
Chapter 46 Hide and Seek

Chapter 46 Hide and Seek

Huo Qiyong was still immersed in shock, he rushed to the window, unexpectedly only had time to see half of Jiang Shan's head that had already entered the window on the third floor.

From the window on the fourth floor to the third floor is at least three meters high, and Huo Qiyong was in a daze for a few seconds. Even agents can't do this flexible speed, right?

Director Huo has suffered too many shocks this day, and now he feels that his heart will stop beating at any time.

Huo Qiyong heard Jiang Shan's voice in the corridor, and Jiang Shan, who had returned to the third floor, had quickly entered the mode of deceiving children, and her seductive voice sounded: "Auntie is here, here..."

Even if Jiang Shan didn't lure the little boy, the safety door knocked by the child would turn into a pile of ashes in a short time.

Same ending as the door on the third floor.

Huo Qiyong stopped suddenly when he heard the terrifying knocking sound that made him break out in cold sweat.

It was replaced by Jiang Shan's gentle and pimple-sounding voice: "Come and find Auntie! Auntie won't wait for you if you are late!"

The little boy next to the security door in the corridor was thinking hard, obviously a little confused, his little head obviously couldn't keep up with such a speed, why did the auntie run away again?
He opened his eyes wide and looked down at his feet. Why did his aunt's voice come from below again?
The little boy stood behind the security door and didn't dare to move for a long time. Did he make a mistake again?

Seeing that the child hadn't come down yet, Jiang Shan made a bit of a miscalculation. She was afraid that Huo Qiyong would collapse if time dragged on.

Jiang Shan simply didn't do anything, went straight through the corridor on the third floor, and rushed towards the corridor.

The door on the third floor has turned into a puddle of ashes. Jiang Shan entered the corridor unimpeded. She didn't need to hide her footsteps anymore. She stood directly at the patio of the stairs and looked up at the little boy's position with a smile on her face, " Auntie is here."

A soft sentence immediately shocked the little boy.

He lowered his head and saw Jiang Shan smiling at him.Such a direct look at each other is simply provocative.

The child got angry, and the consequences were really serious, so the little boy's face became dark again, and he yelled at Jiang Shan, "Auntie lying!"

Jiang Shan waited for his words, turned around and ran away, shouting: "Doctor Huo now!"

The child couldn't understand Jiang Shan's words, he just rushed towards Jiang Shan angrily, and the loud sound of the child's thumping downstairs also reached Huo Qiyong's ears, he leaned against the window and took deep breaths .

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, he is moving out of the ward little by little.

"Doctor~" The female patient's voice sounded faintly again, "Where is my ward?"

All the white iron doors were slammed by her, and the sounds behind the doors formed a huge sound of the same frequency.

The so-called extremes must be reversed. After such repeated bombings, Huo Qiyong felt that his nerves began to become numb. He walked forward with two legs stiffly, no matter what kind of voice was heard, he remained expressionless.

But when he saw the pile of black ashes at the door, his expression still changed a bit.

It was deep fear.

He couldn't even take that step.

The ashes were blown by the wind outside the window and spread into the corridor.If Huo Qiyong wanted to walk through the corridor to the safety door, he would definitely step on these "ashes".

On the third floor, Jiang Shan had already gone all out. Standing in the middle of the corridor, she took a deep breath, turned around and saw that the little boy had come down from the stairs.

Very good, "Auntie will play hide and seek with you." Jiang Shan looked at the little boy.

The high-cost games in the orphanage can't be played, and the handkerchief hide-and-seek are old players. Although those children don't like Jiang Shan, they can only take Jiang Shan with them when there is a lack of people to play games.

They let Jiang Shan be the one to hide, so that they would have a reason to join forces to deal with Jiang Shan, but unfortunately, in the end, they were all played by Jiang Shan.

Because no one can find out where Jiang Shan is hiding.

This also became the reason why Jiang Shan was hated even more by them in the end.

If you can't win, you will hold grudges and make you stumble. It's really the favorite thing for impatient children to do.Adults should be more mature.

The child tilted his head to look at Jiang Shan, smiled sinisterly and then clapped his hands: "Hide and seek? Yes, yes, hee hee."

Jiang Shan slowly leaned against the wall, she kept looking at the child: "You hide, I'll look for it, okay?"

The child's smile disappeared.

Jiang Shan stared at him, every step she took was frantically probing on the verge of death, she didn't know how far this child's "intelligence" was, and whether she could keep being caught by her.

The child laughed and walked towards Jiang Shan step by step: "Auntie is a liar... adults are the best at deceiving children..."

Jiang Shan knew it was not good at a glance, she started to move away a little bit, and kept thinking about what the hell Dr. Huo was doing and why he didn't leave, teammates pigs shouldn't be so foolish.

Under Huo Qiyong's protective clothing, he was soaked in sweat. He was still staring at the "ashes" in front of him, and his eyes turned black.

He remembered that Jiang Shan had buttoned the protective suit for him just now.

He's wearing a protective suit, there's a protective suit.

Huo Qiyong hugged the hood with both hands, and rushed towards the corridor frantically.The black dust in the corridor was lifted up by his heavy footsteps, Huo Qiyong stared straight ahead, not looking, not looking.

It seemed that Jiang Shan roared hoarsely in his ears: "Huo! Doctor! Doctor!"

In front of Huo Qiyong's eyes appeared a security door that had been corroded into a big black hole, and the black ash was on the edge of the hole, seeping through as if alive...

If Jiang Shan was one step late, the child would come in through the door.

And Huo Qiyong looked at the doors that kept disappearing in front of his eyes, as if he had witnessed a devouring from darkness.

These black dusts devoured metals, human bodies, and his sanity before his eyes...

Jiang Shan rushed towards the other side of the corridor, the little boy chased after him this time, and black dust began to fall slowly on his face, only Jiang Shan was in his eyes, and his attachment to Jiang Shan seemed to intensify The formation of those black dust.

The bathroom door and the security door on the other side appeared before Jiang Shan's eyes.

At this moment, she didn't know if she could repeat the same trick.

Jiang Shan rushed straight into the bathroom with the door open, and at the same time, she kicked the safety door of the corridor.

Jiang Shan hid behind the bathroom door and covered his mouth.Hide all your voices for a second.

She heard the little boy's footsteps stop and stood less than one meter away from her.

The little boy stared at the two doors in front of him.One of them was shaking slightly in front of my eyes.The little boy blinked, and actually... giggled. "Auntie, have you hidden it?"

Jiang Shan heard the little boy's crisp footsteps from behind the door, and walked straight towards the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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