
Chapter 47 Game Over

Chapter 47 Game Over
The little boy kicked open the first cubicle. This door was originally broken, but it was completely ruined by his kick.

Naturally, there was no Jiang Shan inside. The little boy looked at the cubicle next to him again. This cubicle was full of sundries. If you can see the bottom of it at a glance, you will definitely not be able to hide it.

The little boy's eyes slowly moved to the door.

It happened to meet Jiang Shan behind the door.

Jiang Shan showed an embarrassing adult smile, and then ran out!

Jiang Shan has exhausted all his tricks, and now he has no choice but to run.She quickly rushed down the stairwell, bumping into Huo Qiyong who was also fleeing in panic,
"Doctor Huo!" Jiang Shan was pleasantly surprised, it was great.

When Huo Qiyong saw Jiang Shan, a trace of joy that he didn't realize appeared on his face. After the two troubled brothers and sisters got together, they continued to start the frantic escape mode.

Huo Qiyong finally gave his strength this time: "Go this way!"

The two rushed towards the dark corridor on the second floor. The corridor without lights was like an invisible dark tunnel. Huo Qiyong's hairs stood on end when he passed this corridor before, but this time he didn't care about those horrors at all. In such a scene, he took Jiang Shan directly into the locker room.

Huo Qiyong closed the door with trembling hands, and even pulled a chair against it.

Jiang Shan originally followed him and ran, but now he was dumbfounded, what about the escape route that he had agreed upon, why did he lock himself in the house?
"You, didn't you say that there is an alternate exit?"

Could it be that the two patients couldn't come in after closing the door?Can a broken chair stand in the way?
Huo Qiyong tore off the thick and heavy glass hood. He was almost suffocating due to lack of oxygen. At this moment, he took a big breath of fresh air, and finally found a little feeling of being alive.

Even he himself didn't realize that the Jiang Shan in front of him was also a "patient", and he had subconsciously regarded Jiang Shan as a safe existence.

"The exit is here." Huo Qiyong said.

Jiang Shan looked at the rows of lockers around her, and her vision seemed to quickly adapt to the darkness here.You can even barely see the serial number on the cabinet door.

"Here?!" Jiang Shan was startled.

The whole dressing room is not big. To be honest, it is not as big as Jiang Shan’s ward, and it is all filled with these cabinets. There are only two rows of benches in the middle, just like those cramped changing rooms in many workplaces. There may be several Individuals here at the same time hastily changed into work clothes and went out to work.

There is an exit here, I'm afraid you are teasing her?

But Jiang Shan turned his head and saw Huo Qiyong's face that can only be described as honest... This elder brother probably doesn't even understand humor, let alone tease her with jokes.

But Jiang Shan looked around and didn't see any passage, "Where is the passage?"

Huo Qiyong scratched his sweat-soaked hair, "Don't worry, wait for me to think about it..."

Want to?Jiang Shan's heart is going cold, big brother, when is this, don't even think about it!
The more he was afraid of something coming, Jiang Shan really heard the familiar cry of the soul: "Auntie, I'm here~ Where are you hiding?"

"Yes!" Huo Qiyong's eyes lit up, and he reached out and began to click on the wardrobes: "Cabinet 7, No. 7, the one to the left of No. 7, the sixth cabinet..."

Jiang Shan's eyes followed the position of his fingers and quickly locked on the sixth cabinet. It was a cabinet door that looked completely different from the surrounding ones, and the back of the cabinet seemed to be embedded in the wall.

Seeing that Huo Qiyong walked directly in that direction, he didn't have Jiang Shan's eyesight, and he groped in the dark for a while before he was sure it was this cabinet.

Jiang Shan was still not at ease: "Are you sure the escape exit is in the cabinet?"

This cabinet is a common narrow and long locker. It would be difficult for a person to get in. At this juncture, is all hope here?
The point is that Director Huo has no idea now, and his tone is unclear: "It should be here."

should?Jiang Shan stared at him: "Haven't you walked through this passage?"

Huo Qiyong also looked at Jiang Shan: "Who is okay to use the escape route?" These exits are only marked in the escape manual.

Jiang Shan: "..." Now she really feels that she might as well jump directly from the window on the third floor, as the probability of survival may be higher.

Huo Qiyong reached out to touch the handle of the cabinet door, and saw that there was a lock on the cabinet door as expected.

"Smash." Jiang Shan next to him said expressionlessly.

Regardless of whether there is a passage in it or not, we have already come here, and there is no turning back when we open the bow.

Huo Qiyong was still wearing protective gloves in both hands, held up the lock, and looked at Jiang Shan helplessly: "What did you use to smash it?"

Moreover, the movement of breaking the lock will definitely alarm the two patients outside.

Huo Qiyong's ears seemed to have a magic voice lingering in a constant loop: "Doctor~doctor~" He found that he couldn't tell whether it was a hallucination or reality.

Jiang Shan didn't speak, she could clearly hear the shouts of the woman and the little boy, and they were all true.

Jiang Shan scanned the dressing room, wanting to see if there was anything he could use to break the lock, but there was nothing, only a few clothes thrown on the stool.

Huo Qiyong fumbled around in the closet next to him, and found a pen.

Jiang Shan looked at the thin gold-plated pen body, which seemed to be someone's letter S printed on it, and the year was engraved on the bottom, which obviously looked like a limited edition produced in a certain year, but such an exquisite pen was not used in such an atmosphere. nor.

Money that loses its value means nothing.

The child's footsteps were approaching, and sooner or later he would search this changing room, which didn't even have a window for them to escape.

Jiang Shan held the lock, and pulled it down in desperation. The lock was bent like a noodle, and Jiang Shan directly pulled it away.

Jiang Shan was dumbfounded: "Isn't this lock... not very strong?"

Huo Qiyong saw clearly from the side, the padlock hole on the wardrobe was somewhat deformed, he subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

He never said that his arm, which was dragged away by Jiang Shan just now, was still aching.

But time has not allowed them to think any more, and the door of the locker room was slammed hard. "Hey, is this door closed so tightly?"

The innocent child's voice was like a reminder, Jiang Shan directly opened the door of the closet, and there was a dark hole in front of him, but he could see the boxy cabinet inside.There is no magical hole in the place where the cabinet is connected to the wall.

Jiang Shan's heart sank.

But Huo Qiyong leaned forward, put both hands on the bottom of the cabinet, and suddenly gritted his teeth and pressed down hard!
There was a bang, and the iron sheet at the bottom of the cabinet flipped down, revealing a dark hole extending downward.It turned out that the hole was not behind the wall, but underground.

Jiang Shan's eyes lit up.

But the little boy outside had already heard such a loud movement, after a second of silence outside the door, there was a violent banging!

"Auntie, I found you! The game is over hehehehe!" The faint laughter accompanied the entire space as if it was shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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