
Chapter 353 You will be buried here

Chapter 353 You will be buried here
The masked man pressed it down again, but the button couldn't be pressed at all. There was even a trace of electric current, and the mahjong mask man's hand bounced away.

Obviously this turn of events was unexpected by the masked man, as you can tell by looking at his stiff face.

Why is this happening?


Jiang Shan and the others narrowly escaped death. When they saw the stairs finally stopped, Jiang Shan's legs gave way first and he fell down on the steps.


"Shan Shan!"

This scene was seen by the masked man, and the pen pointer in Jiang Shan's pocket rolled out from under her body.

The masked man's eyes froze.

He stared at the pointer and couldn't believe it.

This thing is actually on this girl's body?
Jiang Shan was exhausted and couldn't get up from lying on the ground for a long time. She slowly stretched out her hand and held the pointer.

The masked man couldn't sit still any longer, and he immediately stood up from the screen.

It is the operating system hub that senses the real controller, so it activates protected mode. Now all manual manipulation no longer works.

Wei Yuan felt a tearing headache, "I probably know why I can never reach the top." Even when Gao Wenwu thought about it last time, it seemed endless.

"Same as last time at school, this ship... is a bigger version of the time ball."

"According to the "shrinkage effect" in the principle of relativity, if time slows down, all objects will stretch proportionally. If time slows down twice, the stairs will be twice as high. If time slows down ten times, the stairs will become taller. It will be ten times higher..."

And none of them know what the time flow rate is on this ship, it may even be a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times.

Maybe they really will never reach the end.

After figuring out the principle, Wei Yuan burst into laughter.

Although Gao Wenwu was not an expert in this field, Wei Yuan's explanation was simple and he completely understood it: "Just like that physics example, there are two people, one is on the earth, and the other is flying in a ship at close to the speed of light. When the person on the spacecraft says that one hour has passed, the person on Earth may have passed two hours. This is because time on the spacecraft "dilates", or passes more slowly. . And we are like the opposite -"

Wei Yuan said: "Yes."

There are many hints, clocks running backwards, food that will recover, ships that are broken and constantly spliced ​​back together.

Gao Wenwu said: "We are now——"

The school found a way to break the situation last time, but this time the cruise ship was far more complicated and terrifying than the school's. Even if Wei Yuan knew the principle, there was no way to solve the current predicament.

Only Wei Yuan's ascending steps are different from others. He is a smooth spiral, so the incident where the steps broke just now did not happen at all on his side.
Other observers from high places also noticed this strange scene, "Why is only his passage okay?"

"Does the boss have any plans?"

They could only guess like this, and they didn't have the courage to ask the masked man. In their eyes, the masked man was the creator here, and everything should be arranged by him.

The mask next to him was put back on his face, he opened a door, and a dark staircase led straight down. He picked up his leather shoes and walked down. In the dark basement, the air in the basement was filled with damp and musty smells, and the dim lights swayed, casting mottled shadows, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

A person was lying on his side with his hands tied behind his back. Bai Jin's hands were tied behind his back, and his body was shaking slightly from pain. There were scratches everywhere and the clothes were torn. It was obvious that he had gone through a struggle.

Hearing the footsteps, he immediately opened his eyes and looked straight at the masked man.

Half of this man's face looks like it was mechanically spliced ​​together. He is actually Bai Jin who escaped before!
The masked man stared at him, revealing only a pair of sharp eyes. Bai Jin grinned, "Why don't you kill me?" The masked man bent down and grabbed his collar. He lifted him off the ground and forced him to look directly into his eyes.

The masked man's eyes have some kind of magical power, and ordinary people can't lie when they look directly at them.

But Bai Jin is "cyborg". He laughed mockingly, his shoulders shaking with laughter.

The masked man dragged him out of the basement, until he came to the transparent screen, and pressed his face towards Jiang Shan on the screen.

"Tell me, who is she?"

Bai Jin's eyes made contact with Jiang Shan and his pupils shrank.

Then his semi-mechanical face seemed to twitch into an arc, like a sinister smile.

"Answer my question." The masked man's voice was extremely cold. He knew from Bai Jin's reaction that he did know Jiang Shan.

Bai Jin did not answer his question, but said belatedly: "You will die in the hands of these people."

The masked man's hands tightened on his neck. He is angry.

But Bai Jin burst into laughter, bursting into tears, and looked back at the masked man mockingly, "Just wait. This is the price you pay for playing with these people on the ship."

God toyed with all living beings, only to be slaughtered by all living beings.

The masked man stared at Bai Jin, who was caught by him when he was escaping because he had the source code information.

But the masked man's interrogation didn't work, and Bai Jin refused to say anything even though he bit his tongue.

"If this is the case, you will have no value." The masked man said lightly, "Do you know that if you die here, you will die forever."

Bai Jin was still so aloof. He laughed at the masked man: "Okay, if you kill me, we will all die together sooner or later."

The masked man said: "Will I die with an ant like you?"

Bai Jin didn't speak, but his sarcastic smile expressed everything.

Who can make a person like Bai Jin surrender? "I can give you eternal life." The masked man approached him. The shining eyes looked a little strange, "As long as you tell me what you know, you should know that I can do it. Do you know how many people on the ship are just for this final reward."

Unexpectedly, Bai Jin showed contempt and said: "You mean you will live forever on this ship, right? Sorry, I don't like going to jail the most in my life."

How is this different from being intubated to maintain life in a hospital? The entire ship is a huge prison.

The masked man's entire aura had cooled down.

He knew that Bai Jin couldn't even exchange him for something that everyone coveted.

"In that case, just go and die."

Bai Jin wasn't afraid at all, he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Bai Jin glanced sideways at Jiang Shan on the screen. "You will definitely die in the hands of those people." He faintly uttered this curse again.

"Except for the girl who is a mutant, the other two are nothing to be afraid of." The masked man said coldly. Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying are both ordinary people. Zhao Ying may have obtained part of Jiang Shan's genes, but it's not terrible.

Two people? Bai Jin finally took a special look at him and suddenly realized that the masked man seemed to know far less information than he thought.

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