
Chapter 8 Biological Test Drugs

Chapter 8 Biological Test Drugs

In Jiang Shan's memory, only one night passed.

She looked at the pictures on camera and remembered the shock and nausea that followed, after which she seemed to take a gulp of water...and then no memory.

Waking up to a group of strangers staring at her like gorillas.

Jiang Shan seemed to only see Wei Yuan's mouth opening and closing. There was a buzzing in her mind, but she couldn't understand what he said. Are these people here to shoot a prank show?

Or is it a hidden program designed by the tour group?

"What date do you say today is?"

Discovering Jiang Shan as a survivor is undoubtedly a major development, but Jiang Shan's reaction seems to be out of joint, which makes Wei Yuan feel that another village finds that it is still a dead end.

Wei Yuan said, "Have you noticed how you look now?"

Jiang Shan lowered her head slowly, and she found that the "blanket" covering her body seemed to belong to a certain woman in the brigade.

Jiang Shan subconsciously wanted to touch her mobile phone. She remembered putting it beside her last night, but she couldn't find anything after touching it.

Jiang Shan suddenly got up, grabbed his backpack, and poured out all the contents.

It was still the two clothes, but they had become tattered, as if they had been worn for a long time, and they were not only dirty but also had many holes.

That camera seems to be older.There is one corner that seems to have started to rust.

Jiang Shan suddenly shivered.Something seemed to flash in her mind.

Wei Yuan noticed the change in Jiang Shan's face, and his eyes flickered slightly: "Can you still remember what happened?"

How did it survive?Why is there only Jiang Shan alone?

Too many unanswered questions.

But Jiang Shan didn't respond to Wei Yuan's question at all.

She looked at the palm of her hand, and there was a layer of black and thick calluses on the originally thin skin.There was also a strange smell in the palm.

The tent seemed to be different from when she came "last night", and many things had changed.

Seeing that Jiang Shan didn't know what to ask, he seemed even more confused than Wei Yuan and the others.

Just when Wei Yuan was still trying to ask something, Jiang Shan's backpack fell on the ground, and the medicine bottle rolled out from the backpack's interlayer.

It rolled all the way to the ground and just stopped at Wei Yuan's feet.

Wei Yuan glanced at the medicine bottle. It was an old glass bottle with a half-old and yellowed paper label on it. The words "Kefan Biology" were vaguely printed on it.

A very bright light flashed in his eyes for an instant.

And when he raised his head again, the look in his eyes when he looked at Jiang Shan changed.

"I said," it was the tall and thin man who reminded me just now, "should we leave here quickly?"

Before discovering Jiang Shan, they had already completed the search for the cave hotel, and they originally wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Everyone is hanging on every minute and every second.

Wei Yuan turned the wheelchair, covered the medicine bottle on the ground seemingly casually, looked at Jiang Shan and said, "Come with us, it's not safe to stay on this mountain."

The others were all focused on Jiang Shan anyway, and no one paid attention to Wei Yuan's little move.

Jiang Shan looked at the strangers in front of him, "Who are you?" Why did she go with them.For Jiang Shan, Wei Yuan and the others were the unidentified people who appeared suddenly.

Jiang Shan's vigilance is reasonable in a sense.

Wei Yuan paused for a rare moment: "We are... from the Institute of Biology in the city. We have searched the entire mountain, and there is no one else except you."

Wei Yuan specially emphasized it.

Jiang Shan didn't speak.She wasn't sure if she should believe it, but everything around her seemed to remind her that it was true.

Jiang Shan even wondered if the tumor in her brain had grown bigger again, so her nerves were deranged.

"I still have companions."

Wei Yuan's eyes were complicated: "Your 'companion' is no longer on this mountain."

Jiang Shan looked at Wei Yuan, she really couldn't accept what she just said, why is it August today?What is the history of these people?
Zhang Zheng is obviously violent: "Old Wei! Can we leave her alone?"

It hurts to stay in this damn place for a second longer.

Wei Yuan knew that Jiang Shan's mood would not calm down soon, but they really didn't have time.

Wei Yuan said: "There is still a set of protective clothing in the car, Zhang Zheng, you go and get it."

When he came, Wei Yuan put an extra set of protective clothing on the car, and everyone thought that the protective clothing was left by Wei Yuan for himself.

The person who was called was stunned for a moment, and went out with a face of reluctance. After a while, Zhang Zheng returned with an extra set of dark gray protective clothing.

The clothes were thrown in front of Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan looked at the clothes and still didn't move. For some reason, she thought that not everyone in the tour group treated her badly. There was an elderly aunt who said she lost her husband in her early years and worked two jobs to raise her eldest daughter. Now I have finally sent my daughter to college, and I want to come out and enjoy life while my body is still strong.The aunt felt that Jiang Shan was about the same age as her daughter, and she was a little more loving when she saw Jiang Shan.

She saw their footprints up the mountain with her own eyes, and they didn't leave, no one left.

Wei Yuan's voice rang in his ears at this moment: "You put on this dress, and we'll leave here immediately. I can explain to you on the way."

Jiang Shan secretly clenched her hands, the long nails dug into her palms so painfully.After a while, she bent down and picked up the top of the protective clothing on the ground.

Wei Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, "turned around" and said, "Everyone go out first, Zhao Ying, stay and help."

Wei Yuan knew the weight of this protective suit, Jiang Shan obviously couldn't wear it by himself.

That Zhao Ying herself was afraid of Jiang Shan, and now she heard that Wei Yuan wanted her to stay and dress Jiang Shan, her face turned pale instantly.

"Why should I..." She froze in the middle of speaking, obviously in this space, she and Jiang Shan were the only gender.

Zhao Ying looked like the sky was falling, wanting to cry but not crying.

"You stay." Jiang Shan suddenly pointed to Wei Yuan and said.

Just as Wei Yuan turned his wheelchair and turned around, he couldn't help but pause when he heard the words, and the others also looked at Jiang Shan in surprise.

Jiang Shan looked at Wei Yuan: "It should be enough for you to help me."

Jiang Shan never liked to force others, since Wei Yuan was the only one who didn't seem to be afraid of her, so let Wei Yuan stay.

Although it is inconvenient to move, it is not difficult to change Jiang Shan's protective clothing as a helper. There are many zipper buttons on the front and back of the protective clothing, and even the wrong clothes can be worn. Jiang Shan can't do it if he doesn't want help.

Wei Yuan was silent, then winked at his companion.

The others lowered their heads and left the tent at the same time, and Zhao Ying ran even faster.

(End of this chapter)

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