
Chapter 62 The Trembling Library 2

Chapter 62 The Trembling Library 2
This sloping road... a broken road.

Zhang Zheng has complained countless times. The road conditions here have several sections of winding uphill roads with nine twists and eighteen turns. The traffic in Beijing and Hong Kong has been covered by subways and new trolleybuses ten years ago. But it doesn't get here at all.

No wonder people are less and less willing to come.This is an abandoned library and area.

Zhang Zheng stopped the car and let out a long sigh of relief. "It depends on the driving skills."

They saw a huge castle-like building, the ancient outer wall was exposed to the wind alone. From the outside, this library is probably older than everyone present. Nowadays, young people like fashion, the more exaggerated and alien The more popular the building is, the library that looks like an antique may not be willing to walk in just because of its appearance.

"One, two, three, four, five, six..." Although this library is old, it has six floors from the outside windows, and the occupied area is also terrifying from the outside.I remembered what Wei Yuan said that this library has been expanded several times, and it is really as magnificent as half a kingdom.

Here, the radio was silent, and the man seemed to have stopped talking since half an hour ago.This is not a good sign.

"It's 08:30 in the morning. We'd better finish the search before dark. I won't explain why." Wei Yuan said.

When the night comes, it is even more difficult to distinguish the boundary between blackness and normality.Especially when electricity and light are cut off, the sun is the best protector.

"Don't blame me for the conspiracy theory, how do you know that the person who spoke is really a 'human'?... What if he did this to lure us here on purpose?" The irritable driver leaned on the car door and taunted.

Jiang Shan said: "I'll go in and look for it, you can wait outside."

Human beings automatically classify the eroded people as "heterogeneous", and they themselves may become such "heterogeneous" at any time, just like the human society of arrogance and prejudice, which always divides "self" and "other heterogeneous" clearly.

"If we didn't want to save people, we wouldn't have come here." Gao Wenwu glanced at Jiang Shan at this moment, "You should trust us once in a while."

Now it seems that it's not that they don't regard Jiang Shan as a teammate, but that Jiang Shan doesn't have the word teammate in his heart.

Teammates are, even if I don't want to go, I won't leave my teammates to go alone.

Zhao Ying took out the five walkie-talkies that had been prepared and began to distribute them: "Everyone has one, and there is also a spare headset just in case. Wei Yuan is in charge of the headset."

In this way, everyone has two lines, the intercom is broken and the headset is the best that can be done under the scarcity of resources.

"Old Wei staying outside?"

Wei Yuan going in like this is also a drag on the progress. This time is different from the barren mountain search. The main sites are concentrated in this huge building in front of him.

Wei Yuan said: "I am outside to meet you at any time. Remember, if you find anything or something strange, please report it as soon as possible."

In any era, human beings win with the precious quality of unity.

"It is recommended that two people form a team," Wei Yuan said again, "especially when searching for the first time, it is not appropriate to act alone."

When you first enter the library, the situation is unclear, and placing orders is the most dangerous.

Zhao Ying hurriedly said: "Then Jiang Shan and I..."

"Zhang Zheng and Jiang Shan, Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu are in a group," Wei Yuan said.

"Why?!" The two groups protested at the same time.Zhang Zheng's unhappy eyes were about to pop out, let him form a team with the weirdo?

Wei Yuan glanced at the mechanical hands on his wrist: "Time waits for no one, everyone hurry up and go in."

Zhang Zheng: "..."

Zhao Ying: "..."

Although Wei Yuan usually has a good temper and never speaks loudly, but what he says is what he says, and there is little room for negotiation.

The only exception may be to bring Jiang Shan out of Songshan Hospital.

Jiang Shan doesn't care, she can team up with anyone, she just wants to get in quickly.The sudden silence of the radio gave her a bad feeling.

Five sets of protective clothing, the improved version of the protective clothing this time, has improved the previous cumbersome way of wearing, put your feet directly in, pull up the whole suit, pull it to the top of your head, and zip it up directly from the inside.

It can be called a lazy baby dressing method, and it can be done by one person without help. After all, when danger occurs, it is impossible to have someone nearby to help you dress at any time.However, when you put it on, you will know that it is like carrying a weight on your body.

"This time we tried the new product as soon as it came out. Don't be too moved, just use us as the first wave of experimental products." Gao Wenwu said.

Jiang Shan stared at the clothes in front of her: "Can I not wear them?" This thing will be unforgettable for a lifetime after wearing it once, which really affects her actions.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yuan paused and said, "Ashan doesn't need to wear it."

Zhang Zheng was upset again: "Why..."

"You don't have to wear it if you're not afraid." Wei Yuan said kindly.

Zhang Zheng shut up.Well, he cowards, he wears.

The door of the library is an old-fashioned wooden door, and the lock on it is also a bolt and a padlock. Wei Yuan took out a key and handed it to Jiang Shan: "Use this to open the door."

Jiang Shan was surprised: "You have the key to the library?" Isn't this too outrageous?

Wei Yuan paused and said, "This is the master key."

An old locksmith's tool, also featured in many old movies.In fact, it is to use some very common mechanical mechanics principles to use ingenuity to move the lock cylinder so as to achieve the purpose of opening all kinds of locks non-destructively and without obvious traces.It’s just that the original mechanical locks have almost been eliminated 20 years ago, and this kind of key has long since faded out of people’s vision. Even the younger generation didn’t know that such a thing existed.

Zhang Zheng whistled: "This kind of thing is really unsafe, no wonder there were so many thieves and thieves in the past."

Both Zhang Zheng and Jiang Shan are the latest generation of young lives born in the new century. They should have been in contact with AI nanny electronic childcare teachers since they were babies.

Zhao Ying said coolly from the side: "If the electronic mechanical network breaks down, there is no room for rescue, and everyone is ruined."

I still remember the tragedy that at the beginning of the erosion incident, the oxygen supply equipment in the central hospital failed, the ground track was locked, and countless lives disappeared overnight.

This is what happens when you rely too much on technology.

Zhang Zheng was shocked by Zhao Ying again, and couldn't help but whisper to Gao Wenwu next to him: "Did Zhao Ying take the wrong medicine?"

Gao Wenwu glared at him: "Don't talk nonsense, Zhao Ying's father is missing. She is in a bad mood."

Zhao Ying had a delicate and timid character before, because she was the only daughter of an intellectual family and had a good relationship with her father, so she never suffered physical or mental hardships.

With a clear sound of the lock ring being pulled, Jiang Shan had already unlocked the door. Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu immediately stepped forward and pushed open the heavy wooden door.

Four people entered the lobby on the first floor of the library.

Of course, no one except Jiang Shan could smell the smell of decaying dust in the air. The faint sunlight came in through the open door behind him and the surrounding windows, making the hall on the first floor barely visible.A wide wooden staircase stretches across the hall. This library obviously does not have such a thing as an elevator.

"Search separately, everyone as soon as possible." Gao Wenwu said.

Jiang Shandao: "You and Zhao Ying stay on the first and second floors to search, and I'll go upstairs."

Zhang Zheng found that he was just arranged like this, "Hey, why should I listen to you?" Even if he formed a team, he should have the final say.

Wei Yuan's voice came from the headset: "Jiang Shan has a radio and knows the situation of the library best. Everyone try to listen to her arrangements."

Zhang Zheng was furious.

Zhao Ying looked at the gate behind her, and stayed on the first and second floors. If any accident happened, of course it would be the easiest way to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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