
Chapter 80 bluff

Gao Wenwu found that Zhao Ying's mental state improved a lot after the communication ended, and her back was straightened.

"I used to go to the municipal library a lot, and generally speaking, the library doesn't really ban everything."

There are often people who spend a day studying in the library. It is impossible to sit still all the time. They always get up and walk around, take a break and drink tea or something.As long as you don't overdo it and keep quiet, libraries can't really be that unkind.

Zhao Ying said, "Give me the flashlight."

Gao Wenwu was surprised: "What are you going to do?" And Jiang Shan didn't tell them that they were going to turn off the flashlight.

But Jiang Shan asked them to turn off the flashlight, hoping that they would pay attention to the shadows in the dark, and Zhao Ying has now understood the more important point, that is, only those few rules are the iron law, as long as she does not "foul", those Any shadow person with malicious intentions in the dark can't do anything to her.

So even if the flashlight is turned on, nothing will happen.

Zhao Ying turned on the flashlight, and she whispered to Gao Wenwu, "I'm going to look for books."

It was Zhao Ying who stood up and looked at the rows of books on the bookshelf with a flashlight. Because this action was too urgent, she didn't have time to do too much homework on the library, so she started to seriously study at this moment. Look at these books on the shelf.

She took out one at random and flipped it a few times in her hand.

Instead, Gao Wenwu became nervous now, he was completely blind in the dark, and couldn't see any shadows at all.He was even more afraid that something would happen to Zhao Ying if he went on like this.

Zhao Ying stood calmly in front of the bookshelf. She put back the book she had turned over a few pages in her hand, then took two steps, and took out another book.There are always some readers in the library who are wandering in front of the bookshelves, looking for the books they like one after another. As long as they have been to the library, they will understand that this is the most normal behavior. If this is also against the rules, it is outrageous.

Sure enough, Gao Wenwu watched Zhao Ying turn around and made a face at him, that's good, now they treat themselves as a "most normal" library reader.

Zhao Ying took a deep breath, and the light of the flashlight illuminated a book.

Gao Wenwu couldn't sit still anymore, he put down the book in his hand, gritted his teeth and stood up, turned on the other flashlight and came to Zhao Ying's side lightly.

Zhao Ying glanced at him as expected, "Did you find that these books are all well preserved?"

According to the rules Dr. Wei said, it means that these books and this library are old enough.

And the statue of the thinker that has been reduced to ashes may have been temporarily moved in by the administrator to cater to the tastes of young people.

"Wait." Zhao Ying frowned while Mosuo wrote the book in her palm, "I've felt a little strange since just now..."

Because she was wearing protective gloves, she had been insensitive to touch before. At this time, she rubbed the pages of the book carefully and repeatedly, only to be surprised to find that the texture under her hand was not the kind of touch of paper, but a little slippery. She turned on the flashlight to the maximum and carefully photographed it, and suddenly found that each page seemed to be covered with a thin layer of transparent film.

Not only the outer cover of the book, but also the inner pages are all these films. A book with hundreds of pages is so meticulously and tightly wrapped that no page is missed.

Zhao Ying took out a few more books in a row, and there was no exception. All the books here are protected by this kind of transparent film. The books here are so complete and complete, not only because of "ancientness", but also because of this The layers are obviously transparent films wrapped by hands!

Gao Wenwu spoke softly beside him: "In the era of paper books in the past, many libraries would wrap the cover a little bit in order to better preserve the book, but like this...even the inside pages are wrapped so well, it is really rare .”

How serious and responsible the manager of this library is.You must know that including a cover and hundreds of pages of inside pages, the workload is not the same.

"These books...these books," Zhao Ying accidentally turned to the title page, and her expression changed. She looked at the hardcover book in her hand, "These are all donated books."

On the title page of the book, many of them also wrote a line, donated to XX library in X month of XX, signed XX.

Gao Wenwu also noticed that the library often receives donated books, but after the advent of the electronic age, this situation has become less and less.Even if you donate, the library may not accept it.

"Look at the publication dates of these books. Most of the donated authors should have passed away by now."

Gao Wenwu just said something casually, unexpectedly, Zhao Ying beside him stared blankly, and then, there seemed to be two tears hanging on his eyelashes.

Gao Wenwu: "..."

Technology has changed people's living habits.No one reads paper books anymore.

Looking at these, there is indeed a kind of sadness.

So many people were willing to donate books to the library, presumably because they liked and trusted the library.What kind of mood is the administrator holding on to?

In order to store these books, such an old library is still trying to expand, the library is getting bigger and bigger, but the number of customers is getting less and less.

"If I were a librarian," Zhao Ying said suddenly, "I must have a lot of unwillingness."

Even angry, crazy.Maybe they still want to... die together.

The row of bookshelves in front of him suddenly started to vibrate, and several books flew out, passing by Zhao Ying's ears dangerously.

Gao Wenwu was already tense, but at this moment he turned around suddenly.

again? !
Zhao Ying's face turned pale, she held the book tightly in her hands, the bookshelf trembled more and more fiercely, as if she was angry all by herself.

"Turn off the flashlight! Zhao Ying! Turn off the flashlight!"

Zhao Ying turned off the flashlight with a snap, and at the moment when the light was turned off and the surroundings were plunged into darkness, Zhao Ying felt a pair of eyes behind her, staring at her eeriely.

This feeling was so chilling and violent that Zhao Ying almost subconsciously wanted to look back, but she restrained herself firmly, she remained motionless, maintaining the posture of standing in front of the bookshelf holding a book.

Gao Wenwu didn't move either, he still remembered the previous example.

I saw that the bookshelf made a terrible shock in front of the two, and it creaked and swayed, as if threatening them to collapse at any time and crush them to death. At the same time, a book flew down, every time it was dangerous Hit them—but, none of them hit.

The cold malice behind her seemed to turn into a huge mouth to swallow Zhao Ying, and Zhao Ying even felt the feeling of someone touching her with a cold hand like before.

Zhao Ying squeezed her hands tightly, but a light flashed in her eyes: We didn't violate any rules, can't do anything to us.

In front of him, the bookshelves that were pretending to be shaking greatly, and the books that kept falling, the more this went on, the more there was a feeling of thunder and rain, and a bluff.

Thanks to Niao Na, book friend 130309164225808 for the monthly pass

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