
Chapter 43 The Escape Team Meets

Chapter 43 The Escape Team Meets

The radio left by Jiang Shan on the floor of the third floor suddenly came back to life, buzzing~
Make a hoarse and lonely playback sound again:

"Dr. Wei, if the law of 'erosion' is that newer things corrode faster, then why are humans included? Have you considered it?" The person who asked the question was aggressive and alarmist.

"Because human beings are also a new kind of life. The time that human beings have existed on the earth is only a few million years. Compared with the earth with billions of lives, it belongs to a completely new generation." The person who answered was still calm and calm. There is a trace of coldness.

"Humans are not even as old as trees, oceans, cats..."


Huo Qiyong at the security door has never experienced this kind of despair in his life. Anyway, even if he doesn't get discovered, he will be scared to death.

What's more, the zombie-like female patient with arms outstretched, with a weird smile on her front, staggered towards him while hitting the walls on both sides.

The woman's long nails were about to touch Huo Qiyong's body. "Doctor... are you here?"

Huo Qiyong closed his eyes resignedly.

Suddenly, a crisp voice came across, "Are you looking for a doctor? The doctor is here."

The voice sounded behind the woman, and she saw that the woman's hand that was about to touch the helmet suddenly stopped, as if the system had suddenly jammed and froze.

The voice continued: "You are a patient, why did you leave the ward without permission?"

Huo Qiyong suddenly opened his eyes, and he saw a young girl standing in the middle of the corridor. The girl was still wearing a hospital gown, and her bare feet were still stepping on the ground.

what's the situation?
At this moment, Huo Qiyong saw the girl winking at him and making a silent gesture.

Even if he didn't make this gesture, Huo Qiyong was almost scared, he couldn't make a sound at all.

Jiang Shan continued to look at the female patient. The female patient seemed a little confused by Jiang Shan's bluff. She stared straight ahead with "empty" eyes, her body was motionless, her hands were still outstretched, but she did not move forward up.

"You..." There was deep doubt in the woman's tone, "Are you a doctor?"

With a straight face, Jiang Shan suddenly reprimanded: "Hurry up and go back to your ward!"

How can patients run around?

The woman seemed really panicked, "I'm sorry, doctor, I, I..."

In fact, Jiang Shan discovered that whether it was this woman or the little boy before, their minds and memories seemed to linger stubbornly on a certain scene. If they followed their wishes, it seemed that it would not be difficult to deal with.

Afterwards, the woman turned around abruptly, stumbled and walked back obediently.

Huo Qiyong was dumbfounded, the terrifying female zombie in his eyes was so far away from him, as soon as the woman turned her head, Jiang Shan saw two "black holes" on the woman's face where the eyeballs should have been.

Jiang Shan almost didn't hold back for a moment, she pursed her lips firmly, and slowly stood against the wall, giving up the entire corridor space to the woman.

Thankfully, with the lessons learned from the little boy, Jiang Shan was able to control it this time.

But seeing the woman approaching gradually, with black dust falling down her face...Jiang Shan still felt his little heart was hit.

She finally knew why the man on the other side was so frightened.

Just now Jiang Shan just wanted to take a gamble, but she didn't expect the gamble to be successful. Now she is leaning against the wall, moving towards Huo Qiyong's place bit by bit.

She didn't dare to make too much noise, for fear of attracting the attention of that nervous woman again.

The woman stretched out both hands to look for the ward, bumping against the wall for a while, and hitting the white iron doors on both sides for a while.

Jiang Shan moved to Huo Qiyong's side as quickly as possible, and Huo Qiyong just stared blankly at her approaching.

"Are you a doctor?" Jiang Shan's first sentence was to ask this.

Just now when Jiang Shan heard the movement from the ward, she saw the back of the woman and the paralyzed man at the end of the corridor, but she immediately saw the man wearing the familiar "protective suit".

The appearance of this protective clothing almost made Jiang Shan judge Huo Qiyong's identity in an instant. After all, if he can wear the protective clothing here, this person is likely to be a doctor in this hospital. If he is a patient, he will definitely not be treated like this.

Huo Qiyong stiffened his neck and nodded reflexively.

Jiang Shan's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked Huo Qiyong in a low voice: "Then you must know where the exit is?"

This medical building is like a tube building in the 80s and [-]s. It is gloomy and closed, and it seems that every floor is not safe. It is true only if you find a way to get out.

Huo Qiyong never thought that Jiang Shan stared at him because he regarded him as the living key to leave here.

"You, you are?" Huo Qiyong gasped.

Only then did he realize that he should be afraid, because the girl was wearing the same hospital gown as the woman - which meant that she was also a patient.

Huo Qiyong's face turned pale again.

Jiang Shan remembered Wei Yuan's lines when they first met in the tent, and it was really necessary to ease the tense atmosphere, "Hello, I'm Jiang Shan."

Huo Qiyong's frightened brain reacted a bit slowly, Jiang Shan?Jiang Shan?

Jiang Shan herself already regarded Huo Qiyong as being on her side, so she then looked at Huo Qiyong with hope. "Let's find a way to get out of here together."

Everyone is trapped, so why not count as one side.

Huo Qiyong finally came to his mind at this moment, Jiang Shan? ! "You are Jiang Shan!?"

Jiang Shan didn't understand why he reacted so violently, but he saw that the two lips of Huo Qiyong's glass hood were already trembling almost double.

The third ward, the only survivor of the cave hotel, Jiang Shan.

Zhang Wanqiu forced him to come in and take away Jiang Shan.

Seeing Huo Qiyong's appearance, Jiang Shan was really terrified. He was afraid that he had panicked just now, so he quickly stretched out both hands and shook in front of his face: "Hey, are you okay?"

Why does this doctor look so fragile? Zhang Wanqiu, the head nurse, is very bold.

"I, I, I'm fine!" The sound of Huo Qiyong's two rows of teeth clashing came out through the glass cover.

Jiang Shan was embarrassed for a moment, but he didn't dare to provoke him any more, "Then you lead the way, where is the exit?"

Exit... Huo Qiyong thought of the safety door that was close to his back.

The exit was in the lobby on the first floor, and Zhang Wanqiu asked him to bring Jiang Shan to the lobby on the first floor and then find a way to let them out.

But now, the little boy's happy laughter sounded outside the security door, giggling: "Auntie! I heard your voice!"

cluck cluck cluck!
Jiang Shan's expression froze on his face.

She seemed to see at this moment that a child's face was slowly pasted on the glass window of the security door.

As brave as Jiang Shan, his calf trembled.

At the same time, Huo Qiyong raised his sallow face and looked at Jiang Shan. Jiang Shan only had countless beeping dogs in his heart. She stared at Huo Qiyong with wide eyes, as if she really wanted to ask: "Why do you want to ask?" Not to mention there is another one?
And Huo Qiyong's expression was regenerated and unlovable, as if saying, I, I also want to know why there is another one?


No wonder why the little boy was so quiet just now, when Jiang Shan called out to the female patient just now, he heard it, and he stopped shouting immediately.

Huo Qi never knew that the little boy was coming for Jiang Shan, and Jiang Shan didn't even know that the little boy was already behind this security door.

She also approached Huo Qiyong without knowing it, and "discussed" with him about the escape plan.

Suddenly there was a violent shaking of the security door, it was a little boy, and he "started again".It's just that he didn't seem to be knocking on the door like before, but was "knocking" with his hands one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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