
Chapter 64 The Trembling Library 4

Chapter 64 The Trembling Library 4
At this moment, Zhao Ying suddenly saw in front of her, there seemed to be a dark mass, vaguely shaped like a human... sitting there.

Zhao Ying flicked the flashlight in her hand, and her breathing suddenly became heavy.

The four people in the headset heard something strange at the same time: "What's the matter, Zhao Ying?" Gao Wenwu asked immediately.

Zhao Ying didn't answer, she stared at the "human silhouette", and the flashlight slowly shone on it.

She was afraid of scaring the snake, if she made a sound, it would alarm this "person".Can't panic, can't escape, can't start a chain reaction.

Everyone stopped searching because of Zhao Ying, and listened to Zhao Ying's movements in the headset with all their attention.

The flashlight shone, and Zhao Ying's breathing almost stopped. There was really a "person" sitting there?

The man's head was lowered, and one hand seemed to be resting on his chin, as if... he was thinking about something with his head down.

Zhao Ying was completely numb, she couldn't move or make a sound for a moment, and the human figure was also quiet, even motionless. "Who are you?" Zhao Ying's words came from the headset, "Yes, are you a survivor?"

But Zhao Ying was the only one in Zizi's headset, and they never heard any response, which made people even more worried about what Zhao Ying was facing.

Zhao Ying made the most daring step in her life and took a step forward. At this step, there seemed to be a resonant sound in the air.

The floor creaked underfoot.

Zhao Ying saw that the "person" in front of her had collapsed bit by bit from the beginning.Like a landslide, in a few seconds, the whole thing collapsed.

Zhao Ying's "Ah!" came from the headset.

Everyone was shocked, did something happen so quickly?Subconsciously, Gao Wenwu was about to turn around and rush towards Zhao Ying, but he just took two steps.

"No need!" Zhao Ying's panting voice suddenly came from the headset, "No, nothing."

Gao Wenwu asked again: "What's going on?"

Zhao Ying stared speechlessly at the things that had collapsed into a pile of "ash" in front of her eyes, "'s a sculpture. Rodin's (The Thinker) sculpture is now 'corroded'." Of course it's not the original Thinker, it's just an imitation with crude plaster counterfeit.

A false alarm.


I was relieved, there was a statue of a thinker in the library, no matter what... it was normal, and it was normal to think about it.

Wei Yuan outside the library also heaved a sigh of relief. He looked up at the sunlight shining down from the shadows of the trees. When the world was engulfed in darkness and shadows, this kind of sunlight really seemed like a gift from the universe.


If weirdness becomes normal, normal becomes weird.

In the orphanage, orphans are normal people, and if a child from a normal family appears, he will become a different kind.

In today's bizarre world where the normal and the abnormal are reversed, there is no order to speak of.

"Let me ask you a question, Songshan Hospital really didn't use you as an experiment?" Zhang Zheng came closer and looked at Jiang Shan. "In the current situation, everyone's acceptance is very high, even if it's really an experimental product, it doesn't matter."

At this time, you should conserve your energy and control your emotions, but the more someone controls the worse it gets.

"Have you seen a movie, the heroine finally became a super body, I think that is also a kind of evolution." Familiar and chattering.

Jiang Shan suddenly interrupted him and asked, "Do you speak English?"

Zhang Zheng: "...Yes, what's the matter?"

Jiang Shan's flashlight had already shone on the unlabeled bookshelf, and she saw that it was not that there were no words, but a few lines of letters that seemed to be carved with a knife.

"How do you translate this?" Jiang Shan asked with a flashlight on those few lines.It is quite good for the orphanage to complete the nine-year compulsory education. When Jiang Shanxue was in school, the English class had already been deleted from the teaching materials.

Zhang Zheng stared at it with wide eyes. He really didn't expect to see these in this place. The lettering was crooked and crooked. It took a long time to make out a little bit: ", this is pinyin."

Jiang Shan: "..."

oh.Jiang Shan stroked those letters again, and now they became coherent, "My mom suddenly melted like ice cream."

Zhang Zheng's ear was as cold as ice cream: "No need to read it out, thank you."

Ice cream, the adjectives that children can use are too limited, and they are too creative.Jiang Shan was a bit muttering, there wouldn't be someone like the little boy from Songshan Hospital in this poor place, but please don't.

But soon, Jiang Shan saw densely packed letters engraved on the entire wooden board.

"My daughter, scattered like sand."

"My brother, like my mother, melted like ice cream."

Could it be someone's prank?Which brat made parallel sentences?
"Every library regularly cleans out a batch of waste books, and that bookshelf may be used to store waste books." Wei Yuan's words suddenly came from the headset.Wei Yuan judged the useful information based on the conversation between the two, "The books should be put there for people to pick up at will, similar to the existence of the suitcase donated in the community." Complete the secondary use of resources.

Kindness feedback has become a prank for some people.

"But most of the books here are for children, including story books and comic strips." Jiang Shan scanned with a flashlight.

Wei Yuan said slowly: "Because children are less likely to take advantage."

The child's heart is still pure, and the parents will somewhat cover up the greed and philistinism of the adults in front of the children.If there are all kinds of other books here, it will be like free milk in a coffee shop, and it is estimated that they will be snatched up in half a day.

It shows that this librarian is not only caring, but also understands people's hearts very well.

Gao Wenwu's voice came: "The search on the first floor has been completed, and no one was found, nor was there a secret door or secret passage. Zhao Ying and I will now meet up and go to the second floor to search."

The creaking sound of two people going up the stairs came from the headset.

"We are almost there." Jiang Shan turned around and said, she looked at Zhang Zheng, "Let's go back to the stairs."

The accident happened at this time. Out of curiosity, Zhang Zheng touched the place where the words were engraved on the bookshelf. He was very curious why such a strange parallelism was engraved even if it was a prank.

But just after he touched it, as if some strange switch had been activated, the bookshelf, which seemed to be very strong, fell straight down!

Zhang Zheng didn't respond yet, "Be careful!"

Just look at the bookshelves on the entire floor, falling down one by one like dominoes, making a deafening sound, the floor under his feet shook, Jiang Shan stretched out his hand, pulled Zhang Zheng and ran away.

Gao Wenwu and Zhao Ying, who had just walked to the second floor, both raised their heads, and felt that the ceiling above their heads seemed to be falling down.

(End of this chapter)

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