
Chapter 56 The lump disappeared

Chapter 56 The lump disappeared

Vice President Ma slammed the door angrily, and Geng Jianghui looked at Zhang Wanqiu: "I know you still have feelings for Jiang Shan, so why do you say so much?"

Even the Hippocratic oath has been moved out, which medical student can stand this stimulation.

Zhang Wanqiu put the cowhide envelope in his hand on the table: "This is Jiang Shan's plain scan of the skull, which Director Huo would rather risk to take. In addition... there is also my letter of resignation."

It's no wonder that he dared to come up and hate the vice president. It turned out that he planned to quit.

Geng Jianghui raised his hand to stop Zhang Wanqiu's words. He took Jiang Shan's film, put on his presbyopic glasses, and stared at it carefully.

Seeing that Dean Geng seemed to have been cast with a fixing spell, he stared at the film for a full minute.

Zhang Wanqiu was well prepared for the dean's reaction, and said, "I've read it just now, and it should be clear enough why Director Huo went back to get this."

Zhang Wanqiu didn't think she was violating the rules, she was Jiang Shan's medical care before, but now, she's going to resign and leave anyway to see what the film is afraid of.

The so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, at worst, she will be locked up too.

Geng Jianghui looked up silently: "So Director Huo refused to hand it in before, and said that the inspection machine was broken?"

Zhang Wanqiu was noncommittal, but she said, "I don't think the machine is broken."

Geng Jianghui slowly put down the film, took off his reading glasses, and rubbed his eyes: "It shows that Jiang Shan's brain tumor...has almost disappeared."

So if the machine isn't broken, maybe his eyes are broken.

Just like Huo Qiyong also suspected that his eyes were broken.

Zhang Wanqiu said slowly: "I don't think there is anything impossible that happened to Jiang Shan." Jiang Shan is just impossible.

Geng Jianghui didn't speak for a while.There is no need to prove these things now, because Jiang Shan himself, who was the "sample", is no longer there, and all the equipment in the medical building has been scrapped, so it is impossible to verify what went wrong.

"Before the re-planning of the ward, you can temporarily go to the sixth ward to assist." It just so happens that the sixth ward is also short of people.

Zhang Wanqiu froze for a moment: "Principal..."

Geng Jianghui looked at her: "There is a shortage of manpower everywhere now. Do you know how many doctors wanted to resign yesterday? People like Vice Hospital Ma may be a bit radical, but Songshan Hospital needs such people now."

It is impossible to talk about benignity and morality in all things now.Zhang Wanqiu was a doctor who studied psychology before, so he paid great attention to medical ethics and had a stronger sense of morality.

It can be said that the people who can stay in Songshan Hospital are the people most needed by Songshan Hospital, and moral flaws are not so important.

Looking at the X-ray of Jiang Shan's skull on the table, Zhang Wanqiu took a deep breath and said, "Actually, there is a conjecture I wanted to say a long time ago."

Jiang Shan's initial physical data when he was admitted to the hospital, as well as every examination and test, were all preserved.

If there is no problem with this film, it means that there are more problems.

Geng Jianghui said: "What guess?"

Anyway, there is no one else here now, Zhang Wanqiu stared at Geng Jianghui, and said word by word: "I doubt that Jiang Shan is not sick at all."

Geng Jianghui: "..."

Zhang Wanqiu immediately added: "In other words, her so-called 'disease' is not the kind of disease we think of in the conventional sense."

Geng Jianghui said, "What is it that is not a 'disease' in the conventional sense? When Jiang Shan was admitted to the hospital, what was the X-ray of his brain like? Don't you know?"

Zhang Wanqiu didn't seem to know how to explain it. She just stared at the film. In fact, she could still see the outline of a small lump when she looked carefully, but it was too different from the picture taken when she was admitted to the hospital, so Geng Jianghui used "almost disappeared" " Such words.

A small pimple on the body is difficult to disappear within ten days and half a month, let alone a tumor growing in the core area of ​​the brain.

Zhang Wanqiu said: "Jiang Shan lived alone on the mountain for five months, survived without food and water, and survived unscathed, which in itself is almost impossible."

What happened to Jiang Shan cannot be viewed and speculated with common sense.

So Zhang Wanqiu tried to explain it from another angle: "And this time she escaped from the medical building without any loss, and rescued Director Huo by the way, even though Jiang Shan is a normal 20-year-old girl with good health, she has to do it." It's hard to get to these, right?"

Geng Jianghui pushed his glasses: "Isn't what you said is the reason for us to study Jiang Shan?"

Zhang Wanqiu continued in one breath: "Deputy President Ma also said just now that Director Huo mentioned that Jiang Shan is infinitely powerful."

Zhang Wanqiu didn't doubt Huo Qiyong's words at all, and he didn't think that Huo Qiyong's mind was abnormal. What he said about Jiang Shan's strength must be true.

Geng Jianghui had subconsciously felt that his heart was not going to heal.

"Normal illness will eat away at the body and take away the health of the person." Zhang Wanqiu took a photo of the brain with a palm, "But is it possible that the so-called disease syndrome in Jiang Shan seems to have the opposite effect?"

Not only did it not make Jiang Shan weak and seriously ill, but it infused her with new strength, making her get better little by little.

Geng Jianghui couldn't answer anymore, he stared at Zhang Wanqiu dumbfounded.

No matter how outrageous the test results were, they were not as outrageous as Zhang Wanqiu said. "Nurse Zhang, do you want to rest for two days before going to work?"

Is it because taking care of Jiang Shan is too stressful during this time.

Zhang Wanqiu frowned a little: "Dean!" She wasn't joking.

Geng Jianghui waved his hand quickly: "There is no evidence for what you said, it's all your own imagination." It might be okay to make up a story.

Zhang Wanqiu said: "But how do you explain that Jiang Shan can retreat unscathed every time?"

Geng Jianghui held back for a long time: "You can't use results that have not been demonstrated to deduce the cause of the matter."

This is not scientifically rigorous at all.

Zhang Wanqiu suddenly asked: "What is Wei Yuan taking Jiang Shan away for?" If you want to study Jiang Shan's body, there is no more suitable place in Westport than Songshan Hospital.

The research institute behind Wei Yuan has been useless since the accident, and the core research equipment is not in Wei Yuan's hands now.

Moreover, Zhang Wanqiu knew Jiang Shan well, if Jiang Shan was willing to continue to be studied, he would stay.

Now that Jiang Shan is gone, Wei Yuan must have promised Jiang Shan a better choice than staying.

Geng Jianghui said helplessly: "Everyone is gone, why are you still pursuing these things?"

Zhang Wanqiu stared at Geng Jianghui: "From the day Jiang Shan was handed over to me, I should be responsible to her to the end."

(End of this chapter)

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