
Chapter 89 The Little White Boat

Chapter 89 The Little White Boat

In the library with deep tunnels, time and space give people a sense of endless confusion. As the three of them continued to move, Zhao Ying noticed sharply that the light on the headset had finally stopped blinking.

Zhao Ying quickly motioned to her two teammates, and pointed to the headset communicator.

The three of them tried to flip the switch, and the light on the communicator went out, successfully turning off the microphone.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of finally daring to take a breath. "This kind of shadow can interfere with the signal, but it seems to be very targeted." Now the three of them are no longer targeted, and the buffs have been stacked on Jiang Shan's side.

Gao Wenwu couldn't help but said: "Can Jiang Shan really get rid of that shadow, what if he is caught up?"

Zhao Ying said: "We can only trust Jiang Shan now."

Just like Jiang Shan also believed them.

Now it was up to the three of them to find the basement.

After Zhao Ying clarified some theories about the world in the watch world, Zhang Zheng, who loves watching movies the most, lost his temper.

It's one thing to love watching movies, and no one expects what's in the movie to become reality.

"That's why those 'shadow people' we can't see," Gao Wenwu took a breath and said slowly, "Jiang Shan thinks they are human beings who have been completely eroded."

This is really a bold idea, bold enough to subvert all their current research on the phenomenon of "erosion".

So no matter Zhao Ying or Gao Wenwu, it is difficult for them to accept it all at once.Even if there are thousands of guesses, they dare not really come out.

"We have never seen those who are completely eroded." Zhao Ying said slowly. In other words, it is almost impossible for them to have the opportunity to see such a scene. A living person is slowly reduced to ashes before their eyes. Just imagining it can overwhelm the bottom line of most people.

Therefore, in Songshan Hospital, each ward is required to be strictly divided and managed independently, and even the same medical staff are not allowed to know about other wards.It is to protect medical staff.

"So those people who were completely fact, they didn't really disappear, they all became this, shadows?" Zhang Zheng felt his teeth grow cold.

Gao Wenwu may have the best psychological quality among the three. He has seen real corpses everywhere. "We thought those people disappeared, maybe it's just because our eyes 'can't see'."

A creature that exists in another form.Similar to Quantum Rose.

Zhao Ying's eyes flickered, "If those people really haven't disappeared, but in other ways..."

When the news spread, it was foreseeable that many people would go crazy.

Those who have lost family members.

What kind of turmoil and riots will it cause.

Therefore, this is also the reason why this idea is too subversive.Without sufficient evidence and theoretical support, even they will not accept it easily.

Zhang Zheng suddenly said: "But that shadow, he said he found a way to save his daughter, so it might mean that he found a way to fight against erosion?"

It was really an open mind, and the pattern changed immediately.

So the basement, more must go.

"If he really found a way, how could he become like this?" Gao Wenwu said in a deep voice, and he indicated the direction in which he fled in a hurry.None of the father and daughter "survived" now.

Zhang Zheng scratched his head: "Maybe, it's because we didn't have time? Who cares, anyway, we have no other way now, just trust that girl."

Zhao Ying took out the map to study again, "Jiang Shan said that she would find a way to find clues, and let us know when she found it."

Jiang Shan not only distracted their irascible daughter for them, she wanted to find the librarian, the shadow father.

After being strongly suppressed by his daughter, where is the humanoid shadow father in what state?Jiang Shan's guess is that as long as the father's shadow can still move, he should not let his daughter come out to kill.

So "Dad" may not be optimistic right now.

Jiang Shan, who was now hanging on a swing in the air, gradually regained control of his body by pulling on the black silk thread.I really didn't expect that after climbing the window and climbing the bookcase, now I just climbed a black silk thread like a spider.

"Rong Rong Rong Zi Zi... melts."

If you want to play, I will play with you, "I can't do what you want baby."

Jiang Shan crawled forward quickly, and the daughter's facial features, which seemed to be drawn in ink, appeared clearly in front of Jiang Shan again.

"First of all, people don't melt like ice cream."

Jiang Shan swung his fist and smashed it. According to common sense, people will reflexively hide for a while. If he hides, Jiang Shan can just take the opportunity to escape.

But the daughter's shadow didn't move, as if she couldn't turn her head, and when she found out that her "toy" couldn't be thrown out, she was a little stunned and couldn't react.

Jiang Shan's punch directly hit the face painted in ink.

That face didn't even turn to one side, and Jiang Shan seemed to hang down to an air with resistance, as if there was a slightly distorted magnetic field between her fist and her daughter's face.

"It's bad, it's bad, it's bad..."

Jiang Shan found that her attack was not much better than hitting cotton, so she hurriedly pulled the black silk thread on her ankle, but found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pull it off, and she kept pulling. She saw the silk thread at the other end, as if it was It grew out of the palm of my daughter's hand.

to suffer.

A sharp voice sounded in the ears almost instantly: "The bad guys will be punished! Retribution!"

Jiang Shan didn't have time to hide when he saw his daughter slamming headfirst into his arms... There seemed to be the sound of bones breaking in his chest. Jiang Shan opened his mouth this time and spit out the smell of blood.

This intimate hug is really unbearable.

Jiang Shan raised his foot and bumped his knee, which still seemed to hit the resistance air, that kind of stagnation feeling that there was nothing but great resistance.

At that moment, she tried her best to think of countermeasures. This daughter was not a boy like a child in terms of stature, at least she was an adolescent girl, which was the most rebellious and difficult stage.

This time it's a rebellious adolescent girl.

Seeing that the shadow on the chest raised her head, her hands were still tightly wrapped around Jiang Shan's body, and then her head hit Jiang Shan's chest again.

Within a few strokes, Jiang Shan knew that he might really be dead.

The radio in his neck suddenly started, "Zizi, little white boat...Little white boat, blue sky, little white boat..."

What?Jiang Shan saw the thin shadow on his chest froze suddenly.

"Zizi White Rabbit is here, playing..." The little shadow seemed to be stunned again, feeling like it was stuck and crashed.

"The sky is blue and blue, and the Milky Way is buzzing." The tune of the radio became more and more unreliable, and I couldn't hum a few words, and in the end it was out of tune.

And as the radio went out of tune, the daughter's shadow began to move slowly again.

etc?This is a nursery rhyme?Jiang Shan still barely recognized the familiar rhythm and tone in the displacement of the sternum, little white boat?
The thin shadow in front of him stared at Jiang Shan again, accompanied by a cold and evil voice: "Expel, bad guy."

Forced by the situation, Jiang Shan had no time to think about it, so he opened his voice and began to sing: "In the blue sky and the Milky Way, there is a little white boat~
There is an osmanthus tree on the boat, and the white rabbit is playing~
The oars are invisible, and there are no sails on board

Floating, floating~~"

Thank goodness she knew the song all too well.Compared with the radio, Jiang Shan's singing is fluent and beautiful.

 It may be because I write slowly, so everyone feels that the progress of the plot is also slow. This book is still a seedling with less than 20 words, and many settings have not been spread out, so I am afraid that I may not be able to explain clearly. Surprisingly, Baozi who likes to watch at one go can be raised for a while, and it is more delicious to slaughter after fattening.

(End of this chapter)

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