
Chapter 87 The Fifth Space

Chapter 87 The Third Space
And, singing?
The previous humanoid shadow never sang, it was as serious as anything.

Now this voice is not only brisk and lively, but also very happy.

"La la la ~ I'm coming!"

As the sound approached, the four people in the toilet were dumbfounded, "What, what should I do?"

Jiang Shan suddenly made a silent gesture, and then signaled four people to come around. If the communication channel has been intercepted, their words may also be transmitted to the shadow man at the other end.

Zhao Ying immediately took out a spare pen and paper from the pocket of the protective suit, and drew a big one on it?Number.

Jiang Shan took the marker pen and carefully drew two circles on it.

Um?What do you mean?
Zhang Zheng looked over expressionlessly.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Shan drew tiny figures in the two circles respectively.Very simple and rough stickman.

This painting is at the level of a kindergarten.

Jiang Shan pointed to himself, and then looked around at the three people on the opposite side, as if asking for opinions.

To be honest, if there is no tacit understanding of [-] points, I really don't know what I'm talking about.But the three on the opposite side just understood, and at this time the lively and happy voice was getting closer.

It was so close that it seemed to be outside the door.

There is no time left for the four of them to think about it, no matter what is 21 [-], just do it like this first!
The voice outside the door, singing, came slowly...

"Zizizi is there anyone, go to the bathroom... Hehehe, I'm coming in too." Even wearing a headset, Jiang Shan could intuitively feel that the voice had reached the door of the women's toilet.

She squatted quietly in the cubicle, waiting for the "uninvited guest".

The voice seemed to be happier, "Come, come, come... Zizizi." The old door of the toilet creaked, and then there seemed to be a breeze. The shadow had no footsteps, and it was impossible to know her Is there anything approaching.

But Jiang Shan heard the door knocking in the first cubicle next to him.

Hey, what a scene of deja vu, it really is the expected way of moving.It's a pity that there are only three toilet cubicles in total, and there is no way to prolong this process.

So Jiang Shan decided not to wait.

The moment Jiang Shan saw the door in front of him being pushed inward, he pushed it hard in the opposite direction with all his strength!
She knew that she had indeed pushed something real, because the resistance was so great.

After the door was pushed open, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a shadow of a person rolling down to the corner of the toilet wall.

Jiang Shan ran away, she didn't love to fight at all, and the strategy she made was to run. 36 is the best strategy.

And the shadow that was rushed to the bottom of the wall seemed to be a little dazed. She slowly got up and watched the flexible figure "in front of her" rush towards the densely packed bookshelves in the library without looking back.

The three people in the men's room next door only heard the door leaf that Jiang Shan deliberately pushed vigorously when he left, and the heavy stomping sound, as if they were afraid that others would not know that she had run away.

The three of Zhao Ying counted down to ten in silence, and then Zhao Ying took out a pen and paper and wrote, "Now?"

This strategy is really not very clever, but it really succeeded anyway.

Jiang Shan hid in the women's toilet alone, and was responsible for waiting for the shadow man to come to the door, deliberately making high-profile noises to lure him away, and then waited for them to go far away, and the three people hiding beside him tried to find a way to leave.

Jiang Shan's intentional slamming of the door and footsteps were the signals, because the three of them couldn't hear the shadow man's voice, but as long as Jiang Shan started running away, it meant that the shadow man had taken the bait.

There is a fatal loophole in this plan, that is, how to ensure that the shadow man will accurately find the "ladies restroom"?
What if it was the door of the men's toilet?Isn't it all gone?

Several people's eyes focused on the book in Zhao Ying's hand, the childish pictures drawn by Jiang Shan.

Because the shadow people - are father and "daughter".Daughter is female.

The shadow people retain part of the "memory patterns" they had when they were human beings. They are somewhat like AI programs, and their actions are programmed to a certain extent.

That's why Jiang Shancai gambled that the thin shadow as a daughter would follow the inherent pattern of human beings, such as going to the toilet must be a women's toilet.

The three people heard the deafening sound next to them, and they already understood that everything was indeed developing as Jiang Shan said.

Several people exchanged glances: "Run!"

Gao Wenwu opened the toilet door and rushed out first, followed by Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng who had been holding their breath.

Naturally, they ran in the opposite direction to Jiang Shan. Jiang Shan was now the target to buy them more time.

A few people didn't dare to make too much noise. They said they were running, but they were actually walking on tiptoes, trying to move forward under the cover of the bookshelves.

At the same time, the three of them held the only surviving flashlight and shone it on Zhao Ying's notepad.

Zhao Ying spread out a structural drawing of the library. It can be seen that the structural drawing can correspond to the current five-story building one by one, including the expansion area, which has been supplemented and marked.

Zhao Ying gestured, and then hurriedly wrote "地".basement.

Gao Wenwu and Zhang Zheng walked quietly while staring at the pictures in their notebooks. Their brains were exhausted after they were so focused on two things.I didn't understand what Zhao Ying wanted to express.

Zhao Ying impatiently tapped twice on the structure diagram with the tip of her pen.

Gao Wenwu's eyes lit up, he seemed to understand what Zhao Ying meant.

Jiang Shan mentioned the basement.

In this structural drawing of the library, there is obviously no basement.Even the subsequent expansion did not show any underground construction.

Excluding the possibility that Jiang Shan misheard, after all, Zhang Zheng also really heard the word basement.

The land management in Beijing and Hong Kong is quite strict. Even the owner of the library must not dig any basement without filing a report and obtaining approval.

Besides, the basement cannot be dug out in a day or two.

Then there is only one possibility.

This basement is the third space that existed before the library was built.

So there wouldn't be one on the initial build diagram.

"I think we should really find this basement." Zhao Ying said suddenly in a low voice.

Gao Wenwu heard the implication and frowned, "How do you say it?"

Zhao Ying looked at the eerie darkness around her, and her voice became softer: "If this 'basement' is not included in the planning map of the library, it means that it is not part of the main body of the library."

And Jiang Shan said that after the restart, the library is equivalent to a completely closed space.There were no windows, nor any other exits.

It is a seamless "inner space". (Refer to the inner world and the outer world)
However, the basement is a third space that does not belong to the library itself, perhaps there is a way out there.

 My eyes are a bit irritated lately...

(End of this chapter)

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