
Chapter 63 The Trembling Library 3

Chapter 63 The Trembling Library 3
Jiang Shan has already started to climb the stairs. Should I say that Sister Shan moves like the wind, and she makes a heavy creaking sound every time she steps on the stairs. There is a mottled plaque next to the stairs, which reads: Books are the "ladder" of human progress. ".

Zhang Zheng followed up the stairs angrily, "Why do you listen to a newcomer? Old Wei is a fool."

The old fool sat outside and clearly heard the words coming from the headset.

Once upstairs, the light is obviously darker, and the temperature around the body is very cold, "It doesn't look like someone is here, does it?"

Zhang Zheng obviously felt that the signal was much weaker, and there was a sound of electric current in the headset.

Gao Wenwu and Zhao Ying on the first floor also quickly entered the search mode. As far as they could see, there were densely packed bookshelves arranged in an orderly manner in the library, which was strange.After so long, it is still as tidy as if someone took care of it.

Zhao Ying could hear the sound of the soles of her feet, creaking like stepping on snow, and Gao Wenwu's words came from the intercom: "I once participated in the rescue work of the library in the western suburbs, and many books there were turned into ashes. The book is so well preserved."

Gao Wenwu was standing in front of two rows of bookshelves, staring at the books on them.

Zhao Ying and him searched in the opposite direction with their backs facing each other. The distance between the two of them was already 50 meters long. In front of Zhao Ying's eyes were densely packed spines of books. This is the real sea of ​​books.

"Be careful of the figure hiding behind the bookshelf." Jiang Shan's stern words suddenly came from the headset.

Zhang Zhengxian yelled: "Damn it, who are you scaring suddenly?"

Jiang Shan said, "That's what the guy on the radio said."

The man on the radio said those strange words. "When you walk into the depths of the library, watch out for the figure hiding behind the bookshelves."

"You shouldn't be left alone in the library late at night."

"Don't touch that bookshelf, there is a terrifying monster hidden in its depths." A few words that seemed strange at first.

Both Gao Wenwu and Zhao Ying stopped in their tracks. The atmosphere made everyone feel apprehensive.

Wei Yuan's voice came in to comfort people's hearts: "Ashan is right, everyone should try to touch as little as possible when searching, and don't touch anything that can be avoided."

Zhang Zheng hates standing with Jiang Shan very much now, but his body is very honest and walks against Jiang Shan's shoulder.

Zhang Zheng's flashlight scrawled around: "There is nothing, we should look elsewhere."

That person should be staying in some kind of secret passage, reading room, or something like that. Could it be that he still stays in front of the open bookshelf?

Of course Jiang Shan ignored him, and searched carefully with a flashlight.

The man on the radio must have sounded weak, too weak to escape or save himself, begging for a response from the outside world by calling over and over.

Zhang Zheng suddenly said with a bit of mischief, and stepped on the squeaky floor twice, "Did you read a news report before, that this kind of floor was installed in an old apartment building in a certain place, and the residents could use it every day?" Hearing the sound of people walking on the floor, some witnesses claimed that they saw a humanoid monster with scales, green eyes and sticky skin walking on the floor. It is said that the floor of the apartment building was dug from some barren hills and cemeteries Some people guess that this monster may have been brought here from other places, so every construction company will dare not use this kind of wooden rotten floor..."

This incident is one of urban ghost stories. Although many people claim to have witnessed this monster with their own eyes, there is no scientific basis for it, and it must be nothing.

Unexpectedly, they soon encountered an "erosion event" that all science could not explain.

"Talking nonsense in this kind of place, Zhang Zheng, do you have any taste?" Zhao Ying scolded with a frown.

Zhang Zheng was proud, "Why, are you timid?"

Suddenly a light shone directly on his face, Jiang Shan held the flashlight: "If you are afraid, you can try to shut up."

Zhang Zheng was annoyed immediately: "Who do you say is afraid..."

Jiang Shan said word by word: "Once some people are nervous and afraid, they will keep talking nonsense to relieve their tension."

Zhang Zheng obviously talked too much nonsense, which has already disturbed other people.

Zhao Ying couldn't help but snorted, and quickly controlled it.

Zhang Zheng's face was flushed red, and he stared at Jiang Shan, wanting to utter a hundred words of national abuse on the spot, but Jiang Shan's cold expression made him speechless.

Jiang Shan turned around and continued to walk forward. On the bookshelf on the second floor, there are section introductions. This library divides each type of books into categories very carefully. In fact, these high-tech libraries only need to use a computer. However, there are still handwritten labels on the side of the bookshelf, "History", "Literature", "Physics", "Chemistry"... So many books, how much time was spent collecting and sorting them out, but now no one comes here again .

This is not much more desolate than Zhang Zheng's third-rate horror stories.

Zhao Ying temporarily turned off the headset, and adjusted the intercom channel to one-on-one with Gao Wenwu: "Finally someone can cure the chatterbox."

Gao Wenwu also heard Jiang Shan's words just now, and of course he also contributed a smile, but he was smarter and didn't laugh out loud.

"Zhang Huabao is nothing more than a coward and refuses to admit it." So Tian Tian looked at me with a vicious tongue.

And in front of Jiang Shan, it was even more impossible for Zhang Zheng to admit that he was afraid, so he had to hold on to death.As a result, the chatterbox attribute exposed him this time.

Originally, Zhao Ying was also a little apprehensive about the sound coming from the floor under her feet, but after this period, her emotions were washed away a lot.At this time, she had already reached the depths of the bookshelf, surrounded by the sea of ​​books, and the natural light source was much dimmer.

Zhao Ying adjusted her breathing and walked forward slowly.For some reason, she remembered those words, "Don't touch that bookshelf, there is a terrifying monster hidden in its depths."...

In such an environment, these few words that seemed to be in the air before were not so strange suddenly.

Zhao Ying was a little nervous, she raised her hand and turned on the headset again.

Although he didn't speak, knowing that his teammates were with him, he immediately felt a little more at ease.

She looked at the bookshelf in front of her, how could there really be any monster hidden here, unless it was imagined by people.


Jiang Shan has good eyesight, and with the assistance of a flashlight, the search progress is still very fast, but... downstairs, Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu acted separately, which is more efficient. Zhang Zheng next to her has been sticking to her. She wants to It is impossible to say such words as separate searches.

Zhang Zheng really didn't understand why Wei Yuan made him team up with Jiang Shan, did he intend to make him angry? He didn't offend Old Wei either.

Jiang Shan suddenly stopped in front of a row of bookshelves. Zhang Zheng behind him couldn't control his pace and bumped into Jiang Shan directly. "Hey! Why did you stop suddenly?!"

Jiang Shan glanced back and found that only this row of bookshelves had no labels for book classification, but she shone her flashlight on it, and at a glance, this row of bookshelves was obviously full of books.

 I don’t know how to take chapter names, so I use serial numbers instead…

(End of this chapter)

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