
Chapter 354 The Ship of Time

Chapter 354 The Ship of Time
source code.

Humanity's highest authority code. All code unconditionally obeys the source code.

This is the person that the masked man has been looking for. Unfortunately, he kidnapped Bai Jin and failed to learn more from him.

Bai Jin's brain is different, which leaves the masked man at his wits' end.

"No one has seen the source code, so don't waste your efforts."

"You are a monster modified by humans, and you actually stand on the side of humans."

Bai Jin showed a sinister smile: "Monster? Then who are you?"

Let’s see who is more of a monster.

The masked man seemed to control everything, but he couldn't find the owner of the source code. This person would lead all mankind to destroy the time ship.

This is the final outcome of the masked man peeking into the core of the system and seeing it.

It's impossible, a human being won't be able to destroy the time ship.

Bai Jin was thrown back into the dark basement again. He was a very vindictive person, but the masked man was too powerful. After being caught by his people, Bai Jin was taken to this strange ship.

Jiang Shan looked up and looked around. Something like mist began to linger. For some reason, she felt like she was being watched.

What is in these fogs?
"Why did it stop suddenly?" Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying were already ready to die.

Moreover, they seemed to be on some platform now, and there were no stairs ahead.

Logically speaking, we should be at the top, but there is nothing visible around us. Is this the top space? There was nothing in this space except the ground where they stood, and even the sky was pale. They looked at each other with confusion and fear in their eyes.

There was a hint of trembling in Zhang Zheng's tone, obviously trying to hide his uneasiness. "Lying, so the top floor is lying." His voice actually caused an echo in the empty space.

Zhao Ying bit her lip tightly, holding her hands together tightly, her knuckles turning white from the exertion: "We almost lost our lives, and we got this result?" Who can be willing to accept it.

"At least let me see that bastard who is behind the scenes. I don't care if he is a god or a ghost. I have to give him a good look in person!" Ask him why he wants to play with humans. Why does he?
Even if there really is a god in this world, must humans be inferior to him?

The unwillingness on the faces of the three people was all magnified on the screen. Except for the masked man, everyone on the deck also saw it.

"What happened to these three people? Could it be that... they arrived at the tarmac?"

The red-haired woman couldn't believe it, but she saw that the other people on the screen were all continuing to climb the stairs with difficulty.

There are only three people in Jiang Shan's position. There is no longer a staircase, but a white light.

It's like the holy light of heaven.

"Could it be that the boss opened the back door again?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the red-haired woman's face twisted.

How could these three people be qualified to board the tarmac? Two of them were ordinary people without tickets, and the boss actually opened the back door?
How could this be possible? She didn't believe it. The red-haired woman suddenly stood up and walked in one direction.

"What are you going to do?" The fat man was alert. He stared at the direction she was walking and said, "Do you want to go to the computer room? The boss ordered no one to go near that place. Are you willing to die?"

The red-haired woman ignored the fat man, she had to figure it out.

Although the fat man tried to stop her, there was a smile on his lips when he saw the red-haired woman walking away. Go ahead, go ahead, I have long disliked this woman, it would be great if the boss killed her.

The red-haired woman felt that the fat man's gaze behind her was no longer following her, so she turned to the other side and walked in the other direction under the cover of the pillar.

She wasn't really mad, she just wanted to go to the tarmac to see what was going on. In fact, it's not just Fatty and others who want to get rid of her, she also wants to get rid of Fatty. After all, if there is one less person around the boss, there will be less competition. They seem to be in the same camp now, but there is no loyalty to each other at all.

This group of people only feared and obeyed one person, the masked man.


Jiang Shan's eyes shed black tears. Her strength was always overdrawn, and she couldn't even rest on this ship.

"Welcome to the ship of time, please show your ticket."

A broadcast sounded over everyone's heads again, but this voice was obviously not the one they heard before.

Time boat? Ferry ticket?
The three of them were all a little confused. They remembered that when the announcement came out for the first time, it clearly said "Welcome to the Ocean Star".

Time Ship doesn't sound like the name of a ship.

Only the word "ship ticket" was familiar to the three of them. "Ashan, you have a ship ticket." Zhao Ying reminded Jiang Shan in a low voice.

Jiang Shan's hand reached for her pocket. She jumped so much that even the pen pointer fell out. She didn't know if she still had the ticket.

As a result, a familiar envelope was pulled out.

This ticket seems to be bound to the host and will not be lost no matter what.

"A ticket has been detected." The mechanical voice sounded.

Jiang Shan held the envelope, meaning that the boat ticket was used at this time?
"Only one person can enter the time ship."

Jiang Shan's face changed: "No, I won't go anywhere alone."

What a shabby place, it has no appeal to her.

Although Zhao Ying didn't know what the time boat meant, it was obviously a way to get out of here, "Ashan. Leave us alone."

It's better to be able to go out alone than to be stuck here with three people.

The broadcast just repeated that sentence: "A ticket has been detected. Only one person can enter the time ship."

Jiang Shan said: "I am willing to give up my boat ticket to others."

The radio said: "The ticket does not support transfer."

"Then I'm not going anywhere."

In the air, a woman's sneer came: "I have never seen such a stupid person."

The three people immediately looked in the direction of the sound, but saw nothing, "Who are you?"

The female voice did not appear, but said again: "Do you know what it means to enter the time ship?"

Jiang Shan said without any hesitation: "What it means has nothing to do with me."

"People will not die here, and they don't have to worry about growing old." It means eternal life.

"Only fools and idiots would refuse this place." The red-haired woman found it hilarious. She also doesn't believe that anyone would give up their chance of eternal life for someone else.

Although Jiang Shan couldn't see anyone, she had long been tired of all the God-like and lofty voices since arriving on the ship, so she said coldly: "Only fools and idiots want to live forever."

This sentence obviously made the red-haired woman very angry. She stared at Jiang Shan's face. Why did this girl say such a thing? Even if she is a mutant and nobler than ordinary people, so what, who do you think she is?
"You gave up on your own, don't regret it." The red-haired woman smiled viciously. The ticket owner gave up on his own. This is an unprecedented good thing. Now the boss can no longer open the back door for her.

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