
Chapter 73 Restart, Level 2

In the headsets of everyone in the library, a message was suddenly received at the same time: "The following will play the library regulations——

First: No noise in public places!Violators will be expelled!
Second: Do not bring any food or drink inside.Violators will be expelled!
Third, do not whisper and communicate in private!Violators will be expelled!
Fourth: Do not wear strange clothes or behave strangely!Violators will be expelled!
Fifth: ... Do not damage or pollute books!Violators will be permanently expelled!
Repeat!First: No noise is allowed in public places..."

Zhang Zheng, who was hiding in the pile of books in the corner of the fourth floor, was ashamed. He was frightened by the sudden voice, and he could only hear expulsion, expulsion, expulsion, and he could not reach into the protective suit to turn on the headset. Ripped out, so can only be compelled to listen to it over and over again.

This sound not only pierced into the headsets of the four people in the library, but even Wei Yuan who was sitting outside the library door was not spared, his ears were suddenly penetrated by this foreign sound forcefully!

The hideous mechanical sound made Wei Yuan's eyes sink suddenly, and he raised his head reflexively to look at the library with the slightly open door in front of him.

Jiang Shan and the others didn't close the library door after they entered. It was also for safety reasons. It was more convenient to leave a door to escape.

At this time, the door with its wide open mouth is like the bloody mouth of a giant beast, intimidating, but it seems to be tempting Wei Yuan who is outside...

Wei Yuan clasped his hand slightly on the armrest of the wheelchair.

For a moment, he almost wanted to go in.He needs to try his best to restrain his impulse.


Gao Wenwu and Zhao Ying in the library were already in a state of petrification. Before them, there was a scene of tragedy. Bookcases and books were scattered all over the place. Almost wherever the two of them went, bookcases would collapse, books would fall, and Gao Wenwu was severely punished. It hurts the most.

Apart from protecting Zhao Ying, those falling things seemed to be aimed at him.

Before the library regulations rang in the headset, the two had just experienced a narrow escape.This time Gao Wenwu's leg was crushed under the bookcase, and Zhao Ying struggled to move the bookcase a little to rescue him.

Gao Wenwu quickly checked the protective clothing on his legs. Fortunately, it was only crumpled and not damaged.He didn't even have time to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard a sudden horrifying sound in the headset.

"No noise is allowed in public places... Violators will be expelled!"

The two slumped on the ground, Zhao Ying's face was pale, and she suddenly turned her head to look around: "Who? Who is talking?"

As soon as the words fell, a book slammed onto Zhao Ying's head. Even though she was wearing protection, Zhao Ying screamed subconsciously through a thick helmet!

While she was screaming, more books were thrown at her crazily, and they all hit her head with precision, in exchange for Zhao Ying to scream more intensely.

Gao Wenwu rushed forward and threw her down, desperately gesturing to silence her, lowered his voice and hurriedly warned her: "Quiet! Stop screaming! Zhao Ying!" Anyone who can pass through the protective clothing and cover her Zhao Ying's mouth, he did it.

Zhao Ying: "..."

Fortunately, no matter whether Zhao Ying was frightened and weak or finally reacted, she finally calmed down.

The eyes of the two met for a moment, and Gao Wenwu's eyes widened, full of fear.

No noise is allowed in public places.

No matter how bad Gao Wenwu's memory is, he still remembered the first one that was played at least a dozen times.For some reason at that moment, he suddenly felt blessed.

And the books that were thrown at Zhao Ying crazily stopped at the moment she shut up.

So weird.

The voice in the headset finally stopped after looping countless times, and there was a dead silence in the ears, but at this time everyone in the library was already overly frightened.

Including Jiang Shan, who was sitting high on the top of the bookcase, was stunned. It was as if the magic sound was piercing her ears in her mind. She recalled the cold rules, and she couldn't help tearing off the earphones and throwing them at her feet. side.

Her expression was a little shocked. This passage seemed to confirm Jiang Shan's conjecture again. These rules were all formulated by that humanoid shadow temporarily?
The "checking for leaks and filling in vacancies" was completed so quickly?
After the five iron laws were read out, the entire floor of the library seemed to vibrate slightly.

Gao Wenwu looked around vigilantly, he was a little nervous now, and then he saw another unbelievable scene!
The books on the ground beside him suddenly began to float... The bookshelves that had fallen all over the ground suddenly began to slowly "stand up" by themselves... I saw rows of bookshelves slowly retreating, or moving left and right, and re- Moved back to the position where it was not down before.And those books that floated up quickly retracted to the bookshelf one by one.

It's as if someone is rearranging the library, and everything around it is returning to its original state in an orderly manner.

To be honest, Gao Wenwu has never seen such a strange situation in his life, so he doesn't know how to comfort Zhao Ying in front of him. The materialism he believed in for more than 20 years has disappeared.

Jiang Shan was originally sitting on a high place, looking at all the small mountains. From Jiang Shan's perspective, he could see a human figure slowly lifting up the fallen bookshelves one by one, slowly returning them one by one.

The human-shaped shadow seemed to be tireless. After pushing the bookshelf, it began to pick up the books on the ground and put them back on different bookshelves one by one...

But in Zhao Ying's eyes, those bookshelves and books were all floating in the air by themselves, and the whole scene was like a group of demons dancing wildly, watching a wonderful night in the library forcibly.

Zhao Ying seemed to be in a sluggish state of brain hypoxia.The good thing is that at least it doesn't scream anymore.

What was even worse was Zhang Zheng, who was originally buried in the pile of books. He was shivering submergedly, and suddenly found that the pressure on him had disappeared.He raised his head in a daze, and found that his surroundings were empty, and he was sitting alone under the erected bookshelf.

Zhang Zheng: "..."

Everyone's face was dazed, or in other words, a kind of dazed mixed with fear.

With a bang, Wei Yuan, who was sitting outside, saw the library door closed tightly in front of him!
Wei Yuan raised his head in horror, and saw that the sun had already hidden behind the library, and the evening had come irresistibly, and the whole library in the setting sun seemed to have completely changed its appearance, giving off a different look. perception.

Wei Yuan's ominous premonition rose sharply, and the closing of the door seemed to indicate that his connection with his partners was cut off.

"Jiang Shan! Zhao Ying! Zhang Zheng! Gao Wenwu!"

Wei Yuan almost shouted out the names of the four partners sharply, but the headset was even different from before, there was no buzzing or electric current, everything was so quiet.

Wei Yuan suddenly drove the wheelchair and rushed to the front door of the library. He tried to push the door open, but it didn't move at all!
The two simple and old wooden doors seem to have been tightly integrated with the whole library.From the edge of the door, streaks of black filaments ooze out...

Wei Yuan withdrew his hand like lightning, his fingertips were trembling slightly, he quickly rocked the wheelchair back, and returned to the vehicle.He pressed the electronic lock of the trunk twice and found that it couldn't be opened. He went around to the other side and opened the door of the driver's cab. He took out a wrench from the bottom of the driver's seat and pried open the trunk.

Thank you for the monthly pass of the fish in love with boiled water!Thanks everyone for the upvotes!

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