
Chapter 357 Meeting at the top

Chapter 357 Meeting at the top
"A ticket has been detected. Only one person can enter the time ship."

"I'm not going anywhere." Like a repeater, Jiang Shanhe repeated the same conversation endlessly.

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng both wanted to persuade Jiang Shan. They did not want Jiang Shan to sacrifice for them again.

Jiang Shan said coldly: "The place they talked about was, who knows what kind of hell, but it was also made into a paradise." It was like a fairy tale, and it sounded like something evil. She won't be fooled.

The red-haired woman was already furious. She actually slandered the paradise in their eyes like this. Do you know how much effort they put in to get here?

To be so scorned by this stinky girl.

Why should she?

At this moment, a beam of light shone down from above their heads. They were in a white world. Now this light was more like holy light, wrapping Jiang Shan and the others in it. Then, the three of them felt themselves violently Start going up.

This feeling was like taking an elevator, it was very magical, and all three of them were shocked.

The red-haired woman outside the painting was also extremely surprised. She staggered back. The three of them rose right before her eyes, and finally disappeared into a white light.

"This is impossible……"

Jiang Shan and the others felt that they had ascended into another white space, but this space had many more flashing electronic screens, and there was a sound of footsteps in their ears, as someone was approaching them.

Jiang Shan immediately raised his head and saw a man wearing a metal mask standing in front of the three of them.

"who are you?"

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng looked at the man warily. But I smelled an inexplicable smell, barbecue?


Looking at the shocked or indifferent eyes of the three people, the masked man slowly spoke: "I told you, I look forward to meeting you again."

His shining eyes were looking at Jiang Shan.

However, the light from various electronic screens around him immediately obscured the luster of the man's eyes.

When the three of them noticed his eyes, they immediately understood who the man in front of them was.

Jiang Shan stood up from the ground and patted the non-existent plaster on his body as a habit. The man was tall and the three of them almost only reached his shoulders.

"Are you the mastermind behind all this?"

Dare to show up openly at this time, he smells like a big boss behind the scenes.

But Jiang Shan's expression was still very indifferent when he spoke. She didn't care about the identity of the masked man. In her eyes, he only had two identities: friend and enemy. And the masked man is obviously not a friend.

The masked man looked at Jiang Shan and said without any nonsense, "Give me the things and I can let you three leave."

Jiang Shan glanced at him: "What?"

The masked man suddenly raised his hand, and all the small sounds around him stopped, as if the sound button was turned off, ticking, ticking, ticking.

"Listen, it's the sound on your body." The masked man's voice seemed to be smiling.

Not only was the artifact found, it was even resonating.

Jiang Shan heard the sound of the pen pointer turning from his body, but his expression remained unchanged, "Why should I give it to you?"

The masked man stared at Jiang Shan, "The things on your body originally belong here."

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng looked at each other, somewhat shocked. Did they belong here? What does it mean?
"You just return the property to its original owner."

Jiang Shan also paused for two seconds, but she continued: "I brought this thing from another place, which has nothing to do with here."

The masked man said he belongs here, does he belong here? Besides, why should you believe him? Zhao Ying pulled Jiang Shan: "Ashan, be careful."

She could feel that the aura of the masked man became a little dangerous.

The masked man had no place for Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng at all. He stared at Jiang Shan, and his tone still sounded very gentle: "Take out the things, I promise not to hurt you and your friends...otherwise you will be in trouble here." Not going.”

Using such a soft tone to speak threatening words, this masked man is really quite disturbing.

Not as good as Bai Jin before, at least bad and magnanimous. Sure enough, hypocrites are more annoying than real villains.

Jiang Shan looked at the masked man. This man no longer concealed his intentions, and directly revealed his intentions.

Although Jiang Shan didn't know whether the pen pointer really belonged to this place, the unkind attitude shown by the masked man made Jiang Shan know that giving him the thing couldn't be a good thing.

Jiang Shan had calmly taken a step back to protect Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng.

But the next moment, the masked man raised his eyes sternly, and Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng felt as if they were frozen, unable to move any further.

"I told you, you can't go anywhere." Unless you leave the artifact behind.

This place is different from other places, it's all white, and you can't see where the exit is.

As long as the masked man doesn't let them go, they can't leave.

Jiang Shan had already punched the masked man, and the masked man tilted his head. When his eyes were no longer on Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng, the two of them suddenly realized that they could move.


The two of them ran wildly, one on the left and the other on the right, and Jiang Shan's second punch was caught by the masked man.

"I don't want to hurt you." The masked man looked at Jiang Shan and said.

Jiang Shan was unmoved by his nonsense. Anyway, there was no other way but to fight with him.

Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying ran away, but they only felt that they had entered a place full of flickering electronic screens. If they looked carefully, there were countless symbols rolling across the screens, as if they were reading a kind of heavenly book.

Zhao Ying subconsciously identified those symbols, and she seemed to have seen these symbols somewhere in the back of her mind.

"God's equation..."

Zhao Ying was a little stunned.

Surprisingly, here again, I saw the so-called God's Equation.

Zhao Ying raised her hand tremblingly, wanting to touch the symbols, but found that her fingers penetrated directly through the symbols and directly touched the air.

It turns out it's not a screen, it's more like a projection.

Projection in the air.

"What are these?" Zhao Ying looked pale.

Both of Jiang Shan's hands were trapped by the masked man. She didn't hesitate and decisively kicked him up again. She didn't expect to defeat the masked man, she just wanted to buy Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying some time to escape.

The masked man let go of Jiang Shan's hands and avoided her kick.

But the next second, Jiang Shan felt that his entire body was being tightly restrained from the waist by the masked man.

Jiang Shan was lifted into the air by the masked man, as if he was about to throw her down. "Why don't you hand over the things?" The masked man seemed to be regretting.

How dare a mere human being compete with divine power.

He had seen Jiang Shan put the pointer into his side pocket on the monitor, so he stretched out his hand and reached into Jiang Shan's side pocket.

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