
Chapter 358 Source Code Activation

Chapter 358 Source Code Activation

Wei Yuan was pushed by Gao Wenwu to explore this huge white space. In this infinite white space, there are no boundaries, no end, only endless white.

It is a pure space without any impurities or shadows. It's a perfect blank canvas where all you see is white.

But Wei Yuan seemed to have experienced a tearing headache again. There was cold sweat and ferocity on his face, "I, I have been here."

Gao Wenwu was stunned. "How is this possible? You can't be here."

Wei Yuan knew that he could not and should not have been here. This is clearly a space with nothing, and the huge white space around it is dazzling white, "I've been here. I've been here."

At the beach, Zheng Suo watched his boat leave, and the sea breeze ruffled Zheng Suo's white hair.

"Wei Yuan, all hope lies with you."

Wei Yuan suddenly held his head with both hands.

He remembered that it was Zheng Suo's voice. Zheng Suo's explanation to him.

Wei Yuan, all hope lies with you. Only you can save us.

Find the source code, Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan...

Gao Wenwu saw Wei Yuan's body shaking slightly uncontrollably, fearing that he would lose control again: "Dr. Wei?"

Wei Yuan's eyes were dull, staring stiffly into the void. "Close your eyes and go. Lao Gao."

Gao Wenwu was surprised again, what? "Close your eyes?"

Wei Yuan said: "What we see in our eyes is not real."

This whole ship is not real, there are deceptions, visual deceptions, or this kind of thing exists everywhere.

Gao Wenwu wanted to ask a few more questions, but Wei Yuan had already closed his eyes.

It's not white here.

It's just that their vision can't tell the difference, because the color in the human eye is the result of the human brain's automated processing system.

Everyone has learned in the most elementary physics books that the world we see is not actually the real color of the world. It is just the imaging effect of light after physical reflection. We call this perception color, and currently humans The visible wavelength range of natural light is between 400 nanometers and 760 nanometers. Light above or below this range cannot be seen by ordinary people with the naked eye, so the light reflected by objects in different wavelength bands will show corresponding colors.

In other words, the endless "white space" they see with their naked eyes is, in fact, nothing at all.

Gao Wenwu closed his eyes. At that moment, he suddenly felt an extremely strange feeling.

He thought he would face darkness next.

However, he seemed to see a burst of golden light floating in front of him.

At that moment, it was like seeing a magic door, like the wings of a ladybug. These light spots were mixed with many impurities like ashes.

At first glance it looks like you are in the dust of the stars.

"Dr. Wei, are you still here?" Gao Wenwu was so surprised that he spoke with a trembling voice.

Wei Yuan's voice came from his ears, "Follow me."

Gao Wenwu's hands were still on Wei Yuan's wheelchair, but now he felt that Wei Yuan was actively pushing the wheelchair, and he was turning his steps in the direction of the wheelchair.

There were still many dots of golden light in front of his eyes, and there were even extremely rich colorful colors passing by him.

It's like he's traveling across the galaxy.

So shocking.

Gao Wenwu couldn't describe this feeling at all. He even tried to lower his head to "look" at Wei Yuan, and under his sight, where Wei Yuan should have been was a dense white light.

From a tactile perspective, he could feel that he was holding Wei Yuan's wheelchair to walk, but from a "visual" perspective, he really couldn't describe the scene in front of him. To put it bluntly, it’s like wearing a VR goggles and sitting on a VR machine to feel the sense of separation from reality.

"Dr. Wei, where are you taking us?"

Wei Yuan also had his eyes closed at this time, but every step he took seemed to know exactly where he was going, where to turn, and where to go straight. Without his vision, his body seemed to activate some kind of muscle memory. It has been said that the world we see in our eyes is all illusion, but it is only when we close our eyes that we see the reality.

Wei Yuan's hand kept turning the wheel, and his palms even bled unknowingly, but he still kept speeding up as if he was rushing in a certain direction.

Gao Wenwu could only hold on to the wheelchair tightly. He did not dare to do anything. He seemed to have walked through the sea of ​​clouds and stars, and he even felt that he was no longer on the earth. "

Suddenly a mechanical voice sounded above the head: "Please show me your ticket."

Wei Yuan's wheelchair suddenly stopped at this time.

Gao Wenwu suddenly opened his eyes at this time and saw that the space was still white, but in front of him and Wei Yuan, a metal door with white light appeared.

"Please show your ticket to enter the cabin."

Gao Wenwu looked down at Wei Yuan, only to see that his eyes were still tightly closed. It's like he doesn't want to wake up.

The broadcast repeated the words to show the ticket, and Gao Wenwu subconsciously took out the envelope from his pocket.

"A ticket has been detected. One person can enter the cabin." A cold metallic voice sounded nearby.

"Dr. Wei."

Wei Yuan opened his eyes and naturally saw the door in front of him. Just like an elevator door, there is a flashing frame next to it.

"A ticket has been detected and one person can enter the cabin."

Wei Yuan looked at Gao Wenwu, who was standing beside him holding an envelope at a loss.

Apparently Wei Yuan really took them somewhere. Gao Wenwu was shocked and didn't know how to react next.

Wei Yuan seemed to have gotten the answer, staring at the door with a strange expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"I understand why the director exiled us here," he said, "because I asked him to."

At that moment, Gao Wenwu was as stunned as if he had been struck by a hammer, and he didn't know how to move his facial muscles. "Dr. Wei, what are you talking about?"

At this moment, he wondered if Wei Yuan had really lost his mind and gone crazy. From the moment they met on the ship, the calm and self-possessed Dr. Wei became almost a different person.

"I asked the director to banish all of us into the sea at that time and place."

Because only in this way can the source code be activated.


Why can't anyone find the source code? Even someone as powerful as the masked man who holds the rules and cheats can't dig out the source code.

Because of the source code.

It was implanted into Wei Yuan's brain.

Like a hypnotic symbol, a code word for awakening. Wei Yuan himself would not know.

When all human beings are in a desperate situation, all hope is extinguished, and human beings cannot see the starlight and will fall into darkness forever.

Activating source code requires such a specific environment. specific time.

specific location.

The ship of time.

Only by deceiving yourself can you deceive others.

"I am the source code."

Source code is not a string of code, it is a person.

Didi, in fact, I hope that many of the settings in this book can surprise (scare) everyone. I personally don’t like settings that can be guessed at once, but I don’t know if this will make everyone watch. "Unsatisfying", this book really failed to achieve the traditional sense of enjoyable writing. As it nears the end, I still thank you all for your company.

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