
Chapter 355 Time Boat 2

Chapter 355 Time Boat 2
The man with the flowery arm climbed up the last step, a smile frozen on his face.

The stairs broke here. At the break of the stairs, several steel bars were exposed. The sharp breaks seemed to mock his weakness.

He looked up in disbelief. He could see a platform high up, and a person on the platform looking down at him.

The flower-armed man stared at the man, as if he was overjoyed to see the savior: "Help me, compatriot, give me a hand!"

The fat man looked at the dancing man, jumping up and down on the broken steps, desperately stretching out his hands in hope of receiving help.

"Sorry, it only counts if you come up on your own." Otherwise, how can we call it a game?

The flower-armed man froze. He looked at the top floor that was clearly in front of him, but he couldn't go up because of the fault of several meters.

The flower-armed man was a little excited: "How do you go up? The stairs are broken!"

The fat man looked at him, "Of course the game is difficult, otherwise you think you can pass it with such ease?"

This is the ultimate prize.

The man with the flowery arm was already filled with jealousy, "There's no way you can go up there, you're lying!"

I worked hard to climb the stairs, but this is the result. I am unwilling to be fooled!

The fat man looked down at the man with the flowery arm: "Of course it's possible to come up, but you just haven't found a way." All games have a way to break them. I really thought that surviving would be so easy. Living is inherently about trying your best.

It was obvious that the man with the flowery arms couldn't accept it at all. He stood on the steps and kept cursing, "You can't do this, you have no right to do this, why do you have it?"

He killed his teammates all the way and worked so hard to get here. He should be the winner and deserve his reward.

The flower-armed man took out the ticket, "I have the ticket, you should let me go on!" Only when he killed the last person did he realize that the ticket turned out to be the most critical thing in the last level.

He was glad that he knew this before he consumed it, and he was also glad that this damn game of catching people was over. He also thought to himself countless times that he was the lucky one.

The fat man continued to say, "I'm sorry, the ticket will not be valid until you get to the top." No matter how much you screamed below, it was useless.

The corner of the flower-armed man's mouth twitched: "You, you are just deliberately fooling..."

When injustice falls on you, you will fall into madness. He didn't think about the teammates he killed who also wanted to ask why.

The fat man saw that it was impossible for this man to come up, and he lost all patience in looking at him. He turned around and left the high platform, walking further and further away from the man with the flowery arm.

Yes, they are just deliberately fooling, so what?

Wei Yuan and Gao Wenwu also reached the end of the hanging ladder, with the break in front.

When they looked up, they also saw the platform above, but the person standing above was not the fat man, but another person.

"Dead end road?" Gao Wenwu said coldly: "Are you deliberately preventing people from going up there?"

The person above also coldly repeated what the fat man said: "Of course it is possible to come up, but you just haven't found a way."

Gao Wenwu had a cold face. They obviously broke the hanging ladder on purpose. It was still several meters high. No one could jump up directly, right?
"There is indeed a way up." Wei Yuan's voice came over.

Wei Yuan didn't even have to think. When he got here, he glanced at the top and knew the way up. The person who designed the game is indeed very tricky.

Gao Wenwu was stunned: "Is there a way?"

They were standing on the platform, with nothing around them, and they couldn't find anything even if they tried to use tools.

But Wei Yuan slowly spit out three words: "Stacking human ladders."

As soon as he finished speaking, a light flashed in the eyes of the man on the high platform.

Gao Wenwu also reacted instantly.

The height of this high platform is about more than three meters, less than four meters. In fact, as long as the height of two normal adults combined, it can be completely reached.

For someone as tall as Gao Wenwu and with good physical fitness, there would be no problem.

Surprisingly, the way up is really that simple?
But Gao Wenwu glanced at Wei Yuan, but it just so happened that Wei Yuan was disabled.

He is only half a man.

This was also the weird feeling in Wei Yuan's tone after he said the words "stacked human ladder". "To pass this game, there must be at least two people going up the stairs."

That is to say, companions must be their own companions.

The way the flower-armed man cleared the level was by killing his teammates along the way to gain information gaps. A person like him would never have dreamed of such a level. He deliberately planned to get to the end of the stairs. It would be better to fail the game and die from the beginning. .

The people who design the game are not only cunning, but also know how to play with people's hearts and make people despair at the last moment.

No wonder there was such a ladder specially designed for his wheelchair to pass. Gao Wenwu was deliberately pushed to the top, and then faced such an ironic truth.

The person on the high platform also showed a cruel smile as if watching a show. He wanted to see how desperate Gao Wenwu was. This was the scene he had been looking forward to seeing when he saw Gao Wenwu insisting on pushing Wei Yuan on the screen.

What's so affectionate here? Do you regret it now, with a paralyzed person who is completely useless and even a drag?

"Actually, this game is not intended for people to complete the level." Wei Yuan raised his eyes and looked at the person on the high platform, "Even if two people really came all the way here, the way of stacking human ladders can only accommodate one person. If you go up, the people below will never have a chance to go up, so one person must sacrifice himself in this game.”

And who can make it this far, who doesn't want to survive? Even if they are really close friends, when faced with a situation where only one person can survive, who can still choose to sacrifice themselves. It seems that the two of them want to help each other, but in fact they want to test human nature and stimulate the evil in human nature in a disguised way.

You can kill people directly, but you want people to suffer like this.

"The game designer just wants to fool people, not really wants to give people a way out of life." It would be better to say that he really doesn't want to give people a way out.

Gao Wenwu completely understood at this moment, but he did not show the desperate expression that the people on the high platform wanted to see. Instead, he only had indifference and contempt: "What right do you have to do this?"

In the name of giving people a chance to survive, these people really think of themselves as gods.

The man standing on the high platform had a cold face. What's going on? Not only did it not develop as he thought, but it was clear that they were the ones standing at the lower level and the ones in need of the gift of survival, but it seemed that the person looking up to him had become him at the top.

These two ant-like and contemptible people below actually seem to have an intimidating arrogance.

"Since you can't come up, then you all will die together down there." As he said this, the figure disappeared with the voice. Like the fat man, he no longer cared about those who were destined to be unable to come up.

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