: "We are all old bones, if something really happened, you young people will definitely be let go, and what's more, something like this happened...The dean and I can't absolve ourselves of the blame."

In such an extraordinary period, any mistake is a major dereliction of duty by the manager. Regardless of whether this matter can be resolved in the end, neither he nor Geng Jianghui can escape.

Zhang Wanqiu lowered her head, now she also hated herself for not being able to do anything, maybe she got on to Director Huo for nothing.

No one knows what material the protective clothing is made of, they only know what the research institute has produced, so don't ask anyone.The person who took the lead was Wei Yuan. After comparing several sets of experimental data, it was indeed able to block this inexplicable "corrosion".

This is also the reason why many people can't understand Wei Yuan and the biological research institute behind him, but they are afraid and dare not object at all.

When everyone was unaware of this erosion phenomenon, the scientific research institute first responded, and this response is still very effective at this stage...


In the corridor of the fourth ward, only Huo Qiyong's own footsteps could be heard. He was not very courageous at first, but now he looked at the white iron doors and felt the cool air coming from his pores. He took off his protection just now. I still felt hot when I took it, but now it feels cool.

Suddenly Huo Qiyong paused, and he turned his head slowly...and saw that the door to this ward on his left was not a metal door.

This is the door of a normal ward with glass windows installed.

When he walked over just now, Huo Qiyong just kept walking, without noticing that there was such a completely normal looking ward.

For a moment, he didn't even know how to react.

In the end, curiosity prevailed, and he slowly approached the ward, looking in through the glass window on the door.

He saw a long-haired woman sitting on the hospital bed with her back turned.

The woman was wearing a neat and clean hospital gown, and she just sat quietly by the bed, as if she was looking at the scenery outside the window.

For Director Huo, who had just experienced a shock, seeing such an "ordinary and normal" patient was simply moved.

At this moment, he unexpectedly saw a key stuck in the keyhole on the doorknob of this ward!
After the siren sounded just now, the doctor in charge of this ward left without even having time to remove the key?
The female patient inside seemed to have heard the movement outside the door, and asked, "Is the doctor back?"

The voice was also a very normal and soft tone, dispelling the only doubt in Huo Qiyong's heart. At this time, the female patient turned her neck slightly, with one side of her face facing the direction of the door. "Great, doctor, you are finally back." There seemed to be a sense of rejoicing in her voice.

Huo Qiyong slightly sympathized with the patient inside, he thought to himself, it seems that the doctors in charge of this ward are really not responsible enough, even if the situation is urgent, they can't just leave the patient here without saying a word.What a lack of medical ethics.

Huo Qiyong couldn't help but said to the back: "Don't, don't worry too much... There will be rescuers coming soon."

In this case, as a medical worker, you should take the initiative to appease the patient's emotions.

The female patient was silent for a while, and said a little hesitantly: "Then doctor, you, can you help me first?"

Huo Qiyong paused: "Help what?"

The female patient stood up with her back to him, then raised a hand, as if rubbing her eyes: "My eyes are very uncomfortable."

Huo Qiyong stood at the door, he was in a bit of a dilemma, he was not an ophthalmologist, strictly speaking, he just sat in the laboratory every day, and the doctors in charge of different wards sent blood samples and data to him, and then he sent After the test results were handed in, he hadn't even had much contact with the patient, let alone see a doctor.

But the female patient seemed very uncomfortable: "Doctor, can you come in and take a look for me? There seems to be something wrong with my eyes..."

She turned around slowly, as if she wanted to look at the door.Huo Qiyong looked at the key on the door, and slowly held the key with his hesitant hand.

"It's really uncomfortable..." the female patient said quietly.

Zhao Qisheng, who was looking at the monitor, suddenly slapped his head at this moment, his expression a bit ugly: "Is there a patient in the fourth ward who didn't have time to transfer to the ward?"

Geng Jianghui was stunned when he heard the words, and turned to look at him: "Transfer to the ward?"

Zhao Qisheng had an embarrassing expression on his face: "I, I received an application for transfer to the ward from Dr. Ma last week, but... But, I haven't had time to process it yet."

It is not an easy task to switch wards. Each ward is independent and closed, and the doctors and nurses in charge are all different. A patient changing wards may bring about a series of unpredictable chain reactions, so the review procedures It has always been strict.

In principle, Zhao Qisheng is responsible for approving the application, but Geng Jianghui must sign it in the end.

No wonder Geng Jianghui didn't even know.

"She is the only patient in the fourth ward who regained consciousness..." Zhao Qisheng recalled Dr. Ma's report, "but it's limited. She still doesn't know what happened to her, and her memory seems to be still before the accident."

The reason why the fourth ward was so quiet was understood only by the doctors in charge and the management of Geng Jianghui and Zhao Qisheng.

If the patient regains self-awareness, it means that she should indeed be transferred to a higher ward.

In fact, Zhang Wanqiu may not be more aware of the situation in the fifth and sixth wards, and their internal doctors and nurses also tacitly do not communicate with each other. Everyone's mental strength is limited, and everyone is under unimaginable high pressure, and they don't want to receive more. Negative stress unrelated to one's own ward.

"Didn't Director Huo bring a communicator? Why hasn't there been a response?" Zhang Wanqiu felt that something was wrong when he saw the expressions of Geng Jianghui and Zhao Qisheng, and soon after he connected the communicator, he started calling Huo Qiyong.

(End of this chapter)

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