
Chapter 6 Survivor Jiang Shan

Chapter 6 Survivor Jiang Shan

Jiang Shan doesn't remember how many days she has been on the mountain, she only remembers that she is very hungry, and the water she brought is gone, and she is still trapped on this mountain, not knowing where the end is... …

In the health survey form of the tour group, Jiang Shan wrote that his health status was "good".Even the physical examination form is edited.

The black heart travel company only wants to make money, and the review is not strict, especially seeing Jiang Shan's age, who would have thought that such a young girl has an incurable disease?
So Jiang Shan set off as he wished.

Jiang Shan has spent 20 years in an orphanage in her 16 years of life. Everyone knows that she is born with a disease. Even an orphanage has a chain of discrimination. Those children are far away from Jiang Shan. Jiang Shan has become an orphan among orphans.

But for some reason, there was an elderly care worker in the orphanage who seemed to like Jiang Shan very much. Not only did he often accompany Jiang Shan when he was isolated, he often even cooked for Jiang Shan in private.The old nurse looked at Jiang Shan and sighed, "What a lucky child."

Remember Jiang Shan was speechless, lucky?Does the word main have anything to do with her?However, few people around Jiang Shan treated her so well, so she never refuted the old nurse.

I remember that the sky outside the orphanage is always gray, just like on this mountain, sometimes it is easy to distinguish between reality and nightmare, especially when the two are very close.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there's someone here!"

A series of screams that could pierce Jiang Shan's tympanic membrane pierced through eighteen layers of dreams, and rushed straight to Jiang Shantian's spirit cap, shaking her back from the nightmare to reality.

Jiang Shan was startled and opened her eyes suddenly, the sudden bright light made her uncomfortable, she didn't know when the night was over, and now the sky was bright.

Then she met a pair of eyes, and the pupils of those eyes trembled for a moment, and at the same time, Jiang Shan found that the screams in his ears became even more terrifying.

"Live, live?!"

Jiang Shan couldn't help covering his head from the noise, and at the same time blinked vigorously a few times before he vaguely saw a strange face in front of him.

This face is covered by a transparent glass helmet, and it can be seen that the facial features are faintly distorted due to shock.

"Who are you?!" Jiang Shan and the face opposite shouted almost at the same time.

The woman on the opposite side sat down on the ground and started to back away crazily.

Jiang Shan was also dazed at that moment, watching her retreat to the edge of the tent like hiding from a beast, and subconsciously tightened the blanket on his chest.Wait, blanket?Jiang Shan remembered that it wasn't the bedding that was in the tent last night?
At this moment, the door of the tent was suddenly opened, and several figures rushed in: "What happened? Zhao Ying, what are you calling?!"

The woman shrunk to the corner and saw her companion as if she saw a savior, and it took a long time before she raised her trembling hand and pointed at Jiang Shan, "Here, there is someone here..."

Didn't you say that everyone is missing?Isn't there no survivors?

Following the direction the woman pointed, the others slowly saw Jiang Shan.

For a while, the air in the tent was extremely quiet.

Jiang Shan stared dumbfounded at the group of people who appeared suddenly, while the people on the opposite side also stared dumbfounded at Jiang Shan.

They were all dressed in the same gray spacesuit-like inflatable suits with glass hoods.Wrap tightly.

Jiang Shan looked suspiciously, she didn't know everyone, and they were not from the tour group.

On the opposite side, four pairs of eyes stared at Jiang Shan, a girl with half of her body still under the blanket, unkempt, with the dazed look of just waking up on her face.

No one spoke, but their expressions began to visibly distort bit by bit...

Jiang Shan heard ravings like a gasp in his ears. "Live, live?"

Jiang Shan didn't feel sleepy at all now, and even frowned. What do you mean, doesn't she look like a living person?
Unexpectedly, Jiang Shan's ordinary frowning action made several faces on the opposite side turn green at the same time.

"Damn..." A man stared at Jiang Shan with eyes like copper bells, "Is he really alive?"

Before coming here, everyone imagined the worst outcome, even including their own ending, but they just didn't expect... There are still people alive on the mountain? !
"You you you, who are you? Why are you here?" A tall and thin man blurted out.

Jiang Shan stared blankly at the person in front of him, "Who are you?"

The four people on the opposite side gasped at the same time, and each of them couldn't express their words.Until, one of the four seemed to have the courage to take a step towards Jiang Shan.

"Don't don't go over there!" The woman huddled in the corner started screaming like something else, staring at Jiang Shan as if looking at some horrible creature, "She, what if she is not a human..."

The scream made that person feel really scared, and instantly retracted the stepping foot.

Jiang Shan was speechless: "..." Outrageous, what do you mean she is not human?

Jiang Shan felt that her legs were a little numb, so she stood up slowly while supporting the table. She suddenly found that her limbs seemed to be stronger than usual, and the dizziness and nausea from last night disappeared.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shan's "movement" shocked the people on the opposite side at the same time. The girl named "Zhao Ying" who was shrunk in the corner was so frightened that she jumped up from the ground and quickly hid behind a person.

A man directly touched his lower back, "Don't move!"

He had already touched something from the back of his waist like lightning, and aimed at Jiang Shan in an instant.It was a black hole gun.

Jiang Shan was dumbfounded, what's going on?
These people looked at Jiang Shan as if she was some extremely terrifying existence.

The man holding the gun looked more frightened than Jiang Shan, pointed at Jiang Shan's muzzle and said tremblingly, "No matter what you are, don't come here..."

Jiang Shan: "???"

Are these people crazy? Such thoughts flashed through Jiang Shan's mind.

The tall and thin man next to him hastily stopped him: "Zhang Zheng, don't be impulsive!"

The man named Zhang Zheng was obviously very nervous, he clenched his gun even more, stared at Jiang Shan and raised his chin to signal: "You, take off your clothes."

Jiang Shan stared at the man dumbfounded, what did you call her for?
"Take off!" Zhang Zheng clenched his gun in an instant. "Let's check it out!"

Of course Jiang Shan couldn't take it off. Where did the lunatic come from? What did he check for?She couldn't understand what this man was doing.

The tall and thin man who stopped Zhang Zheng before also looked at Jiang Shan, as if he wanted to explain: "Don't get me wrong, we just want to check whether you have been..."

Before the words after "being" could be uttered, a somewhat stern voice was heard from outside the tent: "Put the gun away."

The sound made several people in the tent startled, and Zhang Zheng, who was holding a gun, also froze.

After such a short period of time, Jiang Shan seemed to be finally unable to support his body, and his body softened, and he sat back on the mat.

(End of this chapter)

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