
Chapter 7 She Really Crazy

Chapter 7 She Really Crazy

Everyone turned their heads to look at the door of the tent, and Jiang Shan also looked over slowly.

There was a slight movement, and then, Jiang Shan's eyes widened, and she saw a person in a wheelchair appearing at the door.

At this moment, he was holding the wheels with both hands, pushing the wheelchair forward slowly.

As soon as this person came in, it was obvious that everyone's attention was turned away from Jiang Shan, and the man with the gun shouted: "Old Wei!"

Uh, the name "Old Wei" is really a bit reluctant, - this person looks ordinary, but he is obviously far from "old".

Moreover, Jiang Shan found that he was wearing casual clothes, not as tightly wrapped as the others.

"Don't be afraid, that's an anesthesia gun, it's not real." The first sentence the man came in was to explain to Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan felt that his brain capacity might be overloaded, so he just kept sitting in a paralyzed posture and remained motionless.Tranquility gun?Can a tranquilizer gun be pointed at a person?

Wei Yuan looked at Zhang Zheng: "Who told you to point a gun at ordinary people?"

They didn't bring any modern equipment with them on this trip, but just in case, they borrowed a few anesthesia guns from Songshan Hospital.

Zhang Zheng stared: "How do you know she is an ordinary person?"

Jiang Shan has lost her temper at this time, she is not an ordinary person, is she an alien?
Wei Yuan did not continue wasting words with Zhang Zheng, he turned to Jiang Shan again, looked at Jiang Shan for a few seconds, and said, "Hello."

Everyone: "..."

Jiang Shan: "..."

In the eerie silence, Jiang Shan didn't turn the corner for a long time. Did he just say "Hello"? ?Jiang Shan was a little shocked.

Seeing that Jiang Shan didn't respond, Wei Yuan moved the wheelchair again and "walked" in Jiang Shan's direction.

"Don't go there! Don't get close to her!" The group of people behind them went crazy again.

Wei Yuan just raised his hand to stop the panic of his companions behind him, and then continued to "drive" towards Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan watched this person approach, but in fact she wanted to hide too, but there was no way out behind her.In Jiang Shan's eyes, this group of people who appeared suddenly seemed more or less mentally ill.

Wei Yuan stopped half a meter away from Jiang Shan and wisely kept a safe distance.

Jiang Shan was afraid that if he got closer to him, he would explode.

From this distance, Wei Yuan can clearly see the mud on Jiang Shan's face, and Jiang Shan can also see every trace of expression on Wei Yuan's face.

Once you feel "real", your guard starts to relax.

The two sides looked at each other and evaluated each other in silence. Wei Yuan first showed his friendliness, as if he usually greets a friend: "Hi, I'm Wei Yuan."

After the words fell, he stretched out a hand to Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan: "..."

Looking at this hand, Jiang Shan was still very vigilant, and those companions of Old Wei not far away also all looked like they were about to go crazy.

And Wei Yuan's hand stopped in the air, as if he was very patient, his eyes kept looking at Jiang Shan.

This "Old Wei" has faint crow's feet around the corners of his eyes, and his facial muscles tend to be peaceful. He is in his thirties at most, and his calmness in the face of Jiang Shan doesn't seem to be faked.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Shan slowly raised a hand, a hand that was a bit skinny, he hesitated for a while at the end, but finally put it slowly into Wei Yuan's hand that stopped in mid-air.

"You, hello... I'm Jiang Shan."

At that moment, Jiang Shan's finger touched Wei Yuan's palm, and both of them felt the "human" heat coming from the other's body.Very good, very good, everyone is human.

"Nice to meet you." Wei Yuan smiled sincerely.

Jiang Shan pursed his lips, but still didn't speak.

However, this handshake obviously completed the "ice-breaking diplomacy", and the tension between the two parties has obviously weakened a lot.Wei Yuan's companion on the opposite side exchanged a few glances silently.

Wei Yuan let go.

Jiang Shan's expression suddenly froze on her face, and she caught a glimpse of her hand hanging in the air.

It was a hand that was too dirty to bear to look at.

Five fingers, extremely long nails, as long as a female ghost in a horror movie.

There's even black putty under each nail.

Jiang Shan: "..." Her pupils dilated in an instant.

This is her hand?How did her hands become like this? !In fact, if there is a mirror at this time, Jiang Shan will see that his whole body is dirty and messy, and the dust on his face is no less than that on his hands.

The shocked and terrified reaction of those people seeing Jiang Shan just now was not out of thin air. Jiang Shan's appearance at this time really doesn't look like a "normal human being".

It was as if she hadn't washed her hands or cut her nails in half a year.

Jiang Shan withdrew his hand like an electric shock.

The astonishment and suspicion on her face fell into Wei Yuan's eyes, and Wei Yuan's eyes couldn't help but deepen.

"Why are you here alone?" Wei Yuan asked gently in a tentative tone.

Jiang Shan looked at Wei Yuan, blankness and confusion flashed across her eyes, and she hesitated for the first time: "I'm here to find them."

Wei Yuan immediately asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Jiang Shan didn't know what to say, her memory was still stuck in "last night", she went up the mountain to look for Xiao Chen and the missing passenger.

However, there seemed to be something in his mind, a very chaotic and chaotic feeling.

Jiang Shan didn't know that his complexion had become very bad, and he could feel his face turning pale through the thick plaster.

Wei Yuan's eyes gradually became darker, and his tone was a little persuasive: "You came here with the travel agency 'Hand in Hand with Tongcheng'?"

He wanted to confirm Jiang Shan's identity first.

When Jiang Shan heard the other party say the name of the travel agency, he could only nod slightly.

Just look at Wei Yuan and his group of companions, they all took a deep breath.

Wei Yuan gently asked Jiang Shan: "Do you know what date it is, or rather, today?"

Jiang Shan looked at Wei Yuan subconsciously.

Is this person asking a fool's question?

"The fifth, the fifth of March."

Jiang Shan also deliberately added the month.She knew that it was yesterday, March [-]th was the day when the entire tour group returned, but yesterday the entire tour group disappeared.

So today, of course, is number five.

But seeing that everyone was staring at Jiang Shan dumbfounded at this moment, someone said: "Look, she is really crazy..."

If you were afraid of Jiang Shan before, looking at Jiang Shan's expression now is like looking at a fool, either stupid or crazy.

Jiang Shan didn't know that she had been regarded as delirious, she looked at Wei Yuan in front of her warily, and saw his meaningful expression: "What, what's wrong?"

Wei Yuan stared at Jiang Shan, did not look strangely like others, but said slowly: "Today is August 203th in 8X..."

August, it's August now.More than five months have passed since the day Jiang Shan mentioned.

The outside world is in chaos, while the mountains are dead silent.Jiang Shan, the only one alive, looked bewildered.

(End of this chapter)

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