
Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Six months ago, Matsuyama "Care Center for Hospice Patients".A poorly run community institution on the verge of bankruptcy.

Two inpatient nurses patrolled floor by floor with flashlights to turn off the lights. When they arrived at the door of the mortuary, the young trainee nurse seemed to turn pale when he heard something, "Did you hear that someone was walking in the mortuary?"

The old nurse next to him had already dozed off a bit. The job was cheap and free, so he quickly went back to sleep after the tour.

"Is someone walking in the morgue? Hahahahaha, are you crazy?" Encountering ruthless ridicule.

"No... I really heard it." The timid intern nurse's lips trembled.Boom, boom.

Either walking or bumping into something.

The old nurse put on airs and taught a lesson: "Just say that you are timid and don't work the night shift, but you don't listen to me."

In order to show that he was not afraid, he blew a whistle, and the old nurse pushed open the door of the mortuary, and took a flashlight to shine around: "See, where is someone going..." The speaker's smile froze.

... Boom, boom, boom.The voice came clearly from the base of the wall.

The flashlight shone on a pale, pale face.He was an old man with wrinkles on his face and slightly protruding eyeballs.

There was something black on the old man's face that kept falling down.Looking straight at them, he grinned: "Are you my son? Have you come to see me?"


An old man just passed away in bed No. [-] today. It has been half a year since he was sent here, and his relatives haven’t seen it once. The key point is that this old man has been lying in a vegetative state since he was sent in.

The two nurses crawled out of the morgue. The vegetative person died, but came back to life after death, and could speak.

Those sent here are either those who have no money to treat in the hospital, or the elderly who have been half-abandoned by their unfilial children.Therefore, they are not even willing to send them to better nursing homes, and choose the cheapest community hospice center.

After several incidents of "resurrecting from the dead" happened one after another, the nurses in the Songshan Hospice Center almost ran away, causing panic. After the public opinion fermented, it finally attracted the attention of the medical profession.

Geng Jianghui and Zhao Qisheng also came here for the first time at that time.

Taken this is not some medical miracle of resurrection, but the beginning of a real nightmare.


Jiang Shan opened his eyes suddenly, and found that he was in a strange place again, neither the hospital nor the car just now.

She saw a face in front of her and recognized it as Wei Yuan, who was staring at her: "Are you okay?"

Jiang Shan raised his hand subconsciously and slapped him. At that moment, Wei Yuan's eyes showed astonishment. This slap was about to hit his gentle face firmly. Fanned out.

"What are you doing? Hitting someone when you wake up??" Zhang Zheng still held his hand on the armrest of the wheelchair, staring at Jiang Shan in disbelief.

Wei Yuan seemed to realize something, and raised his hands before Jiang Shan changed his face, as if to explain: "It wasn't me, I didn't do anything, it was you who suddenly fell into a coma in the car."

Jiang Shan's gaze refocused, she looked at the hand in mid-air, then stared at Wei Yuan for a long time, and then slowly put it down after a long while.

Only then did Zhang Zheng look at her in disbelief, what do you mean, beating people because they thought they had knocked her out?Jiang Shan's desire for revenge scared him a little.

Jiang Shan slowly propped himself up and sat up. Wei Yuan seemed to want to reach out to help, but Zhang Zheng immediately pulled him away.

Wei Yuan: "..."

In Zhang Zheng's heart, he should stay away from this time bomb.

Jiang Shan sat up, only to notice that she seemed to be in a very cramped small room, covered with a very old blanket.

"Where is this?"

Seeing that she finally spoke properly, Wei Yuan paused and replied, "This is our temporary residence."

Jiang Shan looked at him, but recalled in her mind that she really didn't import anything suspicious. A second ago, she seemed to be saying that she didn't want to see those deserted cities anymore.

Zhang Zheng stared at her, but asked Wei Yuan: "Did those guys in the hospital do it?" But it was still on them.

Wei Yuan couldn't answer this question either. After Jiang Shan said that, he fell unconscious on the back seat immediately, which surprised both him and Zhang Zheng.

Jiang Shan looked at Wei Yuan, and suddenly threw away the blanket on his body and got off the bed, ignoring Wei Yuan and the two of them and going out.

What Zhang Zheng wanted to say was stopped by Wei Yuan. He watched Jiang Shan walk out of the door and stopped.

Jiang Shan looked at the suddenly huge space outside. There were several large windows on the surrounding walls, from which he could see the towering old trees outside.Jiang Shan looked up at the ceiling, but found that the ceiling was a tall spire with countless totems painted on it, and rows of old seats were placed in the middle, as if it were some kind of venue theater.

Wei Yuan pushed the wheelchair out from behind: "This is an abandoned church, which was built about 100 years ago."

There is no better place to live now than this.

Only then did Jiang Shan confirm that he was really not locked up, and finally the hostility in his eyes when he looked at Wei Yuan was gone. "Where are my things?"

Wei Yuan pointed to the seat in the front row: "It's all there." They didn't dare to touch it.

Jiang Shan saw her backpack on the chair, besides the coat that Zhang Wanqiu gave her.

But Jiang Shan still didn't understand why he suddenly fell into a coma. Wei Yuan looked at her confused expression, his eyes flickered: "During this time, don't you feel... your body has changed?"

Jiang Shan glanced at him.

Wei Yuan was really asking, he could obviously feel that Jiang Shan had changed, but Jiang Shan himself didn't seem to feel it.

Jiang Shan didn't speak. In fact, she didn't notice it at all. It's just that people often notice the bad parts, and take the good parts as natural.

In terms of changes, Jiang Shan hasn't felt tired for a long time. As for the occasional sickness and nausea in the past, he has long forgotten what it feels like.

Wei Yuan asked, "Do you feel any discomfort?"

Jiang Shan couldn't answer, she was really not uncomfortable, not at all.Even the dizziness that should appear in a coma does not seem to be there.

Wei Yuan stopped talking, his eyes were a bit meaningful.

The door of the church was pushed open, and two figures walked in from the door. One was tall and seemed to be carrying something on his shoulders, and the other was slender and seemed to be a woman.

But when they saw the figure of the girl standing in the middle of the church, they almost petrified collectively.

Then a trembling voice said, "Didn't you, Dr. Wei, you really brought her here?"

Jiang Shan quickly recognized the voice. She turned her head towards the two. Even though there was a certain distance and there was a strong light from the door, her eyesight seemed to recognize it easily. The other two acquaintances, Gao Wenwu and Zhao Ying.

 The subscription is so bleak that I can't bear to look directly...

(End of this chapter)

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