
Chapter 81 Melted

Zhao Ying's headset suddenly lit up, and turned on automatically: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"My mom... melted like ice cream..."

Zhao Ying's body shook violently, the impact of the sound almost penetrated directly into her brain, she suddenly pinched the switch of the headset.

But at this moment, the headset seemed to be out of her control, and the moment the button was turned off, it would be turned on again, as if someone was tug-of-war with her.

"Dad always brings home work, I really hate Dad, he is such a bad dad..." The sharp and resentful words kept piercing Zhao Ying's eardrums.

sizzle sizzle~
"Dad also forced me and mom, forced us to help too... why, I hate him! I hate him!"

"Mom, I'm so sleepy, so hungry, and it's so dark here."

"There are more and more books here, and my father is getting more and more busy. He doesn't even let my mother and I go home. When I think about it, we don't have a home anymore..."

"Because the new library doesn't accept books anymore, they just send the books here! Every day, every day, I touch those disgusting books, I want to throw up!"

"I vomited on the book, and my dad hit me. He looked angry, like a monster."

"I hate the books, I tear them up, tear them up, and my mom jumps up and pins me down, and she tears down my face, and she says I'm sick..."

Gao Wenwu rushed forward to turn off the headset for Zhao Ying, but no matter how hard he pressed it, it was useless. The headset light flickered wildly. Even if Gao Wenwu couldn't hear it, he could still see something from Zhao Ying's paler and paler face.

Zhao Ying couldn't hold on any longer.

"Am I sick?"

Gao Wenwu smashed the headset connector with a punch.


"If the identity of the human-shaped shadow is a librarian, then who is the attack that Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu encountered?" Jiang Shan said seriously.

There is always a division of labor in this library, and the various behaviors of this human figure show that he is managing the library.Just like a strict patriarch, no flaws can be tolerated.

Zhang Zheng said: "Didn't you say that Ying... the hand would stretch infinitely? Why couldn't he reach out and attack Zhao Ying and Lao Gao?"

In fact, Zhang Zheng didn't dare to imagine that in the darkness surrounding this secluded cave, there might still be countless shadow monsters with long bodies and long hands walking around...

Just imagine that the hairs are blown up.

He would rather believe that there is only one.Well, one, no matter what kind of monster, only one at least sounds like a chance of winning.

"But Zhao Ying said that the voice was deliberately luring her to make mistakes." Jiang Shan thought about it seriously, and said in a low voice, "It's not like Mr. Shadow's acting style."

I don't know why, Jiang Shan always thinks that the human figure is quite decent.At present, it seems that he will not deliberately do something to make people foul.Even after Jiang Shan climbed onto the bookshelf and said those remarks that took advantage of the loopholes in front of him, Jiang Shan was let go.

It didn't look like he was viciously trying to kill someone.

Zhang Zheng could only sit by the side in a bad manner, listening to Jiang Shan's various analysis, what kind of shadow and behavior style, he is no longer human, can he still think in human behavior?

Jiang Shan always felt that he would connect everything together soon, but he was still a little bit short.

"Do you still remember the bookshelf that you knocked down? The pinyin engraved on it... I was thinking, if, if the figure shadow was a librarian before, why would he, who pays attention to rules, allow someone to scratch on the bookshelf? Those traces?"

And it's not just ordinary graffiti, it's carved directly with a knife, which seriously pollutes and destroys public property.

Zhang Zheng wanted to say that he didn't knock it down, so he touched it!Who knew that the bookshelf seemed to be convulsing itself.

Jiang Shan read: "'My mother, suddenly melted like ice cream.''My daughter, scattered like sand.'"

"Enough, stop reading." Zhang Zheng stopped in horror.It sounds more like a horror nursery rhyme.

But Jiang Shan's thinking has diverged, and he said slowly: "These words...couldn't they be written 'casually' as meaningless as we thought?"

Zhang Zheng's teeth leaked: "If you look at it without thinking, what profound meaning can there be?"

Jiang Shan has played crossword puzzles and brain teasers, and she knows that sometimes it is not because it is too complicated, but is too simple. "Maybe there is no profound meaning, just the literal meaning."

In the dark, Zhang Zheng showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "You mean people can melt like ice cream?" This is obviously the worst joke.

Jiang Shan thought for a while: "Maybe the melting she said is the 'erosion' you are talking about?" Everyone's expressions are different, but they all mean the same thing.And maybe children's expressive ability is inherently limited.

Zhang Zheng was silent when he mentioned erosion.Even he didn't want to hear these two words.

"How about it disperse like sand?" Zhang Zheng was speechless, sand and ice cream, these two descriptions are almost irrelevant.

Jiang Shan paused, as if she was recalling what she didn't want to recall, "I've seen the appearance of eroded people, those eroded parts, some are real, like... floating sand." If you can barely say it, you can say it Got to go up.

After a long silence, Zhang Zheng suddenly looked straight at Jiang Shan: "Have you seen it?"

"Assume first that if the meanings expressed in these pinyin are true, it means that this place was a family before."

Mom, daughter, and probably dad.

Children have rich imaginations and limited expressive abilities. In her eyes, people can disappear bit by bit. Maybe these people melt like ice cream.

Jiang Shan had a sophisticated look, "If you think about it this way, isn't it so scary?"

Zhang Zheng: "..." Sorry, he felt even more terrifying.

If the whole family disappeared in this library, it would be the second scariest place after Songshan Hospital.

Jiang Shan suddenly turned his head: "I remember that there were windows on each floor of this library. Did you find out? When did the windows disappear?"

It seems that they haven't felt the light coming in from the window for a long time. The whole library is extremely dark. It was daytime when they came in before. Even if it is dark now, there will be moonlight or something, right?
Zhang Zheng stopped.

"Do you remember when... it became completely dark?"

At this point, Jiang Shan found that she was dull.

Because her eyes can already see things in the dark, the price of being able to see the dark is to lose the judgment of the light.

Zhang Zheng was buried in the pile of books for a long time before, and since he came in, he always felt that the library was dark, and he had long ignored the windows.But he still remembered the layers of old cold windows on the outer layer of the building he saw when he looked up before he came in.

Zhang Zheng tried hard to recall: "It seems, it seems that the rules started from the headset..."

Restart, restart everything.

At that time, all the places in the entire library were covered with a layer of darkness.

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