
Chapter 44 Thoughts

Chapter 44 Thoughts
With the sound of knocking, black dust oozes from the edge of the security door around the door.

Jiang Shan subconsciously grabbed Huo Qiyong, "Go!"

Huo Qiyong, who had been lying on the ground weakly, was pulled up by Jiang Shan, and before he could be shocked, he was dragged away by Jiang Shan for two steps.

what happened?

Huo Qiyong looked at Jiang Shan's hand on his arm in disbelief, this girl, why is she so strong?
Jiang Shan herself didn't realize it at all, she thought that Huo Qiyong was very cooperative, so she just pulled him away.

Jiang Shan had already experienced the black dust seeping out of the cracks in the security door, and now seeing that the child was about to repeat the old trick, he naturally panicked and ran first.

Huo Qiyong was wearing bulky protective clothing, and with his own weight of 180 catties, he was dragged by Jiang Shan like a chicken and ran wildly.

The woman in the corridor was still bumping into the wall and walking forward, Jiang Shan didn't dare to make too much noise as soon as she got close to her, and immediately stopped the car with the soles of his feet.

Huo Qiyong forgot to think, only remembering that Jiang Shan's hand on his arm was like iron tongs, there was no room for him to shake it off.

Bang!The woman's head hit a closed white iron door firmly. She was stunned for a moment, and suddenly began to touch the door with both hands: "My ward! My ward!"

From looking for a doctor, to looking for a ward.

She banged on the iron door non-stop, making loud noises, and Jiang Shan found out that the woman behind the security door in the corridor was knocking more and more violently as soon as the woman became agitated.

Does this also affect each other?

Jiang Shan's head grew big, and Huo Qiyong, who was caught by her, was so trembling that he would not be able to stand anytime.

At this moment, Huo Qiyong suddenly said a word: "Yes... there is an alternate channel!"

Jiang Shan paused, and immediately looked at him: "...what do you mean?"

Huo Qiyong took several deep breaths before finally being able to speak clearly: "There is one, one temporary passage converted from an air-raid shelter, which can lead to the hall on the first floor."

Jiang Shan's eyes lit up, "Really? Where is it?" Why didn't he say it earlier.

Huo Qiyong's complexion was like a melting wax figure from Jiang Shan's perspective because of the fog and crazy sweating: "But you need to go to the second floor..."

I also want to know how this kind of passage can be installed in the ward, and the whole army is still wiped out after being discovered by those patients.

Jiang Shan paused, and was about to say something when he suddenly glanced at Huo Qiyong.

At this time, the woman suddenly stopped knocking on the door, and the iron door had already been knocked into a half-arc groove by her. She "looked" at the door in front of her with some doubts.

Then she seemed to say to herself: "Not my ward."

Then, she turned around and continued to walk forward and grope as before, but soon she touched another iron door of the same type. After a second of froze, she began to repeatedly hit the door in despair...

"Open the door! Open the door!"

Jiang Shan pulled Huo Qiyong, held his breath, and the two of them stood on tiptoes, walking slowly against the wall like chickens pecking at rice.

Jiang Shan was okay, but for Huo Qiyong, this movement was too difficult, and the howling woman suddenly turned her head, and the two black holes stared straight at the "opposite side".

Jiang Shan felt that Huo Qiyong's body on his side froze suddenly, and the next moment it would be a failure.

At the very moment, Jiang Shan yanked him, and the two of them sat down on the ground.The woman's outstretched hand happened to be empty, and only touched the smooth wall.

Then Jiang Shan quickly dragged Huo Qiyong, dragged him almost half a meter abruptly, and rolled him into the ward just now.

The door of the ward was gone, and there was only a pile of black dust on the ground. Jiang Shan was covered in it when he rolled over, and Huo Qiyong's protective clothing was also instantly covered with countless "black dust".

When Huo Qiyong came to his senses, it was as if a black snow had fallen in front of his eyes, quietly and strangely, falling on his protective hood.

Huo Qiyong's barely sustained spirit seemed to collapse.

And when the woman heard the movement, she also touched the door, but her hand passed through the empty door frame, and she seemed to be stunned for a moment.

Jiang Shan pursed her lips tightly and didn't let out a breath. She stared at the woman, and the woman's empty eyes were also looking forward. Although she knew she couldn't see anything, the oppressive force filled the whole space.

After a while, the woman walked towards the side ward stiffly, saying: "My door, my door..."

In a woman's mind, her ward has a "door", so this place without a door must not be her ward.

Jiang Shan listened carefully to the sound of the woman's footsteps moving away a little, and then dared to let out a long breath. She hurriedly looked at Huo Qiyong, who was obviously not in a good state of mind.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Shan was really worried about the doctor.

I saw that Huo Qiyong remained motionless, as if he was staring at the dots of "black ash" on his hood. He was in such close contact with this "thing", if there was no glass blocking this "ash", these "ashes" would It fell on his face.

Huo Qiyong's body was shaking slightly.

Seeing where his eyes were staring, Jiang Shan suddenly stretched out his hand, like dusting off the "dust" two or three times.

"Okay, it's all right." After dusting, Jiang Shan said to Huo Qiyong.Like comfort.

Huo Qiyong stared blankly at Jiang Shan, Jiang Shan's tone seemed to have no idea how terrifying the black dust was, as if he was just brushing off the dust on his clothes.

In fact, Jiang Shan did exactly that. She was shooting off the "black ash" that rolled onto her body just now, and all of them were shot down in a few clicks. beauty.

Huo Qiyong looked at Jiang Shan with stiff eyes: "Your hand..."

Jiang Shan looked down at his hands, then at him again: "What's wrong with my hands?"

On Jiang Shan's hands, there were small scars left by climbing just now, but there was no black dust other than that, her five fingers were slender and pale, and the black dust did not stick to her hands at all.

Huo Qiyong seemed to be struck by lightning, looking at Jiang Shan's face, wasn't she "eroded"?

And it looks like nothing at all.

In Huo Qiyong's eyes, Jiang Shan was "clean" from head to toe, and she might not be able to see where she was covered by her clothes, but she was so vigorous just now, she ran all the way barefoot, and her body didn't fall off. Drop those black dust.

She was so normal... even clearer than his mind.

Huo Qiyong has seen countless case reports in the laboratory, and almost every report has the same result, and the patients have different degrees of mental abnormalities.

It's abnormal, not abnormal.Some of them may still be talking and laughing like this woman and child.

However, they lost their minds.All patients have lost one of the most distinctive abilities of being human - thinking... thought.

I still remember the unexplainable chill in Huo Qiyong's heart when he saw this word... When he faced that woman today, he finally understood what that chill was.

When a person is no longer human, the first thing you think of, zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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