
Chapter 74 The Wonderful Night in the Library

Jiang Shan tried, slowly climbed down the bookshelf, slapped it when it landed, and still accidentally grabbed a book.

He saw the long black ghost hands attacking like a ghost, grabbing Jiang Shan's ear fiercely.Jiang Shan grabbed the fallen book suddenly, rolled it on the spot, and stuffed the book back with his backhand.

Immediately afterward, Jiang Shan stood up straight with his back against the bookshelf, and remained standing still.

The ghost hand stopped half a foot in front of her face, and then retracted after a while.

The sweat on Jiang Shan's head was forced out, it was like playing a game of one, two, three wooden figures, it was really annoying.

She recited five rules in her mind: keep quiet, there is no food or drink, and she behaves strangely.

Jiang Shan couldn't help raising his head, and glanced at the tall bookshelf.

"Jiang Shan? Where are you?"

There was a loud bluff, and Jiang Shan was in despair as soon as he heard the sound.

"Jiang Shan, I said you...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The quiet atmosphere in the library didn't last long at all, and the shrill shouts had already begun, "Who! Who caught me!"

Zhang Zheng's voice sounded like a thunderclap on the roof of the library.

"Let go of me! Don't think that I can't do anything because I can't see you... md has the guts to confront me head-on!"

"Ah, let go! Help!"

Jiang Shan rushed towards Zhang Zheng's direction. It didn't take long to see Zhang Zheng wandering frantically between the bookshelves being dragged by the neck.The louder he shouted, the tighter the human-shaped shadow grabbed him, and the tighter he shouted, the more horribly he shouted. Finally, Jiang Shan saw the human-shaped shadow raised a hand, which seemed to punch Zhang Zheng in the face.

A cold electronic voice came from the headset: "No noise is allowed in the library, and violators will be expelled!"

Zhang Zheng's head hadn't reacted at all, and his neck was directly tilted to the side. Jiang Shan took this opportunity to rush up and directly grabbed his leg.

"Don't make noise! ​​Don't bark!"

Jiang Shan stared at the human figure, seeing his black fingers clenched into fists again in the air, ready to strike again at any time.

Zhang Zheng stared at the stars. Although his face was protected by protective clothing, the huge force of the human-shaped shadow almost broke his neck bones. He stared at Jiang Shan, his mouth opened, and now he couldn't scream even if he wanted to. up.

Jiang Shan dragged Zhang Zheng back: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we went to the wrong place, where are the history books, where are the history books?"

Jiang Shan looked around for a while.

The human figure stared at Jiang Shan, Jiang Shan said in a low voice: "Oh, this library is really too big, if you don't pay attention, you will get lost, we have to find the way quickly..."

While talking, Jiang Shan dragged Zhang Zheng back little by little, resisting at the beginning, then gradually relaxing, and finally the human-shaped shadow finally let go completely.

Jiang Shan didn't dare to stay, and quickly dragged Zhang Zheng away from the human figure.

Jiang Shan looked back at the human figure to make sure he hadn't chased after him, so he finally let go of a big stone in his heart.She quickly hid behind a bookshelf and gently put Zhang Zheng down.

Look at the punch just now by the humanoid shadow, don't get concussion.

Zhang Zheng had a drunken expression on his face, his eyes seemed to be looking at Jiang Shan, but also seemed to be looking at nothing.

Jiang Shan stretched out his finger and shook it in front of his face, and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

Zhang Zheng's eyeballs swayed left and right with his hands like cross-eyed eyes, and then his lips began to tremble.

Jiang Shan quickly pulled up one of his arms and stopped him: "Just gesture, don't talk."

She was really afraid of Zhang Zheng's voice.

Zhang Zheng shook his arm towards Jiang Shan like a patient with muscle weakness for a long time.

It's okay, that's good.Jiang Shan was relieved, she pointed to the headset and said, "Did you hear the voice in the headset just now?" Just in case, Jiang Shan made sure.To prevent the situation that only she heard it again.

Zhang Zheng's eyes froze, and he shook his arm again towards Jiang Shan.

Very well, Jiang Shan was completely relieved, and she warned: "I guess this library has its own operating rules now, we'd better not violate them, I think... as long as they don't violate them, it should be safe."

As far as the fact that the humanoid shadow did not chase after him, Jiang Shan could believe it.

Zhang Zheng's lips trembled extremely violently.

Jiang Shan saw this: "What's wrong? Do you have something to say? What do you want to say?"

Unable to type such complicated words with gestures, Zhang Zheng trembled his lips, "I said... who have you been talking to since the beginning?"

This was what Zhang Zheng felt the most terrified of. Jiang Shan nodded and bowed and said sorry. I have never seen Jiang Shan respect anyone so much since I met Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan pulled out his headset and showed Zhang Zheng the switch, and the status showed off.Then, she gestured to Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng's headset was worn in the protective suit, but the switch was hanging around his neck. Zhang Zheng also turned off the headset hesitantly.

What are you doing so mysteriously?
Jiang Shan then whispered: "The channel of the headset should be unsafe now, where is the walkie-talkie I gave you? Do you still have it?"

Zhang Zheng took out two walkie-talkies from his chest pocket.A flashlight also slid out.

After the protective clothing is put on, in order to facilitate access to items, a large pocket like Doraemon is set on the chest.So Jiang Shan didn't want to bring anything, so he threw it to Zhang Zheng just now.

Jiang Shan tried the walkie-talkie and blew into the horn, and it seemed to work.

"Try using this to contact Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu." Jiang Shan was still quite worried about them.

Zhang Zheng glared at Jiang Shan, she hasn't answered his question yet!
"There is a shadow man." Jiang Shan said, not a transparent man, but a shadow man. "He seems to have some kind of connection with this library. I'm not sure yet."

It can only be guessed and deduced that this human figure may be a role similar to a librarian or a library manager.

It's just why he exists in this way, what he was like before, what kind of changes happened in this library, and even what other secrets, Jiang Shan didn't know for a while.

It's just that the more she came into contact with the human-shaped shadow, the more she felt a strange sense of fear. This fear was not the feeling of facing the human-shaped shadow at this moment, but as if a past emotion had been activated.

Jiang Shan is at least not afraid of human-shaped shadows at the moment, because after she discovers some "logic" of human-shaped shadows, she naturally knows how to avoid them to protect her own safety.

"Shadow man?" Zhang Zheng turned his head from side to side nervously. What does a shadow man look like? "Why can't I see it?"

After being caught and run in the dark twice, Zhang Zheng now feels that there is nothing scarier than invisible "things".

The fear of the unknown is vividly reflected at this moment.

Thank you for taking righteousness into benevolence and righteousness is not in business, Yiqiu's fruit flower, book friend 20210504143956905 and several treasures' monthly tickets ~ there is another chapter today

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