
Chapter 88 Strong resentment, low intelligence

It is said that playing hide and seek, Jiang Shan is a professional.

Moreover, Jiang Shan is really better at dealing with "children" than dealing with adults.

As for why, of course, everyone knows the reason.

Children are more evil, evil is not mixed with it, but many people think that children are a symbol of innocence and loveliness.

This is not only a kind of stupidity, but also a kind of arrogance.

In the dark, Jiang Shan's eyes were like cats, flashing vigilance and alertness. Jiang Shan can't completely hide the sound of her footsteps now, but she can try to keep it as low as possible. Turning a corner, he dodged and hid behind a bookshelf.

The advantage used by the shadow man is that he cannot be seen. In this regard, he has the same crushing advantage as the transparent man in the film that Zhang Zheng said.

But this advantage does not exist here in Jiang Shan.

As long as she can see this little shadow man, in this game of chasing after me and hiding from me, both sides have the same chips.

Even Jiang Shan might be a little more professional.

Who do the orphanage kids hate the most?Jiang Shan.Who are the orphanage kids most afraid of?Jiang Shan.

The volume of Jiang Shan's headset was turned up to the maximum.

You only need to listen to the increasingly clear voice inside to judge whether the shadow is gradually approaching her.

"Every day, every day, there are books that can't be packed, can't be packed, can't be packed at all... woo woo woo!"

"I asked my father to recruit employees, but my father said there was no money..."

"I can't go to school anymore, my father said, this is the library, there are all kinds of books, let me stay here and be with him."

Jiang Shan has been thinking about the reason for the defeat of the human shadow (father), which is so shocking, or these shadows cannot be defined by the strength of human beings.

Jiang Shan thought of the little boy in Songshan Hospital again.

The little boy in the sixth ward, at least in Jiang Shan's opinion, was obviously stronger than the female patient in the fourth ward.

why?Is it because the little boy's "obsession" is deeper than that of the female patient?
Similar to a kind of spiritual power, because the little boy's obsession is deeper, so he will be stronger?

Jiang Shan seemed to have found a way to solve the problem, and his heart brightened.

And the resentment of this "daughter" is obviously very deep, and almost every sentence in these words is complaining about her dissatisfaction with her father.

In reality, due to their status, few daughters can directly resist their father, but now it is different, a spiritual body full of resentment can launch crazily revenge.

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Shan wanted to sigh inwardly.

But before she started to sympathize, her daughter's endless chatter in the headset suddenly stopped.

A noisy person suddenly stopped outputting, it could only be because... Jiang Shan raised his head slowly, and saw a thin human figure "staring" at her faintly opposite.

Jiang Shan couldn't laugh, surprise?

She clearly saw that this shadow was five or six rows of bookshelves away from her just now, how did she get there in the blink of an eye?

Then this is not hide and seek, this is, cheating.

The facial features of this small human figure are also so detailed and realistic, such as eyebrows, eyes, high nose bridge, and small lip grooves.

Like drawn in ink.

Zizizi.A voice came from the headset, "Ice, zi zi ice cream zi zi..."

Jiang Shan has almost confirmed that this kind of human-shaped shadow can't really transmit and speak like a human.

So it can only use tools to "talk" to people through this special channel.

"Why didn't you zizizizi melt?" A bit stiff, but confused electronic mixing.

Melting like ice cream.

The wisdom of this daughter's shadow seems to be inferior to that of her father.

Jiang Shan seemed to have a flash of thought at that moment, but he didn't seem to have anything specific.

run?Or not to run?

"Complete expulsion." These four words came from the headset, and Jiang Shan ran away.

From just now to now, has Daughter Shadow been obsessed with completely expelling everyone, and the way she completely expelled, think of Gao Wenwu who was thrown and concussed.

This is killing people.

Jiang Shan is confident that her speed has reached a very high speed, but just as she took two steps, some force suddenly wrapped around her ankle, and in the next second, she saw herself flying off the ground.

Jiang Shan watched the row of bookshelves getting closer and closer to her. The whole process took only two seconds, and her face was already in close contact with a hard object.

Jiang Shan now felt the concussion feeling himself, and even his eyes circled Venus, and his vision began to blur in front of his eyes.

But the force wrapped around that foot did not loosen, and the next second, Jiang Shan felt himself being lifted up high again.

Then it flew out in the opposite direction, and she felt like she even drew an arc in the air.

The other side of Jiang Shan's face hit the bookshelf, and there was a sweet smell of blood in his mouth.

Ever since he came down from the mountain, Jiang Shan has never met such a hard stubble again.

Then, as expected, she was thrown up again, what a parabola with human flesh.But this time Jiang Shan couldn't let herself be slaughtered anymore, she turned around quickly while she was in the air, trying to touch the "black thread" wrapped around her foot.

But it failed. Obviously, she couldn't be so flexible in such a short period of time.

This time, it was her back that hit the bookshelf.

Crash, clatter, the books are horrible, and some of them have been cracked.

Books that should have been carefully guarded.

There are no rules in the eyes of a child, the only rule is what she wants to do, and whatever is the rule.

She wanted to play tricks, want to vent her resentment unscrupulously.

Whatever is in front of you will suffer.

"I admit, your father is really incompetent."

As a father, he failed terribly.

As a person who was born without a father, Jiang Shan said these words without blinking his eyes.Not everyone deserves to be called dad.

Parents are such a sacred title, but many people who get it are not holy, even selfish, vicious, and animal.

Those children in the orphanage were all abandoned by such beasts.

The smell of blood in Jiang Shan's mouth became heavier and heavier. She tried several times, and finally grabbed the black thread.

This black silk is different from the arm of the human-shaped shadow (father), the touch in the hand is very light, as light as nothing.

Even so, Jiang Shan still bowed his body with all his strength and pulled desperately. The black silk seemed to be resilient, and Jiang Shan tried to stand up through it.

Can't be thrown around like a broken kite all the time.

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!" The laughter never stopped when Jiang Shan was thrown around, as if he was really happy to treat Jiang Shan as a toy.

And what Jiang Shan said didn't get any reaction.

What she is facing now is a shadow with strong resentment but low intelligence.

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