
Chapter 36

Chapter 36
Huo Qiyong couldn't be called from the observation room, "The monitoring on the fourth floor! Hurry up!"

Just now they focused on the kid on the second floor, because they were afraid that he would continue to go down and find the passage to the first floor. After all, Jiang Shan's side was hanging high, and Huo Qiyong's side seemed to be fine for the time being.

In the end, who knows what to fear.

The assistant doctor just went out to inform the medical staff outside to evacuate, but he hasn't come back yet, Zhang Wanqiu fiddled with the remote control for a long time, jumping up and down on the screen, finally the screen of the fourth floor appeared.

The first thing they saw was the entrance of the safe passage, and they saw items such as protective helmets and pagers thrown on the ground.

"Where's Director Huo?"

Zhang Wanqiu pressed the remote again for a long time.Finally found Director Huo's figure.

They saw Huo Qiyong lying on the glass window of a ward watching, and the surveillance captured him behind him, and saw that the protective clothing was not buttoned up, which made people feel tense.

Geng Jianghui said in surprise: "Why doesn't he even wear protective clothing properly?"

Zhao Qisheng gasped when he saw it next to him, why are all these extraordinary moments so disturbing?
Zhang Wanqiu tried to call out twice, "He didn't wear a communicator, what is he doing at the door of the ward?"


Huo Qiyong turned the key slightly, and the door opened a crack. It seemed that the female patient was really in trouble, and it was impossible for him to sit idly by.

"What happened to your eyes?" Huo Qiyong asked, while slowly pushing the door open.

The voice and appearance of this patient are both young, and I don't know what is wrong with him and he was sent here...

The female patient seemed to hear the sound of the door opening, turned around excitedly, rubbed her eyes while stretching out her other hand to grope forward, as if she was looking for a way, "Finally here is the doctor, you Help me, me, why can't I see..."

Huo Qiyong's door was halfway open, and he was about to step out with one foot, when he suddenly saw the female patient who turned around, she kept rubbing her "eyes" with one hand, like, if that can still be called eyes if……

Black dust and dander-like substances kept falling from the corners of her eyes and eye sockets, onto her hands, the chest of the hospital gown, and the ground.

The place where the two eyeballs were supposed to be, is now filled with black, wriggling unknown matter...

She stretched her other hand forward, walking straight and stiffly like a zombie.

Huo Qiyong's feet and hands were numb, looking at the female patient who was walking towards him with a smile on her face.

"Doctor, why can't I see?"

"Help me, save me."

Qiannv was wandering in front of her eyes, and Huo Qiyong had obviously made a movement, the other party already knew where he was and where the door was.

The female patient was already walking like flying, almost rushing towards him.

It's not an exaggeration for Huo Qiyong to say that he was out of his wits, he was so frightened that his hands and feet went limp, and he desperately closed the door again while he still had the last bit of strength left.

In the next second, the female patient's limbs had already thrown behind the door, and there was a violent movement.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

The female patient's face was firmly stuck to the glass window of the door, and the two black holes on her face were "looking" at Huo Qiyong.

Huo Qiyong is almost gone, the visual impact is too domineering, making him feel that he is going to faint anytime, anywhere, and his heart is madly calling my mother, my mother.

His hand was still clinging to the key in the lock, and he felt a strange twisting force. After he reacted, he found that behind the door, the female patient touched the doorknob and was frantically turning the doorknob.

Huo Qiyong was out of his wits now, but with the last bit of reason left in him, he still knew that he was holding on to the key. He twisted it in the opposite direction twice, and finally locked the door completely.

His hands were shaking like sifting chaff, and his palms were covered with cold sweat.

The female patient twisted several times and found that she couldn't open the door, and finally calmed down, but her facial features, her face, still maintained the posture of sticking to the glass window, as if she was staring at Huo Qiyong motionlessly.

Director Huo felt that he was about to die, and even though he locked the door, he still didn't dare to leave the key in the lock, as if he had suffered from severe stress disorder.

He was afraid that if he let go, the woman opposite would really open the door and come out.

"Doctor..." The woman suddenly said hollowly, "Doctor..."

Like Hun'er, Huo Qiyong's legs were soft like cotton.It means that even if he wants to run now, he can't lift his feet.

Not long after the impact, I thought I was in a safe place, but I didn't expect that I went from a tiger's den to another wolf's den.

Why, why did you let him come to the fourth floor!
Huo Qiyong and this black hole lady looked at each other through a glass, with a strange sense of balance.

After an unknown amount of time, Huo Qiyong moved his legs, and then took a step back.This action has exhausted all his strength.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped back three steps in a row, and directly reached the wall of the corridor.

At this time, he retreated directly under the monitor, and the angle of view followed him and finally captured the "lady" on the glass door of the opposite ward.

The three pairs of eyes outside the monitor finally felt the same impact, and Zhang Wanqiu's face turned pale: "What is this face?"

Seeing this scene, Geng Jianghui was still calm. He stared at the facial features attached to the door and window of the ward, " this the patient who should have been transferred to the ward?"

Zhao Qisheng stared at the monitor. Sometimes the more you don't want to happen, the more it will happen. The Murphy's Law of the universe is really too strong.

"Yes, it looks like Director Huo has discovered it," Zhao Qisheng has seen the patient's information, so he can recognize it, "but it seems to be okay... there is a ward door for isolation, as long as there is no contact, it is still safe."

This is the luckiest of misfortunes.

"Director Huo looks terrified?" Zhang Wanqiu felt dizzy looking at the face on the screen.

On the monitor, Huo Qiyong was seen with his back against the wall of the corridor for a full 5 minutes. Then, he kept his position against the wall and slowly moved to the other side of the corridor.

He just moved back to the side of the safe passage on the fourth floor just now. He quickly picked up the protective helmet on the ground and put it on his head with lightning speed. The protective clothing was also re-buttoned tightly. In the end, he was still worried, and tried to fasten the anti-theft buttons on the back with his hands, but the design of the protective clothing was not designed to be worn by one person. Huo Qiyong worked hard I also worked hard for a long time to be lonely.

Huo Qiyong picked up the safe passage key and the communicator on the ground, and tremblingly said: "I, I, I want to leave this place!"

(End of this chapter)

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